
Langue: en

Version: 334211 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


nvidia-smi - NVIDIA System Management Interface program


nvidia-smi [options]

Options: [-h, --help] [-x, --xml-format]
[-f filename, --filename=filename]
[-l, --loop-continuously] [-i sec, --interval=sec]
[-t unit-number, --toggle-led=unit-number]
[-a, --all-gpus ] [-d, --discrete-gpus ]
[-L, --list-gpus ] [-g gpu-id, --gpu=gpu-id]
[-c ruleset, --compute-mode-rules=ruleset]
[-s, --show-compute-mode-rules ] [-e, --ecc-config=config]
[-r, --report-ecc-config ] [-q, --query-gpu-info]
[-p, --reset-persistent-ecc-error-counts]
[-v, --reset-volatile-ecc-error-counts]
[-P level, --set-power-limit=level]
[-F filename, --fault-log=filename]


The NVIDIA System Management Interface (nvidia-smi) program provides system state and diagnostic information for the NVIDIA Tesla Visual Computing Systems. It provides these data in either plain text or XML format, printed to stdout or optionally written to a user specified file.


-h, --help
Print usage information and exit.
-x, --xml-format
Produce XML output. Unless an output file is specified using the -f option, all data are output to stdout.
-f filename
Log to the named file filename, rather than to stdout.
-l, --loop-continuously
Probe continuously, outputting to stdout unless an output file is specified using the -f option. If an output file is specified, it is updated on each loop iteration.
-i sec
Probe once every sec seconds when probing continuously. The default and minimum interval is 1 second.
-t unit-number
Toggle the LED state (ON -> OFF or OFF -> ON) for unit unit-number. The unit number of an NVIDIA Tesla Visual Computing System can be found in the log file. Each NVIDIA Tesla Visual Computing System unit attached to a given system has a unique unit number within that system.
-a, --all-gpus
Include discrete GPUs when listings and consider them for GPU specific options if no GPU is specified using the -g option. Discrete GPUs are GPUs not installed in QuadroPlex and/or Tesla computing systems.
-d, --discrete-gpus
Include only discrete GPUs in listings and consider them exclusively for GPU specific options if no GPU is specified using the -g option.
-L, --list-gpus
Print a list of installed GPUs and exit. By default, discrete GPUs are not listed. This behavior can be changed with the -a and -d options.
-g gpu-id
Specify the GPU to be targeted when specifying GPU specific options, such as --show-compute-mode-rules. The appropriate gpu-id identifier can be obtained using the -L option.
-q, --query-gpu-info
Print information about a given GPU or set of GPUs, including the product name, PCI ID, temperature, and ECC error counts. No information about any Visial Computing Systems attached to the host is listed. Unless the -g option is used to select a specific GPU, information for a set of GPUs is reported. By default, this set only includes GPUs installed in QuadroPlex and/or Tesla Visual Computing Systems. The -a and -d options can be used to change the set.
-c ruleset
Set the compute mode rules to ruleset for the GPU specified using the -g option.

ruleset may be one of the following:
      0 - Normal mode
      1 - COMPUTE exclusive mode (only one COMPUTE context is allowed to run on the GPU)
      2 - COMPUTE prohibited mode (no COMPUTE contexts are allowed to run on the GPU)

-s, --show-compute-mode-rules
Display the current compute mode ruleset for the GPU specified using the -g option. If no GPU is chosen with the -g option, the rules for all GPUs are shown.
-e config
Set the ECC configuration to config for the GPU specified using the -g option. Changes take effect with the next system boot. The -q option reports ECC error statistics if ECC is supported and enabled.

config may be one of the following:
      0 - Disabled
      1 - Enabled (ECC will be used for video memory and some engines)

-r, --report-ecc-config
Report both the current and future (after reboot) ECC configurations for the GPU specified using the -g option. If no GPU is chosen with the -g option, the configuration for all GPUs is reported.
-p, --reset-persistent-ecc-error-counts
Reset persistent ECC error count. If no GPU is chosen with the -g option, the counts for all GPUs are reset.
-v, --reset-volatile-ecc-error-counts
Reset volatile ECC error count. If no GPU is chosen with the -g option, the counts for all GPUs are reset.
-P level
Set the input power consumption limit, that the system is not allowed to exceed, to equal level in Watts.
Set the length of time, in latency 100s of milliseconds, that the system must stay below the low power limit threshold before a power-up event occurs.
Set the length of time, in latency 100s of milliseconds, that the system must stay above the high power limit threshold before a power-down event occurs.
-F filename
Read fault records, log them to the file named filename and clear the fault records.


Probe once and log all relevant data to stdout.
nvidia-smi -l
Probe continuously and log to stdout.
nvidia-smi -x -f newfile
Probe once and log to the file newfile in XML format.
nvidia-smi -g 0 -s
Report the current COMPUTE ruleset for GPU 0.


Mayank Kaushik
NVIDIA Corporation Copyright © 2010 NVIDIA Corporation.