
Langue: en

Version: 112285 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


mbxcvt - copy or move messages to a new mailbox, converting mailbox format


mbxcvt source format destination


mbxcvt transfers messages from the named source mailbox to a new mailbox named destination in the specified format.

mbxcvt requires that the source mailbox exists and that the destination mailbox not exist. The destination mailbox will be created automatically.

Supported mailbox formats are defined when the software is built. Contact your system manager for more information on the supported mailbox formats on your system.

The mailbox name argument is a standard c-client mailbox name. A variety of mailbox name formats and types of mailboxes are supported by c-client; examples of the most common forms of names are:

primary incoming mail folder on the local system
mail folder named "tx-project" in "archive" subdirectory of local filesystem home directory
mail folder named "tx-project" in "archive" subdirectory on IMAP server system "imapserver.foo.com"
newsgroup "comp.mail.misc" on local filesystem. This is only useful as a source mailbox.
newsgroup "comp.mail.misc" on NNTP server system "newserver.foo.com" This is only useful as a source mailbox.
mail folder on POP3 server system "popserver.foo.com". This is only useful as a source mailbox.

See your system manager for more information about the types of mailboxes which are available on your system.


You must surround a {host}mailbox form mailbox name with quotation marks if you run mbxcvt from csh(1) or another shell for which braces have special meaning.


Mark Crispin, MRC@CAC.Washington.EDU


chkmail (1)
imapcopy (1)
mbxcopy (1)