
Langue: en

Version: $Date$ (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 5 (Format de fichier)


SGE_resource_quota - Sun Grid Engine resource quota file format


Resource quota sets (rqs) are a flexible way to set a maximum resource consumption for any job requests. They are used by the scheduler to select the next possible jobs for running. The job request distinction is done by a set of user, project, cluster queue, host and pe filter criteria.

By using the resource quota sets administrators are allowed to define a fine granular resource quota configuration. This helps restricting some job requests to a lesser resource usage and granting other job requests a higher resource usage.

Note: Jobs requesting an Advance Reservation (AR) are not honored by Resource Quotas and are neither subject of the resulting limit, nor are debited in the usage consumption.

A list of currently configured rqs can be displayed via the -srqsl option. The contents of each listed rqs definition can be shown via the -srqs switch. The output follows the SGE_resource_quota format description. New rqs can be created and existing can be modified via the -arqs, -mrqs and -drqs options to

A resource quota set defines a maximum resource quota for a particular job request. All of the configured rule sets apply all of the time. This means that if multiple resource quota sets are defined, the most restrictive set is used.

Every resource quota set consist of one or more resource quota rules. These rules are evaluated in order, and the first rule that matches a specific request will be used. A resource quota set always results in at most one effective resource quota rule for a specific request.

Note, Sun Grid Engine allows backslashes (\) be used to escape newline (\newline) characters. The backslash and the newline are replaced with a space (" ") character before any interpretation.


A resource quota set definition contains the following parameters:


The resource quota set name.


If set to true the resource quota set is active and will be considered for scheduling decisions. The default value is false.


This description field is optional and can be set to arbitrary string. The default value is NONE.


Every resource quota set needs at least one resource quota rule definition started by the limit field. It's possible to define more resource quota rules divided by a new line. A resource quota rule consists of an optional name, the filters for a specific job request and the resource quota limit.

By default, the expressed limit counts for the entire filter scope. To express a filter-scope-specific limit, it's possible to define an expanded list by setting the list between '{' '}'. It's only possible to set one complete filter in an expanded list. The tags for expressing a resource quota rule are:

The name of the rule. The use is optional. The rule name must be unique in one resource quota set.
Contains a comma separated list of UNIX users or ACLs (see This parameter filters for jobs by a user in the list or one of the ACLs in the list. Any user not in the list will not be considered for the resource quota rule. The default value is '*', which means any user. An ACL is differentiated from a UNIX user name by prefixing the ACL name with an '@' sign. To exclude a user or ACL from the rule, the name can be prefixed with the '!' sign. Defined UNIX user or ACL names need not be known in the Sun Grid Engine configuration.
Contains a comma separated list of projects (see This parameter filters for jobs requesting a project in the list. Any project not in the list will not be considered for the resource quota rule. If no project filter is specified, all projects and jobs with no requested project match the rule. The value '*' means all jobs with requested projects. To exclude a project from the rule, the name can be prefixed with the '!' sign. The value '!*' means only jobs with no project requested.
Contains a comma separated list of PEs (see This parameter filters for jobs requesting a pe in the list. Any PE not in the list will not be considered for the resource quota rule. If no pe filter is specified, all pe and jobs with no requested pe matches the rule. The value '*' means all jobs with requested pe. To exclude a pe from the rule, the name can be prefixed with the '!' sign. The value '!*' means only jobs with no pe requested.
Contains a comma separated list of cluster queues (see This parameter filters for jobs that may be scheduled in a queue in the list. Any queue not in the list will not be considered for the resource quota rule. The default value is '*', which means any queue. To exclude a queue from the rule, the name can be prefixed with the '!' sign.
Contains a comma separated list of host or hostgroups (see and This parameter filters for jobs that may be scheduled in a host in the list or a host contained in a hostgroup in the list. Any host not in the list will not be considered for the resource quota rule. The default value is '*', which means any hosts. To exclude a host or hostgroup from the rule, the name can be prefixed with the '!' sign.
This mandatory field defines the quota for resource attributes for this rule. The quota is expressed by one or more limit definitions separated by commas. The configuration allows two kind of limits definitions
static limits
Static limits sets static values as quotas. Each limits consists of a complex attribute followed by an "=" sign and the value specification compliant with the complex attribute type (see
dynamic limits
A dynamic limit is a simple algebraic expression used to derive the limit value. To be dynamic, the formula can reference a complex attribute whose value is used for the calculation of the resulting limit. The formula expression syntax is that of a sum of weighted complex values, that is:

The weighting factors (w1, ...) are positive integers or floating point numbers in double precision. The complex values (complex1, ...) are specified by the name defined as type INT or DOUBLE in the complex list (see
Note: Dynamic limits can only configured for a host-specific rule.


The following is the simplest form of a resource quota set. It restricts all users together to the maximal use of 100 slots in the whole cluster.
    name         max_u_slots
    description  "All users max use of 100 slots"
    enabled      true
    limit        to slots=100

The next example restricts user1 and user2 to 6g virtual_free and all other users to the maximal use of 4g virtual_free on every host in hostgroup lx_hosts.

    name         max_virtual_free_on_lx_hosts
    description  "resource quota for virtual_free restriction"
    enabled      true
    limit        users {user1,user2} hosts {@lx_host} to virtual_free=6g
    limit        users {*} hosts {@lx_host} to virtual_free=4g

The next example shows the use of a dynamic limit. It restricts all users together to a maximum use of the double size of num_proc.

    name         max_slots_on_every_host
    enabled      true
    limit        hosts {*} to slots=$num_proc*2


See for a full statement of rights and permissions.