
Langue: en

Version: $Date$ (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 5 (Format de fichier)


calendar_conf - Sun Grid Engine calendar configuration file format


calendar_conf reflects the format of the Sun Grid Engine calendar configuration. The definition of calendars is used to specify "on duty" and "off duty" time periods for Sun Grid Engine queues on a time of day, day of week or day of year basis. Various calendars can be implemented and the appropriate calendar definition for a certain class of jobs can be attached to a queue.

calendar_conf entries can be added, modified and displayed with the -Acal, -acal, -Mcal, -mcal, -scal and -scall options to or with the calendar configuration dialog of the graphical user interface

Note, Sun Grid Engine allows backslashes (\) be used to escape newline (\newline) characters. The backslash and the newline are replaced with a space (" ") character before any interpretation.



The name of the calendar to be used when attaching it to queues or when administering the calendar definition. See calendar_name in for a precise definition of valid calendar names.


The queue status definition on a day of the year basis. This field generally will specify on which days of a year (and optionally at which times on those days) a queue, to which the calendar is attached, will change to a certain state. The syntax of the year field is defined as follows:
     { NONE
     | year_day_range_list=daytime_range_list[=state]
     | year_day_range_list=[daytime_range_list=]state
     | state}


NONE means, no definition is made on the year basis
if a definition is made on the year basis, at least one of year_day_range_list, daytime_range_list and state always have to be present,
all day long is assumed if daytime_range_list is omitted,
switching the queue to "off" (i.e. disabling it) is assumed if state is omitted,
the queue is assumed to be enabled for days neither referenced implicitly (by omitting the year_day_range_list) nor explicitly

and the syntactical components are defined as follows:

   year_day_range_list := {yearday-yearday|yearday},...
   daytime_range_list :=  hour[:minute][:second]-
   state :=     {on|off|suspended}
   year_day :=  month_day.month.year
   month_day := {1|2|...|31}
   month :=     {jan|feb|...|dec|1|2|...|12}
   year :=      {1970|1971|...|2037}


The queue status definition on a day of the week basis. This field generally will specify on which days of a week (and optionally at which times on those days) a queue, to which the calendar is attached, will change to a certain state. The syntax of the week field is defined as follows:
     { NONE 
     | week_day_range_list[=daytime_range_list][=state]
     | [week_day_range_list=]daytime_range_list[=state]
     | [week_day_range_list=][daytime_range_list=]state} ...


NONE means, no definition is made on the week basis
if a definition is made on the week basis, at least one of week_day_range_list, daytime_range_list and state always have to be present,
every day in the week is assumed if week_day_range_list is omitted,
syntax and semantics of daytime_range_list and state are identical to the definition given for the year field above,
the queue is assumed to be enabled for days neither referenced implicitly (by omitting the week_day_range_list) nor explicitly

and where week_day_range_list is defined as

   week_day_range_list := {weekday-weekday|weekday},...
   week_day :=  {mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun}

with week_day ranges the week_day identifiers must be different.


Successive entries to the year and week fields (separated by blanks) are combined in compliance with the following rule:
"off"-areas are overridden by overlapping "on"- and "suspended"-areas and "suspended"-areas are overridden by "on"-areas.

Hence an entry of the form

   week  12-18 tue=13-17=on

means that queues referencing the corresponding calendar are disabled the entire week from 12.00-18.00 with the exception of Tuesday between 13.00-17.00 where the queues are available.

Area overriding occurs only within a year/week basis. If a year entry exists for a day then only the year calendar is taken into account and no area overriding is done with a possibly conflicting week area.
the second time specification in a daytime_range_list may be before the first one and treated as expected. Thus an entry of the form
   year  12.03.2004=12-11=off 

causes the queue(s) be disabled 12.03.2004 from 00:00:00 - 10:59:59 and 12:00:00 - 23:59:59.


(The following examples are contained in the directory $SGE_ROOT/util/resources/calendars).
Night, weekend and public holiday calendar:

On public holidays "night" queues are explicitly enabled. On working days queues are disabled between 6.00 and 20.00. Saturday and Sunday are implicitly handled as enabled times:

   calendar_name  night
   year           1.1.1999,6.1.1999,28.3.1999,30.3.1999-
   week           mon-fri=6-20
Day calendar:

On public holidays "day"-queues are disabled. On working days such queues are closed during the night between 20.00 and 6.00, i.e. the queues are also closed on Monday from 0.00 to 6.00 and on Friday from 20.00 to 24.00. On Saturday and Sunday the queues are disabled.

   calendar_name  day
   year           1.1.1999,6.1.1999,28.3.1999,30.3.1999-
   week           mon-fri=20-6 sat-sun
Night, weekend and public holiday calendar with suspension:

Essentially the same scenario as the first example but queues are suspended instead of switching them "off".

   calendar_name  night_s
   year           1.1.1999,6.1.1999,28.3.1999,30.3.1999-
   week           mon-fri=6-20=suspended
Day calendar with suspension:

Essentially the same scenario as the second example but queues are suspended instead of switching them "off".

   calendar_name  day_s
   year           1.1.1999,6.1.1999,28.3.1999,30.3.1999-
   week           mon-fri=20-6=suspended sat-sun=suspended
Weekend calendar with suspension, ignoring public holidays:

Settings are only done on the week basis, no settings on the year basis (keyword "NONE").

   calendar_name  weekend_s
   year           NONE
   week           sat-sun=suspended


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