
Langue: en

Version: 11/05/2010 (MeeGo - 06/11/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


libtimed-voland - communication from time daemon (timed) to reminder dispatcher (voland)


The time daemon defines the D-Bus interface to be used between it and the reminder dispatcher service. It includes the D-Bus names the reminder dispatcher has to use and the data structure to be transmitted. Beside of that an additional interface is defined, which has to be implemented by the reminder dispatcher to enable the automated testing.


 #include <timed-voland/reminder>
 class Maemo::Timed::Voland::Reminder;
 #include <timed-voland/interface>
 QDBusConnection Maemo::Timed::Voland::bus() ;
 const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::service() ;
 const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::inteface() ;
 const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::objpath() ;
 class Maemo::Timed::Voland::AbstractAdaptor ;
 #include <timed-voland/ta_interface>
 const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::ta_inteface() ;
 const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::ta_objpath() ;
 class Maemo::Timed::Voland::TaAbstractAdaptor ;


class Maemo::Timed::Voland::Reminder ;

is a read only structure describing the reminder dialog to be dispatched and lauched by voland(8).
Member functions:
unsigned cookie() - gets the cookie value identifying timed event
QString attr(const QString & key) - gets the event attribute for the given key.
const QMap<QString,QString> & attributes() - returns a reference to the mapping containing all the attributes of the event. The reference is only valid until the Reminder object is destoyed. If it has to be used after that, the content of the mapping has to be copied.
unsigned buttonAmount() - returns the amount of buttons supplied by the client application for the reminder dialog. The return value can be zero as well.
bool suppressTimeoutSnooze() - indicates if the client application has requested not to snooze the notification after one minute, which usually will be done.
bool hideSnoozeButton1() - indicates if the client application has requested not to show the default platform wide snoozing button.
bool hideCancelButton2() - the same regarding the cancel button.
bool isMissed() - indicates if the event was triggered 1 or more minute after the scheduled time
QString buttonAttr(int x, const QString & key) - gets attribute for the x-th button, where x is a positive integer: the buttons are counted from 1 (not from zero).

QDBusConnection Maemo::Timed::Voland::bus() ;

defines the connection to the D-Bus daemon to be used for communication. Currently it's QDBusConnection::sessionBus().

const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::service() ;

defines the D-Bus service name (well known name) for the reminder dispatcher service. Currently it's

const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::inteface() ;

defines the D-Bus interface name of the reminder dispatcher service implementing the reminder service method calls needed by the time daemon. Currently it's

const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::objpath() ;

defines the D-Bus object path for the object implementing the reminder service method calls needed by the time daemon. Currently it's /com/nokia/voland.

class Maemo::Timed::Voland::AbstractAdaptor ;

is a pure virtual class derived from QDBusAbstractInterface defininig D-Bus method calls to be implemented in the reminder dispatcher.
Member functions:
virtual bool open(const Maemo::Timed::Voland::Reminder & data) - requests the reminder dispatcher to open a dialog described by data. Returns true, if the dialog can be dispatched, false otherwise. Even if the dialog with the same cookie id is already being dispatched, this method returns true.
virtual bool close(uint cookie) - requests the reminder notification to cancel a dialog identified by the cookie. Returns true if successfull or there is no dialog with given cookie.

const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::ta_inteface() ;

defines the D-Bus interface name of the reminder dispatcher service implementing the reminder service method calls needed by the time daemon. Currently it's

const char * Maemo::Timed::Voland::ta_objpath() ;

defines the D-Bus object path for the object implementing the reminder service method calls needed by the time daemon. Currently it's /com/nokia/voland_ta.

class Maemo::Timed::Voland::TaAbstractAdaptor ;

is a pure virtual class derived from QDBusAbstractInterface defininig D-Bus method calls to be implemented in the reminder dispatcher to enable the automated testing.
Member functions:
virtual int pid() - returns a PID of the reminder service
virtual bool answer(uint cookie, int button) - emulates a human user selecting the given button in the reminder dialog for the timed event with given cookie. Returns true if the parameters are valid and the action is performed, false otherwise.
virtual uint top() - returns the timed cookie of the topmost opened reminder dialog, or invalid cookie (zero) if there is no opened dialog.
virtual void quit() - ask the notification service to terminate.


Due to limitations of the Qt macro processor moc(1) the value returned by the Maemo::Timed::Voland::inteface() has to be harcoded in the Q_CLASSINFO directive in class implementating the Maemo::Timed::Voland::AbstractAdaptor interface (the same is true for ta_interface). Example:

     Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "") ;


timed(8), libtimed(3), voland(8)


This page is part of timed, the Maemo time daemon.