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Version: 57193 (mandriva - 22/10/07)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


bincimap-up - Authentication stub for Binc IMAP


bincimap-up [ options... ] -- <authenticator> bincimapd [mailboxpath]


For more information about Binc IMAP, see the bincimapd man pages.

To configure this stub, use either command line arguments, config file entries, or a combination of both. A subset of the config file options is available as command line options.

Note that command line arguments always override config file options.


-a, --allow-plain
If set, allows plain text authentication in an unencrypted (SSL/TLS) IMAP session.
Server will sleep for <n> seconds if the client issues a username/password pair that fails to authenticate.
-t, --auth-timeout=<n>
When the server is in unauthenticated mode, and does not detect any client activity, it will wait <n> seconds before closing (t/o) the connection. <n> can not be less than 30 seconds.
-f, --ca-file=<file>
A file with one or more certificate authority certificates. It is used to help the client verify the SSL certificate.
-P, --ca-path=<path>
A path used by the underlying SSL support to search for files with certificate authorities.
-l, --cipher-list=<ciphers>
Sets the list of available SSL ciphers.
-c, --conf=<file>
Location of bincimap.conf file.
-C, --create-inbox
If set, server will create the default mailbox INBOX on first login if it does not exist.
-C, --depot=[Maildir++|IMAPdir]
Sets whether to use a Maildir++ or an IMAPdir depot. Default is Maildir++.
-d, --disable-starttls
Do not advertise the STARTTLS capability. Use this when running Binc IMAP in plain text over an already SSL encrypted tunnel. Default: no.
-h, -?, --help
Displays basic usage.
-I, --ip-variable=<var>
For logging, suggests an environment variable that contains the remote host IP address.
-i, --idle-timeout=<n>
When the server is in authenticated mode, and does not detect any client activity, it will wait <n> seconds before closing (t/o) the connection. <n> can not be less than 1800 seconds.
-J, --jail-path=<path>
Which path bincimap-up should chroot to after starting bincimapd.
-K, --jail-user=<userid>
Which user bincimap-up should become after starting bincimapd.
-j, --jail-group=<groupid>
Which user bincimap-up should become after starting bincimapd.
-L, --logtype=[syslog|multilog]
Which method Binc IMAP should use to log. syslog means to connect to syslog. multilog means to log to stderr(2). Typically used together with the multilog utility. For xinetd, use syslog. For daemontools/supervise, use multilog. Default: syslog.
-m, --mailbox-path=<path>
Path to mailbox relative from user's home area. Typically Maildir for Maildir mailboxes, or the empty string "" if the home area is equivalent to the Maildir directory.
-M, --mailbox-type=<type>
Which type of mailbox should the server use? Currently only supports Maildir.
-p, --pem-file=<file>
The path to the SSL certificate file, in PEM format.
-s, --ssl
If set, Binc will go straight into SSL server mode. If this option is not passed, Binc will still advertise STARTTLS, allowing clients to switch to SSL on need. Use --ssl if running Binc on port 993.
-S, --subscribe-mailboxes=<mailboxes>
If present, server will automatically subscribe client to the given list of mailboxes on first login. Mailbox list is given as a comma separated list with the mailbox' full path, for example INBOX,INBOX.Sent-Mail,INBOX.Trash
-b, --transfer-buffersize=<n>
The server will buffer up to <n> bytes of data before sending it off to the client. A lower value will give smoother response from the server, but is a bad idea for clients with a big RTT (for example dial-ins). A high value gives better throughput, but a more bulky transfer.
-T, --transfer-timeout=<n>
The server writes data to the client in bulks. Each bulk gets <n> seconds to complete before the server times out.
-u, --umask=<umask>
Server will use this umask throughout session. Defaults to user's default umask.
-V, --verify-peer
If set, server will attempt to verify peer certificate.
-v, --version
Shows Binc IMAP version.
Marks the end of options to bincimap-up. After this comes the checkpassword compatible authenticator.
(trailing arguments)
Binc IMAP's authenticator. The first argument is invoked as an authenticator subprocess of Binc, with the rest of the arguments passed as the authenticator's local arguments.


The following example shows how to invoke Binc IMAP using multilog, with an example /opt location for the conf file and using checkpassword as the authenticator. Notice that both the authentication stub and the authenticated daemon must both have command line arguments, and that the authenticator comes after '--'.

Also notice that after bincimapd comes the mailbox path. This is already set in bincimap.conf, so it's not necessary here, but shown only for the sake of demonstration.

 /opt/bincimap/bin/bincimap-up                        \
      --conf=/opt/bincimap/etc/bincimap.conf          \
      --                                              \
      /bin/checkpassword                              \
      /opt/bincimap/bin/bincimapd Maildir

You will typically invoke bincimapd from either xinetd or supervise.


All Binc IMAP's configuration files use the same Binc::Storage format. It's basically a sequence of named sections enclosed in {braces}, each containing a set of comma separated key=value pairs. The keys must be alphanumeric, and the values can contain any character if it's quoted.

.I bincimap.conf
Global configurations file. All entries in this file can be overrun with command line arguments.
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Andreas Aardal Hanssen

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.


Please report any bugs to the Binc IMAP mailing list. Before posting your bug, check out the Binc IMAP official home page for a list of mailing list archives to browse.
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Andreas Aardal Hanssen <>


multilog(8) supervise(8) tcpserver(1) bincimapd(1) bincimap.conf(5) xinetd(8) xinetd.conf(5)

Note: The first three man pages are available for download from