
Langue: en

Version: 2007-11-13 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


rpmrestore - restore attributes from rpm database


The rpm database store user, group, time, mode for all files, and offer a command (rpm -V ) to display a summary of the changes between install state (database) and current disk state. Rpmrestore can display detailed changes and can restore install attributes.


rpmrestore [options] [ target ]


    -package package     apply on designed package
    -file filename       apply on designed file
    -rollback logfile    restore attributes from logfile (written by -log)


    -help                brief help message
    -man                 full documentation
    -V, --version        print version
    -verbose             verbose
    -batch               batch mode (ask no questions)
    -n, --dry-run        do not perform any change
    -log logfile         log action in logfile
   -all          apply on all attributes
   -user         apply on user
   -group        apply on group
   -mode         apply on mode
   -time         apply on mtime
   -size         apply on size (just display)
   -md5          apply on md5 (just display)


you should provide a target, to work on

this can be

The program works on designed installed rpm package.
The program works on designed file, which should be a part from a rpm package.
The program works from designed log file, and rollback (revert) the changes.


Print a brief help message and exits.
Print the manual page and exits.
Print the program release and exit.
The program works and print debugging messages.
The program works without interactive questions (the default mode is interactive)
The program just show the changes but not perform any restore
The program write the changes in designed log file. This file can be used for rollback.
The program works on designed installed rpm package.
The program works on designed file, which should be a part from a rpm package.
The program works from designed log file, and rollback (revert) the changes.
If no attribute are specified, the program work on all, as if this flag is set. It is the same as : -user -group -mode -time -size -md5
This is the owner attribute
This is the group attribute
This is the file permissions : read-write-execute for user, group, other
This attribute is the date of last changes on file.
This is the file size attribute. This is a ``read-only'' attribute : it can not be restored by the program.
md5 is a checksum (a kind of fingerprint) : if the file content is changed, the checksum will change too. A difference on this attribute means the file content was changed. This is a ``read-only'' attribute : it can not be restored by the program.


the rpm command to control changes

rpm -V rpm

same effect (just display) but more detailed (display values)

rpmrestore -n -package rpm

interactive change mode, only on time attribute

rpmrestore -time -package rpm

interactive change mode, on all attributes except time attribute

rpmrestore -all -notime -package rpm

batch change mode (DANGEROUS) on mode attribute with log file

rpmrestore -batch -package rpm -log /tmp/log

interactive change of mode attribute on file /etc/motd

rpmrestore -mode -file /etc/motd

interactive rollback from /tmp/log

rpmrestore -rollback /tmp/log

batch rollback user changes from /tmp/log

rpmrestore -batch -user -rollback /tmp/log


the program can read rcfile if some exists. it will load in order




In this file,

# are comments,

and parameters are stored in the following format : parameter = value

example :

verbose = 0

dry-run = 1

batch = 0


you should be superuser to restore attributes, other users can only check changes

on batch mode, we recommend to use log file


(to be filled)


the program should allways exit with code 0


this program uses ``standard'' perl modules (distributed with perl core) : POSIX Digest::MD5 English Getopt::Long Pod::Usage POSIX Digest::MD5 File::stat Data::Dumper


none is known


this program can revert changes on user, group, time, properties, but not on size and md5 : it can only show the differences


rpm(1) for rpm call Copyright (C) 2006 by Eric Gerbier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


Eric Gerbier

you can report any bug or suggest to gerbier@users.sourceforge.net