
Langue: en

Version: 10 Sep 2002 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


chicken - A Scheme-to-C compiler


chicken pathname [ option ... ]


Chicken is a compiler for the programming language Scheme supporting most of the features as described in the Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme .


Stop compilation after first analysis pass.

-benchmark-mode Equivalent to -optimize-level 3 -fixnum-arithmetic -disable-interrupts -lambda-lift -block -no-lambda-info

Enable block-compilation. When this option is specified, the compiler assumes that global variables are not modified outside this compilation-unit.
Enables the reader to read symbols case-insensitive. The default is to read case-sensitive (in violation of R5RS). This option registers the case-insensitive feature identifier.
Search for references to undefined global variables.
Aborts compilation process after macro-expansion and syntax checks.
-database-size number
Specifies the initial size of the analysis-database. Should only be used if extremely large files are to be compiled.
-debug modes
Enables one or more debugging modes. See the User's Manual for more information.
-debug-level level
Selects amount of debug-information. level should be an integer.

    0 -no-trace -no-lambda-info
    1 -no-trace
    2 nothing.

Disable basic syntax checking of embedded C code fragments.
Disable expansion of compiler macros.
Equivalent to -prelude (declare (interrupts-disabled))
Disables detection of stack-overflows.
-disable-warning class
Disables specific class of warnings, may be given multiple times.
This option should be used when compiling files intended to be loaded dynamically into a running Scheme program.
-epilogue filename
Includes the file named filename at the end of the compiled source file. The include-path is not searched. This option may be given multiple times.
Emit additional information for each lambda expression (currently the argument-list, after alpha-conversion/renaming).
-emit-exports filename
Write exported toplevel variables to file filename
Emit prototypes for callbacks defined with define-external before any other foreign declarations. This is sometimes useful, when C/C++ code embedded into the a Scheme program has to access the callbacks. By default the prototypes are emitted after foreign declarations.
Disables automatic use of the units library and eval instead of an application unit.
-extend filename
Loads a Scheme file before compilation commences. This feature can be used to extend the compiler.
Mostly equivalent to -prelude '°fine-extension NAME)' where NAME is the basename of the currently compiled file. Note that if you want to compile a file as a normal (dynamically loadable) extension library, you should also pass the -shared option.
-feature symbol
Registers symbol to be a valid feature identifier for cond-expand
Equivalent to -prelude (declare (fixnum))
-heap-size number
Sets the static heap-size of the generated executable to number bytes. The parameter may be followed by a M or K suffix which stand for mega- and kilobytes, respectively. The default heap-size is 16 megabytes.
-heap-initial-size number
Sets the size that the heap of the compiled application should have at startup time.
-heap-growth percentage
Sets the heap-growth rate for the compiled program at compile time.
-heap-shrinkage percentage
Sets the heap-shrinkage rate for the compiled program at compile time.
Print a summary of available options and the format of the command-line parameters and exit the compiler.
-import pathname
Read exports from linked or loaded libraries from given file. Implies -check-imports
-include-path pathname
Specifies an additional search path for files included via the include special form. This option may be given multiple times. If the environment variable CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH is set, it should contain a list of alternative include pathnames separated by ; .
Enables procedure inlining.
Sets the maximum size of potentially inlinable procedures.
Do not remove macro definitions with the same name as assigned toplevel variables (the default is to remove the macro definition).
Enables alternative keyword syntax, where style may be either prefix (as in Common Lisp), suffix (as in DSSSL) or none Any other value is ignored. The default is exttt{suffix}.
Enable the optimization known as lambda-lifting.
Disable generation of tracing information. If a compiled executable should halt due to a runtime error, then a file containing a stack-trace will be written to the current directory under the name STACKTRACE With this option given, the generated code is slightly faster.
Disable generation of compiler warnings.
-nursery number
-stack-size number
Sets the size of the first heap-generation of the generated executable to number bytes. The parameter may be followed by a M or K suffix. The default stack-size depends on the target platform.
Enable leaf routine optimization.
-optimize-level level
Enables certain sets of optimization options. level should be an integer. Each optimization level corresponds to a certain set of optimization option as shown in the following list:

    0 nothing
    1 -optimize-leaf-routines
    2 -optimize-leaf-routines -usual-integrations
    3 -optimize-leaf-routines -usual-integrations -unsafe

-output-file filename
Specifies the pathname of the generated C file. Default is FILENAME.c .
-postlude expressions
Add expressions after all other toplevel expressions in the compiled file. This option may be given multiple times. Processing of this option takes place after processing of -epilogue .
-prelude expressions
Add expressions before all other toplevel expressions in the compiled file. This option may be given multiple times. Processing of this option takes place before processing of -prologue .
-accumulate-profile Instruments the source code to count procedure calls and execution times. After the program terminates (either via an explicit exit or implicitly), profiling statistics are written to a file named PROFILE.<PID> where <PID> is the process ID of the program being profiled. Each line of the generated file contains a list with the procedure name, the number of calls and the time spent executing it. Use the chicken-profile program to display the profiling information in a more user-friendly form.
-profile-name filename
Specifies the name of the generated profile information file. Only useful in combination with the -profile or -accumulate-profile options.
-prologue filename
Includes the file named filename at the start of the compiled source file. The include-path is not searched. This option may be given multiple times.
Disables output of compile information.
Print release number and exit.
-require-extension name
Loads the syntax-extension name before the source program is processed. This is identical to adding require-extension NAME at the start of the compiled program.
Makes low-level macros (defined with define-macro also available at run-time. By default low-level macros are not available at run-time. Note that highlevel-macros ("syntax-case")
 defined in compiled code are never available at run-time.
Write compiled code to standard output instead of creating a .c file.
-unit name
Compile this file as a library unit.
Disable runtime safety checks.
Marks the generated file for being linked with the unsafe runtime system. This should be used when generating shared object files that are to be loaded dynamically. If the marker is present, any attempt to load code compiled with this option will signal an error.
-uses name
Use definitions in the given library unit.
Specifies that standard procedures and certain internal procedures are never redefined, and can be inlined. This is equivalent to declaring (usual-integrations) .
Prints progress information to standard output during compilation.
Prints the version and some copyright information and exit the compiler.


Is used as a prefix directory for support files, include-files and libraries.
Contains one or more pathnames where the compiler should additionally look for include-files, separated by ; characters.
Holds a string of default compiler options that should apply to every invocation of chicken .


More information can be found in the Chicken User's Manual


Felix L. Winkelmann and The Chicken Team.


csc(1) chicken-bug(1)