
Langue: en

Version: 34937 (fedora - 16/08/07)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


ebb - extract a bounding box from JPEG, PNG, and PDF files


ebb [ -v | -b ] graphic_file


ebb extracts the bounding box from JPEG, PNG, and PDF files (with lower- or uppercase extensions) and writes it into a file with the extension .bb, together with some header information. These files can then be used by dvipdfm or other programs.


-v : be verbose
-b : Write .bb file in binary mode


I cannot find a difference between binary and standard .bb files.


ebb was written by Mark A. Wicks.

This manual page was written by Frank K�ster <frank@kuesterei.ch>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It may be used and modified by others without contacting the author. Any mistakes or omissions in the manual page are my fault; inquiries about or corrections to this manual page should be directed to me (and not to the primary author).