
Langue: en

Version: 301892 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 5 (Format de fichier)


cluster.conf - configuration file for cman, fence, dlm, gfs, rgmanager


The cluster.conf file is located in the /etc/cluster directory. It is the source of information used by cman, fence, dlm, gfs and rgmanager. It's accessed indirectly through libccs (see ccs(7)). This file contains all the information needed for the cluster to operate, such as what nodes are in the cluster and how to I/O fence those nodes.

This man page describes the generic contents of the cluster.conf file. For other information see man pages for cman(5), fenced(8) and dlm_controld(8).

cluster.conf is an XML file. It has one top-level cluster section containing everything else. The cluster section has two mandatory attributes: name and config_version. name can be up to 16 characters long and specifies the name of the cluster. It is important that this name is unique from other clusters the user might set up. config_version is a number used to identify the revision level of the cluster.conf file. Given this information, your cluster.conf file might look something like:

  <cluster name="alpha" config_version="1">


The set of nodes that make up the cluster are defined under the clusternodes section. A clusternode section defines each node. A clusternode has two mandatory attributes: name and nodeid

The name should correspond to the hostname (the fully qualified name is generally not necessary) on the network interface to be used for cluster communication. Nodeid's must be greater than zero and unique.

  <cluster name="alpha" config_version="1">
                  <clusternode name="node-01" nodeid="1">

                  <clusternode name="node-02" nodeid="2">

                  <clusternode name="node-03" nodeid="3">

The next step in completing cluster.conf is adding fencing information; see fenced(8).


ccs(7), ccs_tool(8), ccsd(8), cman(5), fenced(8), dlm_controld(8)