
Langue: en

Version: 2010-08-18 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Config::Model::AutoRead - Load configuration node on demand


version 1.205


   # top level config file name matches instance name
    name => 'OneAutoReadConfigClass',
    read_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file' , config_dir => '/etc/cfg_dir'},
                      { backend => 'custom' , 
                        class => 'ProcessRead' ,
                        config_dir => '/etc/foo', # optional
                        file  => 'foo.conf',      # optional
                        auto_create => 1,         # optional
    # if omitted, write_config will be written using read_config specifications
    # write_config can be array of hash ref to write several syntaxes
    write_config => { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/cfg_dir' } ,
    element => ...
   ) ;
   # config data will be written in /etc/my_config_dir/foo.cds
   # according to the instance name
   my $instance = $model->instance(instance_name => 'foo') ;


This class provides a way to specify how to load or store configuration data within the model (instead of writing dedicated perl code).

With these specifications, all the configuration information is read during creation of a node.

This load/store can be done with different "backend":

Config dump string (cds) in a file. I.e. a string that describes the content of a configuration tree is loaded from or saved in a text file. See Config::Model::Dumper.
Ini files (written with Config::Tiny. See limitations in ``Limitations depending on storage''.
Perl data structure (perl) in a file. See Config::Model::DumpAsData for details on the data structure.
Any format when the user provides a dedicated class and function to read and load the configuration tree.
Data can be loaded or stored using RedHat's Augeas library. See Config::Model::Backend::Augeas for details.

After loading the data, the object registers itself to the instance. Then the user can call the "write_back" method on the instance (See Config::Model::Instance) to store all configuration information back.

Built-in backend

"cds_file", "ini_file" and "perl_file" backend must be specified with mandatory "config_dir" parameter. For instance:
    read_config  => { backend    => 'cds_file' , 
                      config_dir => '/etc/cfg_dir',
                      file       => 'cfg_file.cds', #optional

If "file" is not specified, a file name will be constructed with "<config_class_name>.<suffix>" where suffix is "pl" or "ini" or "cds".

Plugin backend classes

A plugin backend class can also be specified with:
   read_config  => [ { backend    => 'foo' , 
                       config_dir => '/etc/cfg_dir'
                       file       => 'foo.conf', # optional

In this case, this class will try to load "Config::Model::Backend::Foo". (The class name is constructed with "ucfirst($backend_name)")

"read_config" can also have custom parameters that will passed verbatim to "Config::Model::Backend::Foo" methods:

   read_config  => [ { backend    => 'foo' , 
                       config_dir => '/etc/cfg_dir',
                       my_param   => 'my_value',

This "Config::Model::Backend::Foo" class is expected to provide the following methods:

with parameters:
  node => ref_to_config_model_node

"new()" must return the newly created object

with parameters:
  %custom_parameters,      # model data
  root => $root_dir,       # mostly used for tests
  config_dir => $read_dir, # path below root
  file_path => $full_name, # full file name (root+path+file)
  io_handle => $io_file    # IO::File object

Must return 1 if the read was successful, 0 otherwise.

Following the "my_param" example above, %custom_parameters will contain " ( 'my_param' , 'my_value' ) ", so "read()" will also be called with "root", "config_dir", "file_path", "io_handle" and "my_param => 'my_value'".

with parameters:
  %$write,                     # model data
  auto_create => $auto_create, # from model
  backend     => $backend,     # backend name
  config_dir  => $write_dir,   # override from instance
  io_handle   => $fh,          # IO::File object
  write       => 1,            # always
  root        => $root_dir,

Must return 1 if the write was successful, 0 otherwise

Custom backend

Custom backend must be specified with a class name that will features the methods used to write and read the configuration files:
   read_config  => [ { backend => 'custom' , 
                       class => 'MyRead',
                       config_dir => '/etc/foo', # optional
                       file => 'foo.conf',       # optional
                     } ]

"custom" backend parameters are:

Specify the class that contain the read method
Specify configuration directory. This parameter is optional as the directory can be hardcoded in the custom class.
optional. This parameter may not apply if the configuration is stored in several files. By default, the instance name is used as configuration file name.
Function name that will be called back to read the file. See ``read callback'' for details. (default is "read")
By default, an exception is thrown if no read was successfull. This behavior can be overridden by specifying "auto_create => 1" in one of the backend specification. For instance:
     read_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' } , 
                       { backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar' ,
                         auto_create => 1

This feature is necessary to create a configuration from scratch

When set in write backend, missing directory and files will be created with current umask. Default is false.

Write specification is similar to read_specification. Except that the default value for "function" is "write". Here's an example:

    write_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' } , 
                       { backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar' ,
                         function => 'my_write',

Limitations depending on storage

Some storage system will limit the structure of the model you can map to the file.

Ini files limitation

Structure of the Config::Model must be very simple. Either:
A single class with hash of leaves elements.
2 levels of classes. The top level has nodes elements. All other classes have only leaf elements.

Configuration class with auto read or auto write

read specification

A configuration class will be declared with optional "read_config" parameter:
   read_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' } , 
                     { backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar' },

The read backends will be tried in the specified order:

First the cds file whose name depend on the parameters used in model creation and instance creation: "<model_config_dir>/<instance_name>.cds" The syntax of the "cds" file is described in Config::Model::Dumper.
A callback to "Bar::read". See "``read callback'' for details.

When a read operation is successful, the remaining read methods will be skipped.

write specification

A configuration class will be declared with optional "write_config" parameters (along with "read_config" parameter):
   write_config => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/',
                       auto_create => 1, },
                     { backend => 'custom', class => 'NewFormat' } ],

By default, the specifications are tried in order, until the first succeeds.

When required by the user, all configuration information is written back using all the write specifications. See ``write_back ( ... )'' in Config::Model::Instance for details.

The write class declared witn "custom" backend must provide a call-back. See ``write callback'' for details.

read write directory

By default, configurations files are read from the directory specified by "config_dir" parameter specified in the model. You may override the "root" directory for test.

read callback

Read callback function will be called with these parameters:
   object     => $obj,         # Config::Model::Node object 
   root       => './my_test',  # fake root directory, userd for tests
   config_dir => /etc/foo',    # absolute path 
   file       => 'foo.conf',   # file name
   file_path  => './my_test/etc/foo/foo.conf' 
   io_handle  => $io           # IO::File object

The IO::File object is undef if the file cannot be read.

The callback must return 0 on failure and 1 on succesfull read.

write callback

Write callback function will be called with these parameters:
   object      => $obj,         # Config::Model::Node object 
   root        => './my_test',  # fake root directory, userd for tests
   config_dir  => /etc/foo',    # absolute path 
   file        => 'foo.conf',   # file name
   file_path  => './my_test/etc/foo/foo.conf' 
   io_handle   => $io           # IO::File object opened in write mode
   auto_create => 1             # create dir as needed

The IO::File object is undef if the file cannot be written to.

The callback must return 0 on failure and 1 on succesfull write.


When both "config_dir" and "file" are specified, this class will write-open the configuration file (and thus clobber it) before calling the "write" call-back and pass the file handle with "io_handle" parameter. "write" should use this handle to write data in the target configuration file.

If this behavior causes problem (e.g. with augeas backend), the solution is to:

Skip either "file" or "config_dir" parameter in the "write_config" specification.
Create a "skip_open" function in your backend class that returns 1


In the example below, only a "cds" file is written. But, both custom format and "cds" file are tried for read. This is also an example of a graceful migration from a customized format to a "cds" format.
   read_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' } , 
                     { backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar' },
   write_config => [{ backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' }],

You can choose also to read and write only customized files:

   read_config  => [{ backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar'}],

Or to read and write only cds files :

   read_config  => [{ backend => 'cds_file'}] ,

You can also specify more parameters that must be passed to your custom class:

   read_config  => [{ backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar', 
                     config_dir => '/etc/foo'}],

To migrate from an old format to a new format:

   read_config  => [ { backend => 'custom',
                       class => 'OldFormat',
                       function => 'old_read'
                     } ,
                     { backend => 'custom',
                       class => 'NewFormat',
                       function => 'new_read'
   write_config => [ { backend => 'custom',
                       class => 'NewFormat'

If "write_config" is missing, the data provided by "read_config" will be used. For instance:

   read_config  => [ { backend => 'custom',
                       class => 'Bar',
                       config_dir => '/etc/foo'
                   } ],

In this case, configuration data will be read by "Bar::read" in directory "/etc/foo" and will be written back there by "Bar::write".


Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)


Config::Model, Config::Model::Instance, Config::Model::Node, Config::Model::Dumper, Config::Augeas