
Langue: en

Version: 1.0 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


beaglefs - mount a filesystem representing a beagle query


beaglefs query mountpoint [options]


beaglefs (it would be tomfs but Joey hates the name Tom) implements a filesystem representing a live Beagle query. The filesystem represents query hit results as symlinks to the hit targets.

In addition, beaglefs provides the following features:

* Live updating
The filesystem is updated on-the-fly as hits come and go.
* Extended Attributes
Beagle hit metadata is exported as extended attributes in the system.B eagle.* namespace.
* Constant time operations
The backing data structure is a hash table, providing O(1) best-case complexity for many operations.


general options:

-o opt,[opt...]
mount options
-h --help
print help
-V --version
print version

FUSE options:

-d -o debug
enable debug output (implies -f)
foreground operation
disable multi-threaded operation
-o allow_other
allow access to other users
-o allow_root
allow access to root
-o nonempty
allow mounts over non-empty file/dir
-o default_permissions enable permission checking by kernel
-o fsname=NAME
set filesystem name
-o large_read
issue large read requests (2.4 only)
-o max_read=N
set maximum size of read requests
-o hard_remove
immediate removal (don't hide files)
-o use_ino
let filesystem set inode numbers
-o readdir_ino
try to fill in d_ino in readdir
-o direct_io
use direct I/O
-o kernel_cache
cache files in kernel
-o umask=M
set file permissions (octal)
-o uid=N
set file owner
-o gid=N
set file group
-o entry_timeout=T
cache timeout for names (1.0s)
-o negative_timeout=T
cache timeout for deleted names (0.0s)
-o attr_timeout=T
cache timeout for attributes (1.0s)


To mount a beagle query (search the string "Joey Shaw") :

$ beaglefs "Joey Shaw" /home/rlove/joey

Then you can play a little bit :

$ ls -la /home/rlove/joey
$ getfattr -m "." -h -d /home/rlove/joey/joeys_cat.jpg
$ stat /home/rlove/joey/joeys_cat.jpg
$ stat -f /home/rlove/joey

To unmount a previsously mounted point :

$ fusermount -u /home/rlove/joey

Alternatively, you can use /etc/fstab to declare a mountpoint: #sample line to be added to /etc/fstab:
beaglefs#Joey /home/fpiat/Wissant fuse user 0 0


Currently, the query is defined at mount time.

Supported file operations: readdir, readlink, getxattr, listxattr, stat, and statfs.


This manpage was originally written by Franklin PIAT <> for the Debian distribution of beaglefs.

The main author of beaglefs is Robert Love <>.


fusermount(1), beagle-query(1)