
Langue: en

Version: 264003 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


hat-observe - observe all arguments and results for a Haskell function


hat-observe prog[.hat]


hat-observe is an interactive tool to observe equations for all applications of top-level functions during the computation of the program prog. Each equation shows the specific arguments given to the function in one call, together with the result of the call. Identical calls are suppressed, and it is possible to suppress calls that are less general than other calls already seen. There are various other options for restricting the equations that are reported, for instance by pattern-matching on certain arguments or results, by suppressing recursive calls, or by restricting to a certain caller.


The following two commands constitute the basic method for using this interactive browser.
pattern query
Show function/constructor applications matching the given pattern. (See QUERY SYNTAX below for details.) Equations are shown in groups (of 10 by default) to avoid too many scrolling past at once.
<RETURN> key
Show the next group of equations for the most recent pattern query (if more are available).

The following other commands are available. They each begin with a colon. A command can be abbreviated to its shortest non-ambiguous prefix.

Exit the interactive tool.
:help [cmd]
Shows help text giving an overview of the commands available, or if a command name cmd is given, shows more detailed help about that command. Also :help query shows the detailed syntax of observation queries.
:info [module]
Function identifiers are listed for the named module, or if no module is named, then for all modules, sorted alphabetically, with occurrence counts. A blue count indicates completed calls, a red count indicates uncompleted calls (unevaluated call counts are not shown).
:Info [module]
As for :info, except it lists data constructors rather than functions.
:set [flag]
With no argument, shows all current mode settings. Given an argument, it changes that mode and reports the new setting. The flag argument is one of:
uneval [on|off]
show unevaluated expressions in full (default off)
strSugar [on|off]
sugar character strings (default on)
listSugar [on|off]
sugar lists (default on)
recursive [on|off]
show recursive calls (default on)
qualified [on|off]
show all identifiers qualified (default off)
equations [on|off]
show rhs of equations (default on)
show all equations or only unique (default unique)
group n
number of equations listed per page (default 10)
cutoff n
cut-off depth for deeply nested exprs (default 10)
Short-cut to increase the cutoff depth by <n> (default 1)
Short-cut to decrease the cutoff depth by <n> (default 1)
:source n
Shows (in a separate window) the source code for the application usage of the numbered equation.
:Source n
Shows (in a separate window) the source code for the function definition of the numbered equation.
:detect n
Start the hat-detect browser in a new window, beginning with the numbered equation.
:trail n
Start the hat-trail browser in a new window, beginning with the numbered equation.
:observe [query]
With no argument, a new interactive hat-observe window is started for the same traced program. Given a query argument, the new window starts with an immediate search for the expression pattern before giving an interactive prompt.
After resizing a window, use this command to inform the tool to detect the change in size, so that pretty-printing can fit the screen.


A simple function identifier finds all applications of that function.
     e.g. myfn

To restrict the number of equations, follow the function name with argument or result patterns.
     e.g. myfn ((:) 1 ((:) 2 _))
          myfn "Hello World!" (1:(2:_)) = [1,_]

Another way of refining the search is to ask for calls only from a specific enclosing function.
     e.g. myfn _ (Con 2 _) (1 `Con` 3) in myOtherFn

The full query syntax is:

ident [pattern]* ['=' pattern]? ['in' ident]?

    pattern = '_'                             
            | num
            | ''' char '''
            | '"' string '"'
            | '[' pattern [',' pattern]* ']'
            | Con
            | '(' Con [pattern]* ')'

The pattern alternatives correspond (respectively) to a wildcard, a number, a character, a string, a literal list, a nullary constructor, and a constructor application.

Additionally, infix functions/constructors may take the normal Haskell infix syntax.




hmake(1), hat-trans(1), hat-stack(1), hat-detect(1), hat-trail(1)