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Version: 174196 (fedora - 06/07/09)

Section: 5 (Format de fichier)


~/.config/terminator/config - the config file for Terminator terminal emulator.


This manual page documents briefly the Terminator config file.

terminator/config is an optional file to configure the terminator terminal emulator. It is used to control options not in gnome-terminal gconf profiles, or override gconf settings.


Normally the config file will be ~/.config/terminator/config, but it may be overridden with $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (in which case it will be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/terminator/config)


This is what a Terminator config file should look like:

  # This is a comment
  font = Fixed 10
  background_color = #000000
  foreground_color = "#FFFFFF" #Another comment. Quotes can be used for any value
  scrollback_lines = '500' #More comment. Single quotes are valid too
  cursor_blink = True
  custom_command = "echo \"foo#bar\"" #Final comment - this will work as expected.
  full_screen = <Ctrl><Shift>F11


These are the options Terminator currently supports:
allow_bold (boolean)
If true, allow applications in the terminal to make text boldface. Default value: True
enable_real_transparency (boolean)
If true, Terminator will try to use real transparency if possible. Default value: False
NOTE: To enable transparency you should also see the background_type and background_darkness settings below.
silent_bell (boolean)
If true, don't make a noise when applications send the escape sequence for the terminal bell. Flash the terminal instead. Default value: True
force_no_bell (boolean)
If true, don't make a noise or flash. All terminal bells will be ignored. Default value: False
If true, ignore the configured colours and use values from the theme instead. Default value: False
Default colour of terminal background, as a colour specification (can be HTML-style hex digits, or a colour name such as "red"). Note: You may need to set use_theme_colors=False to force this setting to take effect. Default value: #000000
A value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating how much to darken the background image. 0.0 means no darkness, 1.0 means fully dark. If the terminal is set to transparent, this setting controls how transparent it is. 0.0 means fully transparent, 1.0 means fully opaque. Default value: 0.5
Type of terminal background. May be "solid" for a solid colour, "image" for an image, or "transparent" for full transparency in compositing window managers, otherwise pseudo transparency. Default value: solid
Path to an image file to be used for the background of terminals. Default value: Nothing
Sets what code the backspace key generates. Possible values are "ascii-del" for the ASCII DEL character, "control-h" for Control-H (AKA the ASCII BS character), "escape-sequence" for the escape sequence typically bound to backspace or delete. "ascii-del" is normally considered the correct setting for the Backspace key. Default value: ascii-del
Sets what code the delete key generates. Possible values are "ascii-del" for the ASCII DEL character, "control-h" for Control-H (AKA the ASCII BS character), "escape-sequence" for the escape sequence typically bound to backspace or delete. "escape-sequence" is normally considered the correct setting for the Delete key. Default value: escape-sequence
cursor_blink (boolean)
Controls if the cursor blinks. Default value: True
Sets what type of terminal should be emulated. Default value: xterm
An Pango font name. Examples are "Sans 12" or "Monospace Bold 14". Default value: Mono 8
Default colour of text in the terminal, as a colour specification (can be HTML-style hex digits, or a colour name such as "red"). Note: You may need to set use_theme_colors=False to force this setting to take effect. Default value: #AAAAAA
Where to put the terminal scrollbar. Possibilities are "left", "right", and "disabled". Default value: right
If true, a titlebar will be drawn for each terminal which shows the current title of that terminal. Default value: True
If true, a tooltip will be available for each terminal which shows the current title of that terminal. Default value: False
scroll_background (boolean)
If true, scroll the background image with the foreground text; if false, keep the image in a fixed position and scroll the text above it. Default value: True
scroll_on_keystroke (boolean)
If true, pressing a key jumps the scrollbar to the bottom. Default value: True
scroll_on_output (boolean)
If true, whenever there's new output the terminal will scroll to the bottom. Default value: True
Number of scrollback lines to keep around. You can scroll back in the terminal by this number of lines; lines that don't fit in the scrollback are discarded. Be careful with this setting; it's the primary factor in determining how much memory the terminal will use. Default value: 500
Sets what type of mouse events should determine terminal focus. Can be "sloppy" or "click". "mouse" is also interpreted as "sloppy". Default value: click
Sets which terminal should get the focus when another terminal is closed. Values can be "prev", "next" or "auto". Using "auto", if the closed terminal is within a splitted window, the focus will be on the sibling terminal rather than another tab. Default value: auto
Possible values are "close" to close the terminal, and "restart" to restart the command. Default value: close
Terminals have a 16-colour palette that applications inside the terminal can use. This is that palette, in the form of a colon-separated list of colour names. Colour names should be in hex format e.g. "#FF00FF". Default value: #000000000000:#CDCD00000000:#0000CDCD0000:#CDCDCDCD0000:#30BF30BFA38E:#A53C212FA53C:#0000CDCDCDCD:#FAFAEBEBD7D7:#404040404040:#FFFF00000000:#0000FFFF0000:#FFFFFFFF0000:#00000000FFFF:#FFFF0000FFFF:#0000FFFFFFFF:#FFFFFFFFFFFF
When selecting text by word, sequences of these characters are considered single words. Ranges can be given as "A-Z". Literal hyphen (not expressing a range) should be the first character given. Default value: -A-Za-z0-9,./?%&#:_
mouse_autohide (boolean)
Controls whether the mouse cursor should be hidden while typing. Default value: True
use_custom_command (boolean)
If True, the value of custom_command will be used instead of the default shell. Default value: False
Command to execute instead of the default shell, if use_custom_command is set to True. Default value: Nothing
URL of an HTTP proxy to use, e.g. http://proxy.lan:3128/ Default value: Nothing
Character set to use for the terminal. Default value: UTF-8
fullscreen (boolean)
Controls whether the Terminator window will be started in fullscreen mode Default value: False
maximise (boolean)
Controls whether the Terminator window will be started maximised Default value: False
borderless (boolean)
Controls whether the Terminator window will be started without window borders Default value: False
Controls the width of the separator between terminals. Anything outside the range 0-5 (inclusive) will be ignored and use your default theme value. Default value: -1
f11_modifier (boolean)
DEPRECATED. This option will disappear by 1.0. See [keybindings] instead. If this is set to True, the fullscreen keyboard shortcut changes from F11 (like many GNOME apps) to Ctrl-Shift-F11 (useful if you use terminal applications which expect to receive F11. Default value: False
cycle_term_tab (boolean)
If this is set to True, when switching to the next/previous term, Terminator will cycle within the same tab. Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown can then be used to move from one tab to the other one. Default value: True
close_button_on_tab (boolean)
If set to True, tabs will have a close button on them. Default value: True
Defines where tabs are placed. Can be any of: top, left, right, bottom. Default value: top
extreme_tabs (boolean)
If set to True, tabs can be created within other tabs. Be warned that this can be very confusing and hard to use. Default value: False
copy_on_selection (boolean)
If set to True, text selections will be automatically copied to the clipboard, in addition to being made the Primary selection. Default value: False
try_posix_regexp (boolean)
If set to True, URL matching regexps will try to use POSIX style first, and fall back on GNU style on failure. If you are on Linux but URL matches don't work, try setting this to True. If you are not on Linux, but you get VTE warnings on startup saying "Error compiling regular expression", set this to False to silence them (they are otherwise harmless). Default value: False on Linux, True otherwise.


The following actions can have their keyboard shortcut configured in the config file in a section labelled [keybindings]:
Make font one unit larger. Default value: <Ctrl>plus
Make font one unit smaller. Default value: <Ctrl>minus
Return font to pre-configured size. Default value: <Ctrl>0
Open a new tab. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>T
Open a new tab at the root of the window (only useful if you use the extreme_tabs option). Default value: <Ctrl><Shift><Alt>T
Move cursor focus to the next tab. Default values: <Ctrl><Shift>N and <Ctrl>Tab
Move cursor focus to the previous tab. Default values: <Ctrl><Shift>P and <Ctrl><Shift>Tab
Move cursor focus to the terminal above. Default value: <Alt>Up
Move cursor focus to the terminal below. Default value: <Alt>Down
Move cursor focus to the terminal to the left. Default value: <Alt>Left
Move cursor focus to the terminal to the right. Default value: <Alt>Right
Split the current terminal horizontally. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>O
Split the current terminal vertically. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>E
Close the current terminal. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>W
Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>C
Paste the current contents of the clipboard. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>V
Show/Hide the scrollbar. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>S
Search for text in the terminal scrollback history. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>F
Quit Terminator. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>Q
Move the parent dragbar upwards. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>Up
Move the parent dragbar downwards. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>Down
Move the parent dragbar left. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>Left
Move the parent dragbar right. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>Right
Swap the current tab with the one to its right. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>Page_Down
Swap the current tab with the one to its left. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>Page_Up
Zoom/Unzoom the current terminal to fill the window. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>X
Zoom/Unzoom the current terminal to fill the window, and scale its font. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>Z
Move to the next tab. Default value: <Ctrl>Page_Down
Move to the previous tab. Default value: <Ctrl>Page_Up
Toggle the window to a fullscreen window. Default value: F11
Reset the terminal state. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>R
Reset the terminal state and clear the terminal window. Default value: <Ctrl><Shift>G

