
Langue: en

Version: 57804 (mandriva - 22/10/07)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


lzmadec - small and fast LZMA decoder


lzmadec [--help] [everything else is ignored]


lzmadec is a small and fast decoder for LZMA compressed files. It is intended to work as a drop-in replacement for both lzma and lzmash(1) in situations where available disk space is limited, only decoder is needed and the data can be decompressed from the standard input to the standard output. This has been achieved by simply ignoring all command line arguments except --help.


lzmadec returns 0 on success and 1 on error. Checking the exit status is the only way to detect errors because lzmadec never prints any messages except when --help is specified.


You can replace lzma and lzmash executables with lzmadec for example in this kind of situations:
lzma d -si -so < myfile.lzma > myfile
lzmash -d < myfile.lzma > myfile || echo Error
lzmash -d < myfile.lzma | less
tar xf myfile.tar.lzma --use=lzmash myfile1.bin myfile2.txt
tar xYf myfile.tar.lzma (Requires tar patched to support LZMA.)


LZMAdec (lzmadec) is part of the LZMA utils written originally for the Tukaani Linux by Lasse Collin <lasse.collin@tukaani.org>. http://tukaani.org/lzma/

The actual decoding is done by the code from the LZMA SDK written by Igor Pavlov. http://7-zip.org/sdk.html


lzma(1), lzmash(1), lzmainfo(1)