
Langue: en

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Version: 2009-02-26 (fedora - 05/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::M - (NBS/ISCC M) Dictionary of Color


     Kenneth L. Kelly and Deanne B. Judd.
     "Color: Universal Language and Dictionary of Names",
     National Bureau of Standards,
     Spec. Publ. 440, Dec. 1976, 189 pages.

Color Name Dictionary: (M) Dictionary of Color

Maerz and Paul, Dictionary of Color, 1st ed.

This idiosyncratic dictionary's 3064 names map to 4401 colors, using 223 of the 267 centroids.



         abbey                                   abbey                           #604e97
         absinthe [green]                        absinthegreen                   #8a9a5b
         absinthe yellow                         absintheyellow                  #b9b57d
         acacia                                  acacia                          #eae679
         acacia                                  acacia                          #b9b459
         academy blue                            academyblue                     #367588
         acajou                                  acajou                          #79443b
         acanthe                                 acanthe                         #6c541e
         acier                                   acier                           #8c8767
         ackermann's green                       ackermannsgreen                 #355e3b
         aconite violet                          aconiteviolet                   #86608e
         acorn                                   acorn                           #7e6d5a
         adamia                                  adamia                          #563c5c
         adelaide                                adelaide                        #32174d
         aden                                    aden                            #6aab8e
         admiral                                 admiral                         #291e29
         admiral                                 admiral                         #242124
         adobe                                   adobe                           #826644
         adrianople red                          adrianoplered                   #ab4e52
         adriatic                                adriatic                        #317873
         adust                                   adust                           #ae6938
         aero                                    aero                            #536878
         afghan                                  afghan                          #3e322c
         afghan red                              afghanred                       #be0032
         african                                 african                         #222222
         african brown                           africanbrown                    #3e322c
         afterglow                               afterglow                       #9690ab
         agate                                   agate                           #882d17
         agate                                   agate                           #80461b
         agate grey                              agategrey                       #b9b8b5
         ageratum blue                           ageratumblue                    #aa98a9
         ageratum violet                         ageratumviolet                  #796878
         air blue                                airblue                         #436b95
         airedale                                airedale                        #826644
         airedale                                airedale                        #7e6d5a
         airway                                  airway                          #70a3cc
         akbar                                   akbar                           #56070c
         akbar                                   akbar                           #79443b
         alabaster                               alabaster                       #ecd5c5
         alabaster                               alabaster                       #bfb8a5
         alamo                                   alamo                           #80461b
         alcanna                                 alcanna                         #882d17
         alcazar                                 alcazar                         #722f37
         alcazar                                 alcazar                         #882d17
         alderney                                alderney                        #826644
         alesan                                  alesan                          #977f73
         alesan                                  alesan                          #a67b5b
         alesan                                  alesan                          #958070
         alexandria blue                         alexandriablue                  #00a1c2
         alexandria blue                         alexandriablue                  #0067a5
         alfalfa                                 alfalfa                         #355e3b
         algerian                                algerian                        #6f4e37
         algerian red                            algerianred                     #56070c
         algonquin                               algonquin                       #be6516
         algonquin                               algonquin                       #ae6938
         alhambra                                alhambra                        #3a4b47
         alhambra                                alhambra                        #004b49
         alice blue                              aliceblue                       #91a3b0
         alkermes                                alkermes                        #be0032
         almond                                  almond                          #a67b5b
         almond                                  almond                          #958070
         almond                                  almond                          #c19a6b
         almond                                  almond                          #ae9b82
         almond blossom                          almondblossom                   #f9ccca
         almond blossom                          almondblossom                   #dea5a4
         almond blossom                          almondblossom                   #ead8d7
         almond blossom                          almondblossom                   #c4aead
         almond brown                            almondbrown                     #a67b5b
         almond brown                            almondbrown                     #958070
         almond brown                            almondbrown                     #c19a6b
         almond brown                            almondbrown                     #ae9b82
         almond green                            almondgreen                     #5e716a
         almond [pink]                           almondpink                      #f9ccca
         almond [pink]                           almondpink                      #dea5a4
         almond [pink]                           almondpink                      #ead8d7
         almond [pink]                           almondpink                      #c4aead
         aloes [green]                           aloesgreen                      #8da399
         aloma                                   aloma                           #a67b5b
         aloma                                   aloma                           #c19a6b
         aloma                                   aloma                           #826644
         alpine                                  alpine                          #536878
         alpine green                            alpinegreen                     #3a4b47
         aluminum                                aluminum                        #b9b8b5
         aluminum                                aluminum                        #848482
         amaranth                                amaranth                        #702963
         amaranthine                             amaranthine                     #673147
         amaranth pink                           amaranthpink                    #de6fa1
         amaranth purple                         amaranthpurple                  #78184a
         amarna                                  amarna                          #00543d
         amarna                                  amarna                          #1b4d3e
         amarylis                                amarylis                        #ab4e52
         amarylis                                amarylis                        #905d5d
         amazon                                  amazon                          #3b7861
         amber brown                             amberbrown                      #ae6938
         amberglow                               amberglow                       #ae6938
         amberglow                               amberglow                       #a67b5b
         amber white                             amberwhite                      #f3e5ab
         amber white                             amberwhite                      #c2b280
         amber white                             amberwhite                      #ebe8a4
         amber white                             amberwhite                      #b9b57d
         amber white                             amberwhite                      #dadfb7
         amber [yellow]                          amberyellow                     #f8de7e
         amber [yellow]                          amberyellow                     #c9ae5d
         ambrosia                                ambrosia                        #79443b
         ambulance                               ambulance                       #43302e
         amelie                                  amelie                          #3e322c
         american beauty                         americanbeauty                  #722f37
         american green                          americangreen                   #679267
         american green                          americangreen                   #355e3b
         american green                          americangreen                   #5e716a
         amethyst [violet]                       amethystviolet                  #86608e
         amethyst [violet]                       amethystviolet                  #563c5c
         amethyst [violet]                       amethystviolet                  #796878
         amparo blue                             amparoblue                      #0067a5
         amparo blue                             amparoblue                      #6c79b8
         amparo purple                           amparopurple                    #86608e
         amulet                                  amulet                          #004b49
         anamite                                 anamite                         #8c8767
         anatolia                                anatolia                        #56070c
         anatta                                  anatta                          #d9a6a9
         andorra                                 andorra                         #3e1d1e
         andorra                                 andorra                         #43302e
         andorre                                 andorre                         #679267
         andorre                                 andorre                         #5e716a
         andover green                           andovergreen                    #515744
         andrinople berries                      andrinopleberries               #eaa221
         andrinople berries                      andrinopleberries               #e3a857
         anemone                                 anemone                         #aa8a9e
         angel red                               angelred                        #79443b
         animal rouge                            animalrouge                     #be0032
         animal rouge                            animalrouge                     #bc3f4a
         annapolis                               annapolis                       #555555
         annatto                                 annatto                         #d9a6a9
         annotto                                 annotto                         #d9a6a9
         antelope                                antelope                        #967117
         antimony yellow                         antimonyyellow                  #e3a857
         antique                                 antique                         #967117
         antique                                 antique                         #6c541e
         antique brass                           antiquebrass                    #867e36
         antique brass                           antiquebrass                    #8c8767
         antique bronze                          antiquebronze                   #826644
         antique brown                           antiquebrown                    #6f4e37
         antique drab                            antiquedrab                     #826644
         antique drab                            antiquedrab                     #967117
         antique drab                            antiquedrab                     #6c541e
         antique fuchsia                         antiquefuchsia                  #86608e
         antique fuchsia                         antiquefuchsia                  #915c83
         antique gold                            antiquegold                     #be8a3d
         antique gold                            antiquegold                     #996515
         antique green                           antiquegreen                    #3a4b47
         antique red                             antiquered                      #cb6d51
         antique red                             antiquered                      #9e4732
         antique red                             antiquered                      #b4745e
         antique red                             antiquered                      #79443b
         antique ruby                            antiqueruby                     #841b2d
         antwerp blue                            antwerpblue                     #2e8495
         antwerp blue                            antwerpblue                     #436b95
         antwerp brown                           antwerpbrown                    #483c32
         antwerp red                             antwerpred                      #79443b
         apache                                  apache                          #6f4e37
         aphrodite                               aphrodite                       #66ada4
         appleblossom [pink]                     appleblossompink                #905d5d
         apple-fallow                            applefallow                     #841b2d
         apple-fallow                            applefallow                     #ab4e52
         apple green                             applegreen                      #8a9a5b
         apricot                                 apricot                         #d99058
         apricot yellow                          apricotyellow                   #f8de7e
         apricot yellow                          apricotyellow                   #c9ae5d
         aquagreen                               aquagreen                       #93c592
         aquamarine                              aquamarine                      #66aabc
         aquamarine                              aquamarine                      #91a3b0
         arab [brown]                            arabbrown                       #80461b
         arabesque                               arabesque                       #cb6d51
         arabian brown                           arabianbrown                    #80461b
         arabian brown                           arabianbrown                    #6f4e37
         arabian red                             arabianred                      #56070c
         araby                                   araby                           #b4745e
         araby                                   araby                           #a87c6d
         aragon                                  aragon                          #79443b
         arbutus                                 arbutus                         #ea9399
         arbutus                                 arbutus                         #e4717a
         arbutus                                 arbutus                         #e68fac
         arbutus                                 arbutus                         #de6fa1
         arcadian green                          arcadiangreen                   #93c592
         archel                                  archel                          #a8516e
         archil                                  archil                          #a8516e
         arctic                                  arctic                          #222222
         arctic blue                             arcticblue                      #536878
         ardoise                                 ardoise                         #536878
         ardoise                                 ardoise                         #796878
         argali                                  argali                          #5b504f
         argali                                  argali                          #555555
         argent                                  argent                          #848482
         argentina                               argentina                       #422518
         argus brown                             argusbrown                      #6f4e37
         argyle purple                           argylepurple                    #aa8a9e
         argyle purple                           argylepurple                    #836479
         arizona                                 arizona                         #c19a6b
         armada                                  armada                          #43302e
         armada                                  armada                          #3e322c
         armenian blue                           armenianblue                    #00a1c2
         armenian blue                           armenianblue                    #0067a5
         armenian bole                           armenianbole                    #79443b
         armenian red                            armenianred                     #80461b
         armenian stone                          armenianstone                   #436b95
         army brown                              armybrown                       #a67b5b
         arno blue                               arnoblue                        #367588
         arno blue                               arnoblue                        #004958
         arnotto                                 arnotto                         #d9a6a9
         arona                                   arona                           #36454f
         arrowwood                               arrowwood                       #967117
         arsenate                                arsenate                        #007959
         art brown                               artbrown                        #422518
         artemesia green                         artemesiagreen                  #7d8984
         art gray, art grey                      artgrayartgrey                  #8b8589
         art gray, art grey                      artgrayartgrey                  #848482
         art green                               artgreen                        #8a9a5b
         art green                               artgreen                        #4a5d23
         artichoke green                         artichokegreen                  #8f9779
         artificial vermilion                    artificialvermilion             #915f6d
         artillery                               artillery                       #be0032
         ascot tan                               ascottan                        #635147
         ashes of rose                           ashesofrose                     #915f6d
         ash [grey]                              ashgrey                         #b2beb5
         asmalte                                 asmalte                         #00416a
         asmalte                                 asmalte                         #436b95
         asparagus green                         asparagusgreen                  #dadfb7
         aspen green                             aspengreen                      #5e716a
         asphalt                                 asphalt                         #555555
         asphaltum                               asphaltum                       #483c32
         asphodel green                          asphodelgreen                   #8a9a5b
         aster                                   aster                           #796878
         aster purple                            asterpurple                     #78184a
         athenia                                 athenia                         #905d5d
         atlantic                                atlantic                        #36454f
         atlantis                                atlantis                        #004958
         atlantis                                atlantis                        #36454f
         atmosphere                              atmosphere                      #c2ac99
         atmosphere                              atmosphere                      #ae9b82
         atmosphere                              atmosphere                      #bfb8a5
         atramentous                             atramentous                     #51585e
         attar of roses                          attarofroses                    #b4745e
         attar of roses                          attarofroses                    #a87c6d
         aubergine                               aubergine                       #291e29
         aubergine                               aubergine                       #242124
         auburn                                  auburn                          #6f4e37
         aubusson                                aubusson                        #722f37
         aucuba                                  aucuba                          #867e36
         aureolin                                aureolin                        #fada5e
         aureolin                                aureolin                        #d4af37
         auricula purple                         auriculapurple                  #702963
         auripigmentum                           auripigmentum                   #fada5e
         auripigmentum                           auripigmentum                   #d4af37
         auripigmentum                           auripigmentum                   #f8de7e
         auripigmentum                           auripigmentum                   #c9ae5d
         aurora [orange]                         auroraorange                    #f88379
         aurora [orange]                         auroraorange                    #e66761
         aurora [orange]                         auroraorange                    #cb6d51
         aurora red                              aurorared                       #ab4e52
         aurora red                              aurorared                       #e66761
         aurora red                              aurorared                       #cb6d51
         aurora yellow                           aurorayellow                    #ed872d
         aurora yellow                           aurorayellow                    #d99058
         aurora yellow                           aurorayellow                    #eaa221
         aurora yellow                           aurorayellow                    #e3a857
         aurore                                  aurore                          #dea5a4
         aurum                                   aurum                           #967117
         australian pine                         australianpine                  #355e3b
         auteuil                                 auteuil                         #e3a857
         autumn                                  autumn                          #5b5842
         autumn                                  autumn                          #363527
         autumn blonde                           autumnblonde                    #977f73
         autumn blonde                           autumnblonde                    #6f4e37
         autumn blonde                           autumnblonde                    #958070
         autumn blonde                           autumnblonde                    #635147
         autumn brown                            autumnbrown                     #483c32
         autumn glory                            autumnglory                     #722f37
         autumn glory                            autumnglory                     #9e4732
         autumn green                            autumngreen                     #8a9a5b
         autumn green                            autumngreen                     #4a5d23
         autumn leaf                             autumnleaf                      #be6516
         autumn leaf                             autumnleaf                      #ae6938
         autumn leaf                             autumnleaf                      #80461b
         autumn oak                              autumnoak                       #674c47
         avellaneous                             avellaneous                     #a67b5b
         avellaneous                             avellaneous                     #996515
         avignon berries                         avignonberries                  #eaa221
         avignon berries                         avignonberries                  #e3a857
         azalea                                  azalea                          #905d5d
         aztec                                   aztec                           #996515
         aztec                                   aztec                           #c19a6b
         aztec                                   aztec                           #826644
         aztec maroon                            aztecmaroon                     #915f6d
         azulin                                  azulin                          #536878
         baby blue                               babyblue                        #91a3b0
         baby blue                               babyblue                        #b4bcc0
         baby blue                               babyblue                        #81878b
         baby pink                               babypink                        #f4c2c2
         baby pink                               babypink                        #d9a6a9
         baby rose                               babyrose                        #f88379
         bacchus                                 bacchus                         #a8516e
         bachelor button                         bachelorbutton                  #e4717a
         bagdad                                  bagdad                          #00304e
         bagdad                                  bagdad                          #36454f
         bagdad                                  bagdad                          #202830
         bakst green                             bakstgreen                      #1b4d3e
         balge yellow                            balgeyellow                     #fada5e
         ball lake                               balllake                        #be0032
         ball lake                               balllake                        #bc3f4a
         balsam                                  balsam                          #36454f
         balsam green                            balsamgreen                     #222222
         baltic                                  baltic                          #3a4b47
         baltic                                  baltic                          #004b49
         bambino                                 bambino                         #91a3b0
         bamboo                                  bamboo                          #c19a6b
         bamboo                                  bamboo                          #826644
         banana                                  banana                          #c2b280
         banner                                  banner                          #4c516d
         banshee                                 banshee                         #3a4b47
         barberry                                barberry                        #841b2d
         barberry                                barberry                        #ab4e52
         bark                                    bark                            #3b3121
         barwood                                 barwood                         #ab4e52
         basketball                              basketball                      #9065ca
         bastard saffron                         bastardsaffron                  #be0032
         bat                                     bat                             #555555
         bath stone                              bathstone                       #fad6a5
         battleship grey                         battleshipgrey                  #848482
         bay                                     bay                             #6f4e37
         bayou                                   bayou                           #3a4b47
         beach                                   beach                           #8c8767
         beach                                   beach                           #8a8776
         beach tan                               beachtan                        #635147
         bear                                    bear                            #555555
         bear's hair                             bearshair                       #555555
         bearskin [grey]                         bearskingrey                    #555555
         beaucaire                               beaucaire                       #007791
         beaucaire                               beaucaire                       #367588
         beaver                                  beaver                          #5b504f
         beaverpelt                              beaverpelt                      #57554c
         beech                                   beech                           #5b5842
         beech                                   beech                           #57554c
         beechnut                                beechnut                        #635147
         beef's blood                            beefsblood                      #79443b
         beeswax                                 beeswax                         #826644
         beetle                                  beetle                          #515744
         begonia                                 begonia                         #e4717a
         begonia rose                            begoniarose                     #ab4e52
         beige                                   beige                           #f3e5ab
         beige                                   beige                           #c2b280
         beige soirA~Xe                            beigesoire                      #c19a6b
         belladonna                              belladonna                      #563c5c
         belleek                                 belleek                         #fad6a5
         belleek                                 belleek                         #ae9b82
         belleek                                 belleek                         #c2b280
         belleek                                 belleek                         #bfb8a5
         bellemonte                              bellemonte                      #ab4e52
         bellflower                              bellflower                      #272458
         berlin brown                            berlinbrown                     #905d5d
         berlin brown                            berlinbrown                     #674c47
         berlin red                              berlinred                       #79443b
         bermuda                                 bermuda                         #e4717a
         beryl                                   beryl                           #66aabc
         beryl blue                              berylblue                       #66aabc
         beryl green                             berylgreen                      #66ada4
         biarritz                                biarritz                        #ae9b82
         biarritz                                biarritz                        #967117
         big four yellow, big 4 yellow           bigfouryellowbig4yellow         #f38400
         big four yellow, big 4 yellow           bigfouryellowbig4yellow         #ed872d
         billiard                                billiard                        #1b4d3e
         biscay green                            biscaygreen                     #8a9a5b
         biscuit                                 biscuit                         #a67b5b
         biscuit                                 biscuit                         #958070
         biscuit                                 biscuit                         #c19a6b
         biscuit                                 biscuit                         #ae9b82
         bishop                                  bishop                          #604e81
         bishop's purple                         bishopspurple                   #915c83
         bishop's violet                         bishopsviolet                   #915c83
         biskra                                  biskra                          #483c32
         bismarck                                bismarck                        #79443b
         bismarck brown                          bismarckbrown                   #826644
         bison                                   bison                           #483c32
         bisque                                  bisque                          #fad6a5
         bisque                                  bisque                          #bfb8a5
         bister                                  bister                          #635147
         bister                                  bister                          #7e6d5a
         bistre                                  bistre                          #635147
         bistre                                  bistre                          #7e6d5a
         bistre green                            bistregreen                     #ab9144
         bistre green                            bistregreen                     #a18f60
         bittersweet                             bittersweet                     #aa381e
         bittersweet                             bittersweet                     #9e4732
         bittersweet orange                      bittersweetorange               #be6516
         bittersweet pink                        bittersweetpink                 #f88379
         bitumen                                 bitumen                         #483c32
         bladder green                           bladdergreen                    #867e36
         blaze                                   blaze                           #ab4e52
         blaze                                   blaze                           #9e4732
         bleu de lyons                           bleudelyons                     #00416a
         bleu de lyons                           bleudelyons                     #436b95
         bleu d'orient                           bleudorient                     #0067a5
         bleu louise                             bleulouise                      #317873
         bleu louise                             bleulouise                      #367588
         bleu passA~X                              bleupass                        #91a3b0
         bleu passA~X                              bleupass                        #536878
         bleu passA~X                              bleupass                        #81878b
         blond                                   blond                           #c19a6b
         blond                                   blond                           #a18f60
         blondine                                blondine                        #7e6d5a
         blonket                                 blonket                         #b4bcc0
         blood red                               bloodred                        #bc3f4a
         blood red                               bloodred                        #ab4e52
         blossom                                 blossom                         #dea5a4
         blue ashes                              blueashes                       #436b95
         blue aster                              blueaster                       #436b95
         bluebell                                bluebell                        #436b95
         bluebell                                bluebell                        #00304e
         blue bice                               bluebice                        #436b95
         blue bird, bluebird                     bluebirdbluebird                #436b95
         blue devil                              bluedevil                       #4c516d
         blue fox                                bluefox                         #5c504f
         blue grass                              bluegrass                       #004b49
         blue haze                               bluehaze                        #555555
         bluejay                                 bluejay                         #00416a
         bluejay                                 bluejay                         #00304e
         blue jewel                              bluejewel                       #007791
         blue lavender                           bluelavender                    #8c92ac
         blue lotus                              bluelotus                       #70a3cc
         blue ochre                              blueochre                       #5e716a
         blue ochre                              blueochre                       #536878
         blue orchid                             blueorchid                      #536878
         blue sapphire                           bluesapphire                    #367588
         blue spruce                             bluespruce                      #3b7861
         blue spruce                             bluespruce                      #5e716a
         bluet                                   bluet                           #436b95
         blue turquoise                          blueturquoise                   #66ada4
         blue turquoise                          blueturquoise                   #66aabc
         blue untramarine ash                    blueuntramarineash              #436b95
         blue verditer                           blueverditer                    #436b95
         blunket                                 blunket                         #b4bcc0
         blush                                   blush                           #d9a6a9
         blush                                   blush                           #a67b5b
         blush rose                              blushrose                       #905d5d
         boa                                     boa                             #8a9a5b
         boa                                     boa                             #dadfb7
         boa                                     boa                             #93c592
         bobolink                                bobolink                        #7e6d5a
         bois de rose                            boisderose                      #905d5d
         bokhara                                 bokhara                         #673147
         bole                                    bole                            #79443b
         bole armoniack                          bolearmoniack                   #79443b
         bolus                                   bolus                           #79443b
         bombay                                  bombay                          #80461b
         bombay                                  bombay                          #6f4e37
         bone brown                              bonebrown                       #6c541e
         bone brown                              bonebrown                       #3b3121
         bonfire                                 bonfire                         #bc3f4a
         bonito                                  bonito                          #5b504f
         bonnie blue                             bonnieblue                      #00a1c2
         boreal                                  boreal                          #79443b
         bosphorus                               bosphorus                       #3a4b47
         botticelli                              botticelli                      #702963
         bottle green                            bottlegreen                     #3a4b47
         bottle green                            bottlegreen                     #004b49
         bougainville                            bougainville                    #86608e
         bougainville                            bougainville                    #915c83
         boulevard                               boulevard                       #5b504f
         bouquet green                           bouquetgreen                    #6aab8e
         bourgeon                                bourgeon                        #8a9a5b
         box green                               boxgreen                        #8a9a5b
         bracken                                 bracken                         #6c541e
         bracken                                 bracken                         #3b3121
         bramble                                 bramble                         #2f2140
         bran                                    bran                            #a67b5b
         bran                                    bran                            #c19a6b
         brass                                   brass                           #c9ae5d
         brazen yellow                           brazenyellow                    #c9ae5d
         brazil brown                            brazilbrown                     #43302e
         brazil [red]                            brazilred                       #9e4732
         brazilwood                              brazilwood                      #ab4e52
         brazilwood                              brazilwood                      #905d5d
         bremen blue                             bremenblue                      #317873
         bremen green                            bremengreen                     #679267
         brewster green                          brewstergreen                   #4a5d23
         briar                                   briar                           #80461b
         briar                                   briar                           #6f4e37
         briarwood                               briarwood                       #3e322c
         brickdust                               brickdust                       #841b2d
         brick red                               brickred                        #80461b
         brick red                               brickred                        #6f4e37
         bridal rose                             bridalrose                      #c08081
         brigand                                 brigand                         #bc3f4a
         brigand                                 brigand                         #ab4e52
         brigand                                 brigand                         #d9603b
         brigand                                 brigand                         #cb6d51
         brimstone [yellow]                      brimstoneyellow                 #eae679
         brittany                                brittany                        #367588
         brittany                                brittany                        #436b95
         brittany                                brittany                        #536878
         broccoli brown                          broccolibrown                   #5b504f
         broncho                                 broncho                         #483c32
         broncho                                 broncho                         #6c541e
         broncho                                 broncho                         #3b3121
         bronze                                  bronze                          #826644
         bronze brown                            bronzebrown                     #5b504f
         bronze clair                            bronzeclair                     #ae9b82
         bronze green                            bronzegreen                     #515744
         bronze lustre                           bronzelustre                    #5b5842
         bronze nude                             bronzenude                      #6c541e
         bronze red                              bronzered                       #ab4e52
         bronzesheen                             bronzesheen                     #5b5842
         bronze yellow                           bronzeyellow                    #d99058
         bronze yellow                           bronzeyellow                    #be8a3d
         brown bay                               brownbay                        #635147
         brown bread                             brownbread                      #80461b
         brown bread                             brownbread                      #6f4e37
         brown madder                            brownmadder                     #79443b
         brown ochre                             brownochre                      #d99058
         brown pink                              brownpink                       #be8a3d
         brown pink                              brownpink                       #996515
         brown red                               brownred                        #79443b
         brown stone                             brownstone                      #635147
         brownstone                              brownstone                      #635147
         brown sugar                             brownsugar                      #6f4e37
         brown sugar                             brownsugar                      #635147
         brown sugar                             brownsugar                      #826644
         brown sugar                             brownsugar                      #7e6d5a
         bruges                                  bruges                          #004958
         bruges                                  bruges                          #36454f
         brushwood                               brushwood                       #635147
         brussels brown                          brusselsbrown                   #6f4e37
         brussels brown                          brusselsbrown                   #635147
         brussels brown                          brusselsbrown                   #826644
         brussels brown                          brusselsbrown                   #7e6d5a
         buccaneer                               buccaneer                       #bc3f4a
         buccaneer                               buccaneer                       #ab4e52
         buccaneer                               buccaneer                       #aa381e
         buccaneer                               buccaneer                       #9e4732
         buckskin                                buckskin                        #977f73
         buckskin                                buckskin                        #958070
         buckthorn berries                       buckthornberries                #eaa221
         buckthorn berries                       buckthornberries                #e3a857
         buckthorn brown                         buckthornbrown                  #be8a3d
         buckthorn brown                         buckthornbrown                  #996515
         buckthorn brown                         buckthornbrown                  #c19a6b
         buckthorn brown                         buckthornbrown                  #826644
         buckthorn brown                         buckthornbrown                  #ab9144
         buckthorn brown                         buckthornbrown                  #a18f60
         buckthorn brown                         buckthornbrown                  #967117
         buddha                                  buddha                          #bc3f4a
         buddha                                  buddha                          #ab4e52
         bud green                               budgreen                        #44944a
         buff                                    buff                            #e3a857
         buffalo                                 buffalo                         #826644
         bulgare                                 bulgare                         #905d5d
         bunny                                   bunny                           #826644
         bure                                    bure                            #996515
         bure                                    bure                            #c19a6b
         bure                                    bure                            #826644
         burel                                   burel                           #6f4e37
         burgundy                                burgundy                        #50404d
         burgundy                                burgundy                        #291e29
         burgundy violet                         burgundyviolet                  #875692
         burlwood                                burlwood                        #958070
         burlwood                                burlwood                        #ae9b82
         burma                                   burma                           #ae6938
         burmese gold                            burmesegold                     #cb6d51
         burmese ruby                            burmeseruby                     #722f37
         burn blue                               burnblue                        #bcd4e6
         burn blue                               burnblue                        #91a3b0
         burn blue                               burnblue                        #c0c8e1
         burn blue                               burnblue                        #8c92ac
         burnished gold                          burnishedgold                   #be8a3d
         burnished gold                          burnishedgold                   #996515
         burnished gold                          burnishedgold                   #c19a6b
         burnished gold                          burnishedgold                   #ab9144
         burnished gold                          burnishedgold                   #967117
         burnous                                 burnous                         #fad6a5
         burnt                                   burnt                           #a18f60
         burnt almond                            burntalmond                     #6f4e37
         burnt carmine                           burntcarmine                    #841b2d
         burnt carmine                           burntcarmine                    #ab4e52
         burnt coral                             burntcoral                      #cb6d51
         burnt crimson lake                      burntcrimsonlake                #841b2d
         burnt crimson lake                      burntcrimsonlake                #ab4e52
         burnt italian earth                     burntitalianearth               #9e4732
         burnt italian ochre                     burntitalianochre               #9e4732
         burnt lake                              burntlake                       #841b2d
         burnt lake                              burntlake                       #ab4e52
         burnt ochre                             burntochre                      #cb6d51
         burnt orange                            burntorange                     #cb6d51
         burnt roman ochre                       burntromanochre                 #ed872d
         burnt rose                              burntrose                       #56070c
         burnt rose                              burntrose                       #79443b
         burnt russet                            burntrusset                     #722f37
         burnt russet                            burntrusset                     #79443b
         burnt sienna                            burntsienna                     #9e4732
         burnt terre verte                       burntterreverte                 #6f4e37
         burnt umber                             burntumber                      #6f4e37
         buttercup [yellow]                      buttercupyellow                 #c2b280
         butterfly                               butterfly                       #b9b459
         butternut                               butternut                       #6c541e
         butterscotch                            butterscotch                    #6f4e37
         butterscotch                            butterscotch                    #826644
         byron                                   byron                           #483c32
         byzantine                               byzantine                       #ce4676
         byzantium                               byzantium                       #702963
         byzantium                               byzantium                       #5d3954
         cabaret                                 cabaret                         #6aab8e
         cabbage green                           cabbagegreen                    #7d8984
         cacao                                   cacao                           #826644
         cacao brown                             cacaobrown                      #80461b
         cacha                                   cacha                           #6f4e37
         cachou                                  cachou                          #6f4e37
         cactus                                  cactus                          #355e3b
         cadet                                   cadet                           #536878
         cadet blue                              cadetblue                       #436b95
         cadet grey                              cadetgrey                       #81878b
         cadmium carmine                         cadmiumcarmine                  #bc3f4a
         cadmium green                           cadmiumgreen                    #007959
         cadmium lemon                           cadmiumlemon                    #dcd300
         cadmium lemon                           cadmiumlemon                    #e9e450
         cadmium orange                          cadmiumorange                   #ed872d
         cadmium purple                          cadmiumpurple                   #841b2d
         cadmium purple                          cadmiumpurple                   #ab4e52
         cadmium vermilion                       cadmiumvermilion                #bc3f4a
         cadmium vermilion                       cadmiumvermilion                #ab4e52
         cadmium yellow                          cadmiumyellow                   #ed872d
         cadmium yellow                          cadmiumyellow                   #d99058
         cadmium yellow                          cadmiumyellow                   #eaa221
         cadmium yellow                          cadmiumyellow                   #e3a857
         caen stone                              caenstone                       #fad6a5
         caeruleum                               caeruleum                       #0085a1
         caeruleum                               caeruleum                       #00a1c2
         cafA~X-au-lait                            cafaulait                       #977f73
         cafA~X-au-lait                            cafaulait                       #a67b5b
         cafA~X-au-lait                            cafaulait                       #958070
         cafA~X crA~Xme                              cafcrme                         #a67b5b
         cafA~X crA~Xme                              cafcrme                         #6f4e37
         cafA~X crA~Xme                              cafcrme                         #826644
         cafA~X noir                               cafnoir                         #483c32
         cairo                                   cairo                           #00416a
         calabash                                calabash                        #826644
         calabash                                calabash                        #967117
         calamine blue                           calamineblue                    #66aabc
         caldera                                 caldera                         #79443b
         caledonian brown                        caledonianbrown                 #80461b
         caliaturwood                            caliaturwood                    #ab4e52
         california color                        californiacolor                 #6f4e37
         california green                        californiagreen                 #a18f60
         calla green                             callagreen                      #8a9a5b
         calliste green                          callistegreen                   #7e9f2e
         calliste green                          callistegreen                   #8a9a5b
         cambridge blue                          cambridgeblue                   #66ada4
         cambridge red                           cambridgered                    #ab4e52
         cambridge red                           cambridgered                    #905d5d
         camel                                   camel                           #5b504f
         camellia                                camellia                        #bc3f4a
         camellia                                camellia                        #ab4e52
         camels hair or camel's hair             camelshairorcamelshair          #7e6d5a
         cameo blue                              cameoblue                       #66ada4
         cameo brown                             cameobrown                      #905d5d
         cameo brown                             cameobrown                      #a87c6d
         cameo brown                             cameobrown                      #79443b
         cameo brown                             cameobrown                      #674c47
         cameo green                             cameogreen                      #93c592
         cameo green                             cameogreen                      #6aab8e
         cameo green                             cameogreen                      #8da399
         cameo pink                              cameopink                       #c3a6b1
         cameo yellow                            cameoyellow                     #f3e5ab
         campanula                               campanula                       #604e97
         campanula                               campanula                       #604e81
         campanula blue                          campanulablue                   #8791bf
         campanula blue                          campanulablue                   #6c79b8
         campanula blue                          campanulablue                   #7e73b8
         campanula purple                        campanulapurple                 #836479
         campanula violet                        campanulaviolet                 #836479
         camA~Xrier                                camrier                         #563c5c
         camwood                                 camwood                         #ab4e52
         canard                                  canard                          #004b49
         canard                                  canard                          #004958
         canary-bird green                       canarybirdgreen                 #ab9144
         canary green                            canarygreen                     #ab9144
         canary [yellow]                         canaryyellow                    #c9ae5d
         candida                                 candida                         #af868e
         candy pink                              candypink                       #e4717a
         candy pink                              candypink                       #f88379
         candy pink                              candypink                       #e66761
         canna                                   canna                           #cb6d51
         canna                                   canna                           #9e4732
         canna                                   canna                           #b4745e
         canna                                   canna                           #79443b
         cannon                                  cannon                          #1a2421
         canterbury                              canterbury                      #604e97
         canton [blue]                           cantonblue                      #00304e
         canton jade                             cantonjade                      #317873
         canyon                                  canyon                          #722f37
         canyon                                  canyon                          #673147
         cappagh                                 cappagh                         #6f4e37
         cappah brown                            cappahbrown                     #6f4e37
         capri                                   capri                           #007791
         caprice                                 caprice                         #870074
         caprice                                 caprice                         #d6cadd
         capucine                                capucine                        #c9ae5d
         capucine buff                           capucinebuff                    #fad6a5
         capucine lake                           capucinelake                    #f88379
         capucine lake                           capucinelake                    #cb6d51
         capucine lake                           capucinelake                    #ed872d
         capucine lake                           capucinelake                    #d99058
         capucine madder                         capucinemadder                  #d99058
         capucine orange                         capucineorange                  #d99058
         capucine red                            capucinered                     #ffb7a5
         capucine red                            capucinered                     #d9603b
         capucine yellow                         capucineyellow                  #d99058
         caput mortuum                           caputmortuum                    #79443b
         caraibe                                 caraibe                         #6f4e37
         caraibe                                 caraibe                         #635147
         caraibe                                 caraibe                         #826644
         caraibe                                 caraibe                         #7e6d5a
         caramel                                 caramel                         #ae6938
         caramel                                 caramel                         #a67b5b
         carbuncle                               carbuncle                       #43302e
         cardinal [red]                          cardinalred                     #be0032
         carmine                                 carmine                         #be0032
         carmine                                 carmine                         #bc3f4a
         carmine lake                            carminelake                     #be0032
         carmine lake                            carminelake                     #bc3f4a
         carnation                               carnation                       #f3e5ab
         carnation                               carnation                       #c2b280
         carnation [red]                         carnationred                    #ab4e52
         carnation rose                          carnationrose                   #ea9399
         carnelian                               carnelian                       #b4745e
         carnelian red                           carnelianred                    #cb6d51
         carnival red                            carnivalred                     #bc3f4a
         carob brown                             carobbrown                      #6f4e37
         caroubier                               caroubier                       #6f4e37
         carrara green                           carraragreen                    #1b4d3e
         carrot red                              carrotred                       #ed872d
         carrot red                              carrotred                       #d99058
         carthamus red                           carthamusred                    #be0032
         carthamus rose                          carthamusrose                   #be0032
         cartouche                               cartouche                       #6f4e37
         cartridge buff                          cartridgebuff                   #f3e5ab
         cartridge buff                          cartridgebuff                   #c2b280
         cascade                                 cascade                         #66ada4
         cashew                                  cashew                          #6f4e37
         cashew lake                             cashewlake                      #6f4e37
         cashew nut                              cashewnut                       #635147
         cashoo                                  cashoo                          #6f4e37
         casino pink                             casinopink                      #b3446c
         cassel brown                            casselbrown                     #6f4e37
         cassel earth                            casselearth                     #6f4e37
         cassel yellow                           casselyellow                    #fada5e
         cassel yellow                           casselyellow                    #d4af37
         cassel yellow                           casselyellow                    #f8de7e
         cassel yellow                           casselyellow                    #c9ae5d
         casserole                               casserole                       #79443b
         castaneous                              castaneous                      #635147
         castellon                               castellon                       #79443b
         castile earth                           castileearth                    #6f4e37
         castilian brown                         castilianbrown                  #79443b
         castilian red                           castilianred                    #be0032
         castor                                  castor                          #5b504f
         castor grey                             castorgrey                      #4e5755
         catalpa                                 catalpa                         #796878
         catawba                                 catawba                         #3f1728
         catawba                                 catawba                         #2e1d21
         cate                                    cate                            #6f4e37
         catechu                                 catechu                         #6f4e37
         cathay                                  cathay                          #ae6938
         cathay                                  cathay                          #996515
         cathedral                               cathedral                       #2f2140
         cathedral blue                          cathedralblue                   #436b95
         cathedral blue                          cathedralblue                   #4e5180
         cattail                                 cattail                         #483c32
         cattleya                                cattleya                        #86608e
         caucasia                                caucasia                        #7e6d5a
         cauldron                                cauldron                        #722f37
         cauldron                                cauldron                        #882d17
         cauldron                                cauldron                        #79443b
         cavalry                                 cavalry                         #e3a857
         cedar                                   cedar                           #674c47
         cedarbark                               cedarbark                       #905d5d
         cedarbark                               cedarbark                       #79443b
         cedar green                             cedargreen                      #4a5d23
         cedar wood                              cedarwood                       #79443b
         cedre                                   cedre                           #4a5d23
         celadon green                           celadongreen                    #8f9779
         celandine green                         celandinegreen                  #5e716a
         celest                                  celest                          #536878
         celest                                  celest                          #8c92ac
         celestial                               celestial                       #436b95
         celestial blue                          celestialblue                   #91a3b0
         cellini                                 cellini                         #870074
         cellini                                 cellini                         #ce4676
         cement                                  cement                          #848482
         cendrillon                              cendrillon                      #3a4b47
         cendrillon                              cendrillon                      #51585e
         centennial brown                        centennialbrown                 #996515
         centennial brown                        centennialbrown                 #c19a6b
         centennial brown                        centennialbrown                 #826644
         centre blue                             centreblue                      #436b95
         ceramic                                 ceramic                         #436b95
         ceres                                   ceres                           #d99058
         cerise                                  cerise                          #ab4e52
         cerro green                             cerrogreen                      #8a9a5b
         cerro green                             cerrogreen                      #4a5d23
         certosa                                 certosa                         #98943e
         certosa                                 certosa                         #867e36
         certosa                                 certosa                         #8a9a5b
         cerulean                                cerulean                        #70a3cc
         cerulean                                cerulean                        #8791bf
         cerulean blue                           ceruleanblue                    #0085a1
         cerulean blue                           ceruleanblue                    #00a1c2
         ceylon blue                             ceylonblue                      #004958
         chaetura black                          chaeturablack                   #222222
         chaetura drab                           chaeturadrab                    #555555
         chalcedony yellow                       chalcedonyyellow                #eae679
         chalet red                              chaletred                       #905d5d
         chamois                                 chamois                         #c2b280
         chamois skin                            chamoisskin                     #c2b280
         chamoline                               chamoline                       #be8a3d
         chamoline                               chamoline                       #996515
         chamoline                               chamoline                       #c19a6b
         chamoline                               chamoline                       #826644
         chamoline                               chamoline                       #ab9144
         chamoline                               chamoline                       #a18f60
         chamoline                               chamoline                       #967117
         champagne                               champagne                       #fad6a5
         champagne                               champagne                       #ae9b82
         champagne                               champagne                       #c2b280
         champagne                               champagne                       #bfb8a5
         chantilly                               chantilly                       #6aab8e
         charcoal grey                           charcoalgrey                    #555555
         chardon                                 chardon                         #673147
         charles x                               charlesx                        #673147
         chartreuse                              chartreuse                      #e9e450
         chartreuse                              chartreuse                      #beb72e
         chartreuse                              chartreuse                      #eae679
         chartreuse                              chartreuse                      #b9b459
         chartreuse green                        chartreusegreen                 #98943e
         chartreuse yellow                       chartreuseyellow                #eae679
         chartreuse yellow                       chartreuseyellow                #b9b459
         chasseur                                chasseur                        #173620
         chatemuc                                chatemuc                        #ab4e52
         chatenay pink                           chatenaypink                    #f4c2c2
         chatenay pink                           chatenaypink                    #d9a6a9
         chaudron                                chaudron                        #cb6d51
         chaudron                                chaudron                        #9e4732
         chaudron                                chaudron                        #b4745e
         chaudron                                chaudron                        #79443b
         checkerberry                            checkerberry                    #be0032
         chemic blue                             chemicblue                      #004958
         chemic green                            chemicgreen                     #317873
         cherokee                                cherokee                        #cb6d51
         cherry                                  cherry                          #e25822
         cherry bloom                            cherrybloom                     #f88379
         cherry blossom                          cherryblossom                   #ab4e52
         cherry red                              cherryred                       #e25822
         cherub                                  cherub                          #d9a6a9
         chessylite blue                         chessyliteblue                  #436b95
         chestnut                                chestnut                        #635147
         chevreuse                               chevreuse                       #905d5d
         chevreuse                               chevreuse                       #79443b
         chianti                                 chianti                         #841b2d
         chickadee gray                          chickadeegray                   #57554c
         chicle                                  chicle                          #635147
         chicory                                 chicory                         #8c92ac
         chicory blue                            chicoryblue                     #dadfb7
         chicory blue                            chicoryblue                     #8c92ac
         chimney red                             chimneyred                      #841b2d
         chimney red                             chimneyred                      #ab4e52
         china blue                              chinablue                       #436b95
         china blue                              chinablue                       #536878
         china rose                              chinarose                       #a8516e
         chinchilla                              chinchilla                      #848482
         chin-chin blue                          chinchinblue                    #536878
         chinese gold                            chinesegold                     #ae6938
         chinese green                           chinesegreen                    #93c592
         chinese green                           chinesegreen                    #6aab8e
         chinese green                           chinesegreen                    #1b4d3e
         chinese green                           chinesegreen                    #004b49
         chinese lake                            chineselake                     #be0032
         chinese lake                            chineselake                     #bc3f4a
         chinese orange                          chineseorange                   #ffb7a5
         chinese orange                          chineseorange                   #d9603b
         chinese red                             chinesered                      #aa381e
         chinese red                             chinesered                      #9e4732
         chinese red                             chinesered                      #882d17
         chinese rouge                           chineserouge                    #be0032
         chinese vermilion                       chinesevermilion                #be0032
         chinese violet                          chineseviolet                   #86608e
         chinese yellow                          chineseyellow                   #fada5e
         chinese yellow                          chineseyellow                   #d4af37
         chinese yellow                          chineseyellow                   #f8de7e
         chinese yellow                          chineseyellow                   #c9ae5d
         chinese yellow                          chineseyellow                   #e3a857
         ch'ing                                  ching                           #00a1c2
         chinook                                 chinook                         #9e4732
         chip                                    chip                            #8c8767
         chip                                    chip                            #8a8776
         chipmunk                                chipmunk                        #996515
         chippendale                             chippendale                     #3e322c
         chiswick                                chiswick                        #00304e
         chocolate                               chocolate                       #3e322c
         chocolate brown                         chocolatebrown                  #3e322c
         chocolate maroon                        chocolatemaroon                 #722f37
         chrome citron                           chromecitron                    #f8de7e
         chrome green                            chromegreen                     #007959
         chrome green                            chromegreen                     #3b7861
         chrome lemon                            chromelemon                     #f8de7e
         chrome orange                           chromeorange                    #e25822
         chrome orange                           chromeorange                    #f38400
         chrome primrose                         chromeprimrose                  #e9e450
         chrome primrose                         chromeprimrose                  #eae679
         chrome scarlet                          chromescarlet                   #d9603b
         chromium green                          chromiumgreen                   #8a9a5b
         chromium oxide                          chromiumoxide                   #679267
         chrysanthemum                           chrysanthemum                   #841b2d
         chrysanthemum                           chrysanthemum                   #722f37
         chrysocollo                             chrysocollo                     #679267
         chrysolite green                        chrysolitegreen                 #b9b459
         chrysolite green                        chrysolitegreen                 #b9b57d
         chrysolite green                        chrysolitegreen                 #8a9a5b
         chrysopraise [green]                    chrysopraisegreen               #3eb489
         chrysopraise [green]                    chrysopraisegreen               #6aab8e
         chukker brown                           chukkerbrown                    #635147
         chukker brown                           chukkerbrown                    #7e6d5a
         chutney                                 chutney                         #79443b
         cigarette                               cigarette                       #6f4e37
         cinder [grey]                           cindergrey                      #8b8589
         cineraria                               cineraria                       #ce4676
         cinereous                               cinereous                       #b9b8b5
         cinnamon                                cinnamon                        #a67b5b
         cinnamon                                cinnamon                        #c19a6b
         cinnamon brown                          cinnamonbrown                   #6f4e37
         cinnamon brown                          cinnamonbrown                   #826644
         cinnamon pink                           cinnamonpink                    #a87c6d
         circassian                              circassian                      #6f4e37
         citrine                                 citrine                         #867e36
         citronelle                              citronelle                      #e9e450
         citronelle                              citronelle                      #beb72e
         citronelle                              citronelle                      #eae679
         citronelle                              citronelle                      #b9b459
         citron green                            citrongreen                     #b9b459
         citron green                            citrongreen                     #b9b57d
         citron [yellow]                         citronyellow                    #f8de7e
         citrus                                  citrus                          #eae679
         civette green                           civettegreen                    #355e3b
         clair de lune                           clairdelune                     #8da399
         claret cup                              claretcup                       #915f6d
         claret lees                             claretlees                      #673147
         claret [red]                            claretred                       #ab4e52
         claver                                  claver                          #915c83
         clay                                    clay                            #996515
         clay                                    clay                            #c19a6b
         clay                                    clay                            #826644
         clay bank                               claybank                        #ae6938
         clay drab                               claydrab                        #826644
         clay drab                               claydrab                        #967117
         clematis                                clematis                        #604e97
         cleopatra                               cleopatra                       #00a1c2
         clochette                               clochette                       #4e5180
         clochette                               clochette                       #604e81
         cloisonnA~X                               cloisonn                        #00a1c2
         cloisonnA~X                               cloisonn                        #30267a
         cloud                                   cloud                           #536878
         cloud grey                              cloudgrey                       #8b8589
         cloud grey                              cloudgrey                       #848482
         cloudy amber                            cloudyamber                     #c2b280
         cloudy amber                            cloudyamber                     #a18f60
         clove                                   clove                           #6f4e37
         clove brown                             clovebrown                      #5b504f
         clove pink                              clovepink                       #722f37
         clover                                  clover                          #915c83
         cobalt blue                             cobaltblue                      #007791
         cobalt glass                            cobaltglass                     #00416a
         cobalt glass                            cobaltglass                     #436b95
         cobalt green                            cobaltgreen                     #679267
         cobalt red                              cobaltred                       #ce4676
         cobalt red                              cobaltred                       #b3446c
         cobalt ultramarine                      cobaltultramarine               #007791
         cobalt violet                           cobaltviolet                    #86608e
         cobalt yellow                           cobaltyellow                    #fada5e
         cobalt yellow                           cobaltyellow                    #d4af37
         cobblestone                             cobblestone                     #555555
         cobweb                                  cobweb                          #ae9b82
         coccineous                              coccineous                      #be0032
         cocher                                  cocher                          #6c541e
         cochin                                  cochin                          #6f4e37
         cochineal                               cochineal                       #be0032
         cockatoo                                cockatoo                        #f8de7e
         cocoa                                   cocoa                           #6f4e37
         cocoa brown                             cocoabrown                      #6f4e37
         cocobala                                cocobala                        #905d5d
         cocobala                                cocobala                        #674c47
         coconut                                 coconut                         #635147
         coconut brown                           coconutbrown                    #6f4e37
         cod grey                                codgrey                         #5b5842
         cod grey                                codgrey                         #57554c
         coeruleum                               coeruleum                       #0085a1
         coeruleum                               coeruleum                       #00a1c2
         coffee                                  coffee                          #6f4e37
         cognac                                  cognac                          #6f4e37
         colcothar                               colcothar                       #79443b
         colewort green                          colewortgreen                   #7d8984
         colibri                                 colibri                         #317873
         collie                                  collie                          #7e6d5a
         cologne brown                           colognebrown                    #6f4e37
         cologne earth                           cologneearth                    #6f4e37
         cologne yellow                          cologneyellow                   #d4af37
         colonial                                colonial                        #00416a
         colonial                                colonial                        #00304e
         colonial                                colonial                        #272458
         colonial                                colonial                        #4e5180
         colonial buff                           colonialbuff                    #f8de7e
         colonial buff                           colonialbuff                    #f3e5ab
         colonial yellow                         colonialyellow                  #c9ae5d
         columbia                                columbia                        #0067a5
         columbia blue                           columbiablue                    #91a3b0
         columbian red                           columbianred                    #79443b
         columbine blue                          columbineblue                   #4e5180
         columbine blue                          columbineblue                   #604e81
         columbine red                           columbinered                    #673147
         comet                                   comet                           #00304e
         commelina blue                          commelinablue                   #436b95
         commodore                               commodore                       #30267a
         como                                    como                            #367588
         conch shell                             conchshell                      #f88379
         concord                                 concord                         #2f2140
         condor                                  condor                          #826644
         confetti                                confetti                        #e4717a
         confetti                                confetti                        #ab4e52
         congo [brown]                           congobrown                      #483c32
         congo pink                              congopink                       #b4745e
         continental blue                        continentalblue                 #50404d
         continental blue                        continentalblue                 #242124
         cookie                                  cookie                          #6f4e37
         coolie                                  coolie                          #4e5180
         coolie                                  coolie                          #252440
         copenhagen [blue]                       copenhagenblue                  #536878
         copenhagen [blue]                       copenhagenblue                  #4c516d
         copper                                  copper                          #b4745e
         copper blue                             copperblue                      #436b95
         copper brown                            copperbrown                     #80461b
         copper green                            coppergreen                     #679267
         copperleaf                              copperleaf                      #79443b
         copper lustre                           copperlustre                    #80461b
         copper red                              copperred                       #b4745e
         copper rose                             copperrose                      #ab4e52
         copper yellow                           copperyellow                    #c9ae5d
         copra                                   copra                           #5c504f
         coptic                                  coptic                          #79443b
         coquelicot                              coquelicot                      #be0032
         coquelicot                              coquelicot                      #e25822
         coquette                                coquette                        #f88379
         coquette                                coquette                        #d9a6a9
         coralbell                               coralbell                       #ab4e52
         coralbell                               coralbell                       #cb6d51
         coral blush                             coralblush                      #f88379
         coral blush                             coralblush                      #e66761
         coral blush                             coralblush                      #cb6d51
         coral pink                              coralpink                       #d9a6a9
         coral [red]                             coralred                        #e4717a
         coral sands                             coralsands                      #d9a6a9
         coral sands                             coralsands                      #c7ada3
         corcir                                  corcir                          #a8516e
         cordova                                 cordova                         #79443b
         cordovan                                cordovan                        #483c32
         cordovan                                cordovan                        #222222
         corial                                  corial                          #d9a6a9
         corial                                  corial                          #a87c6d
         corinth                                 corinth                         #915f6d
         corinthian pink                         corinthianpink                  #dea5a4
         corinthian pink                         corinthianpink                  #ad8884
         corinthian purple                       corinthianpurple                #673147
         corinthian purple                       corinthianpurple                #915f6d
         corinthian red                          corinthianred                   #905d5d
         cork                                    cork                            #a67b5b
         cork                                    cork                            #a8516e
         corker                                  corker                          #a8516e
         corkur                                  corkur                          #a8516e
         corn                                    corn                            #c9ae5d
         cornelian red                           cornelianred                    #b4745e
         cornflower [blue]                       cornflowerblue                  #4e5180
         cornhusk                                cornhusk                        #fad6a5
         cornhusk                                cornhusk                        #c19a6b
         cornsilk                                cornsilk                        #f8de7e
         coromandel                              coromandel                      #79443b
         coronation                              coronation                      #5d3954
         coronation                              coronation                      #673147
         corsage green                           corsagegreen                    #6aab8e
         corsage green                           corsagegreen                    #66ada4
         corsair                                 corsair                         #00304e
         corsican blue                           corsicanblue                    #4e5180
         corsican blue                           corsicanblue                    #252440
         corsican blue                           corsicanblue                    #2f2140
         corydalis green                         corydalisgreen                  #8f9779
         cosmos                                  cosmos                          #c17e91
         cossack                                 cossack                         #5e716a
         cossack green                           cossackgreen                    #355e3b
         cosse green                             cossegreen                      #8a9a5b
         cotch                                   cotch                           #6f4e37
         cotinga purple                          cotingapurple                   #602f6b
         cotinga purple                          cotingapurple                   #563c5c
         cotinga purple                          cotingapurple                   #702963
         cotinga purple                          cotingapurple                   #5d3954
         cotrine                                 cotrine                         #be8a3d
         cotrine                                 cotrine                         #c19a6b
         courge green                            courgegreen                     #98943e
         courge green                            courgegreen                     #867e36
         courge green                            courgegreen                     #8a9a5b
         cowboy                                  cowboy                          #6f4e37
         cowboy                                  cowboy                          #635147
         cowboy                                  cowboy                          #826644
         cowboy                                  cowboy                          #7e6d5a
         cowslip                                 cowslip                         #ed872d
         cowslip                                 cowslip                         #d99058
         crabapple                               crabapple                       #cb6d51
         cracker                                 cracker                         #c19a6b
         crag                                    crag                            #57554c
         crane                                   crane                           #8b8589
         crash                                   crash                           #c2b280
         crash                                   crash                           #a18f60
         crash                                   crash                           #967117
         crash                                   crash                           #8c8767
         crawshay red                            crawshayred                     #9e4732
         crawshay red                            crawshayred                     #80461b
         crayon blue                             crayonblue                      #536878
         cream                                   cream                           #f3e5ab
         cream beige                             creambeige                      #a87c6d
         cream beige                             creambeige                      #a67b5b
         cream beige                             creambeige                      #958070
         cream buff                              creambuff                       #f3e5ab
         cream buff                              creambuff                       #c2b280
         creole                                  creole                          #ae6938
         creole                                  creole                          #a67b5b
         cress green                             cressgreen                      #8a9a5b
         cresson                                 cresson                         #8a9a5b
         crevette                                crevette                        #f88379
         crimson lake                            crimsonlake                     #ab4e52
         crimson madder                          crimsonmadder                   #be0032
         crimson maple                           crimsonmaple                    #56070c
         croceus                                 croceus                         #d99058
         croceus                                 croceus                         #e3a857
         crocreal                                crocreal                        #d99058
         crocreal                                crocreal                        #e3a857
         crocus                                  crocus                          #d99058
         crocus                                  crocus                          #e3a857
         crocus                                  crocus                          #aa8a9e
         crocus                                  crocus                          #836479
         crocus martis                           crocusmartis                    #79443b
         crostil                                 crostil                         #a8516e
         crotal                                  crotal                          #a8516e
         crottle                                 crottle                         #a8516e
         crowshay red                            crowshayred                     #9e4732
         crowshay red                            crowshayred                     #80461b
         cruiser                                 cruiser                         #555555
         crushed berry                           crushedberry                    #905d5d
         crushed strawberry                      crushedstrawberry               #e4717a
         crushed violets                         crushedviolets                  #796878
         crystal grey                            crystalgrey                     #8b8589
         crystal palace blue                     crystalpalaceblue               #00304e
         crystal palace green                    crystalpalacegreen              #57554c
         crystals of venus                       crystalsofvenus                 #679267
         cub                                     cub                             #57554c
         cuba                                    cuba                            #722f37
         cuba                                    cuba                            #79443b
         cuban sand                              cubansand                       #ae9b82
         cudbear                                 cudbear                         #a8516e
         cuir                                    cuir                            #c19a6b
         cuisse de nymphe                        cuissedenymphe                  #f3e5ab
         cullen earth                            cullenearth                     #6f4e37
         cupid pink                              cupidpink                       #d9a6a9
         cupreous                                cupreous                        #f8de7e
         curcuma                                 curcuma                         #f8de7e
         currant [red]                           currantred                      #bc3f4a
         cutch                                   cutch                           #6f4e37
         cuyahoga red                            cuyahogared                     #722f37
         cyan blue                               cyanblue                        #317873
         cyan blue                               cyanblue                        #367588
         cyanine blue                            cyanineblue                     #00a1c2
         cyanine blue                            cyanineblue                     #4e5180
         cyanine blue                            cyanineblue                     #252440
         cyclamen                                cyclamen                        #341731
         cygnet                                  cygnet                          #673147
         cypress [green]                         cypressgreen                    #4a5d23
         cypress green                           cypressgreen                    #44944a
         cyprus earth                            cyprusearth                     #826644
         cyprus earth                            cyprusearth                     #4b3621
         cyprus umber                            cyprusumber                     #826644
         cyprus umber                            cyprusumber                     #4b3621
         daffodile [yellow]                      daffodileyellow                 #e3a857
         daffodil yellow                         daffodilyellow                  #ed872d
         daffodil yellow                         daffodilyellow                  #d99058
         daffodil yellow                         daffodilyellow                  #eaa221
         daffodil yellow                         daffodilyellow                  #e3a857
         dagestan                                dagestan                        #00304e
         dahlia                                  dahlia                          #86608e
         dahlia carmine                          dahliacarmine                   #673147
         dahlia mauve                            dahliamauve                     #915c83
         dahlia purple                           dahliapurple                    #673147
         dahlia purple                           dahliapurple                    #38152c
         damascen                                damascen                        #604e81
         damascen                                damascen                        #2f2140
         damask                                  damask                          #905d5d
         damonico                                damonico                        #f88379
         damonico                                damonico                        #cb6d51
         damonico                                damonico                        #ed872d
         damonico                                damonico                        #d99058
         damson                                  damson                          #604e81
         damson                                  damson                          #2f2140
         danaA~X                                   dana                            #ed872d
         danaA~X                                   dana                            #d99058
         danaA~X                                   dana                            #536878
         dandelion                               dandelion                       #fada5e
         dante                                   dante                           #50404d
         dante                                   dante                           #5d3954
         dante                                   dante                           #673147
         danube green                            danubegreen                     #355e3b
         danube green                            danubegreen                     #3a4b47
         daphne                                  daphne                          #436b95
         daphne pink                             daphnepink                      #915f6d
         daphne red                              daphnered                       #a8516e
         daphne red                              daphnered                       #915f6d
         dark beaver                             darkbeaver                      #6f4e37
         dark beaver                             darkbeaver                      #635147
         dark cardinal                           darkcardinal                    #722f37
         dark gobelin blue                       darkgobelinblue                 #367588
         dark gobelin blue                       darkgobelinblue                 #536878
         dark wedgwood [blue]                    darkwedgwoodblue                #4e5180
         dark wedgwood [blue]                    darkwedgwoodblue                #4c516d
         date                                    date                            #483c32
         datura                                  datura                          #86608e
         dauphine                                dauphine                        #ad8884
         davy's grey                             davysgrey                       #555555
         dawn                                    dawn                            #dea5a4
         dawn grey                               dawngrey                        #848482
         daybreak                                daybreak                        #8c82b6
         daybreak                                daybreak                        #b695c0
         daytona                                 daytona                         #8e8279
         dA~Xbutante pink                          dbutantepink                    #dea5a4
         dead carnations                         deadcarnations                  #a8516e
         dead leaf                               deadleaf                        #be6516
         dead leaf                               deadleaf                        #ae6938
         dead leaf                               deadleaf                        #80461b
         deauville sand                          deauvillesand                   #977f73
         deauville sand                          deauvillesand                   #958070
         deep brunswick green                    deepbrunswickgreen              #1b4d3e
         deep chrome green                       deepchromegreen                 #355e3b
         deep chrome yellow                      deepchromeyellow                #e3a857
         deep stone                              deepstone                       #ab9144
         deep stone                              deepstone                       #a18f60
         deep stone                              deepstone                       #967117
         deer                                    deer                            #7e6d5a
         delft blue                              delftblue                       #4c516d
         della robbia                            dellarobbia                     #545aa7
         del monte                               delmonte                        #796878
         delphinium                              delphinium                      #4997d0
         delphinium                              delphinium                      #0067a5
         delphinium                              delphinium                      #70a3cc
         de'medici                               demedici                        #673147
         denmark                                 denmark                         #536878
         denver                                  denver                          #848482
         derby blue                              derbyblue                       #2f2140
         desert                                  desert                          #c19a6b
         devil's red                             devilsred                       #bc3f4a
         devil's red                             devilsred                       #ab4e52
         devon [brown]                           devonbrown                      #905d5d
         dewey red                               deweyred                        #bc3f4a
         dewey red                               deweyred                        #ab4e52
         dewkiss                                 dewkiss                         #5e716a
         diadem                                  diadem                          #aa98a9
         diana                                   diana                           #70a3cc
         dianthus                                dianthus                        #ab4e52
         dianthus                                dianthus                        #905d5d
         diavolo                                 diavolo                         #905d5d
         digitalis                               digitalis                       #796878
         di palito                               dipalito                        #e3a857
         directoire blue                         directoireblue                  #00a1c2
         directoire blue                         directoireblue                  #0067a5
         distilled green                         distilledgreen                  #679267
         diva blue                               divablue                        #0067a5
         diva blue                               divablue                        #436b95
         doe                                     doe                             #a67b5b
         doe                                     doe                             #958070
         doe                                     doe                             #c19a6b
         doe                                     doe                             #ae9b82
         doe-skin brown                          doeskinbrown                    #a87c6d
         doge                                    doge                            #ab4e52
         dogwood                                 dogwood                         #a67b5b
         dogwood                                 dogwood                         #6f4e37
         dogwood                                 dogwood                         #826644
         dolly pink                              dollypink                       #ab4e52
         domingo                                 domingo                         #79443b
         domingo brown                           domingobrown                    #422518
         dorado                                  dorado                          #c19a6b
         doubloon                                doubloon                        #d99058
         dove                                    dove                            #555555
         dove                                    dove                            #673147
         dove grey                               dovegrey                        #8b8589
         dover grey                              dovergrey                       #555555
         dozer                                   dozer                           #00304e
         drab                                    drab                            #967117
         drabolive                               drabolive                       #5b5842
         dragonfly                               dragonfly                       #004958
         dragon's blood                          dragonsblood                    #905d5d
         dragon's blood                          dragonsblood                    #b4745e
         dragon's blood                          dragonsblood                    #a87c6d
         drake                                   drake                           #004958
         drake's-neck green                      drakesneckgreen                 #004958
         dregs of wine                           dregsofwine                     #722f37
         dregs of wine                           dregsofwine                     #56070c
         dregs of wine                           dregsofwine                     #3e1d1e
         dresden blue                            dresdenblue                     #436b95
         dresden brown                           dresdenbrown                    #826644
         dresden brown                           dresdenbrown                    #967117
         dresden brown                           dresdenbrown                    #6c541e
         dryad                                   dryad                           #5e716a
         dry rose                                dryrose                         #905d5d
         dry rose                                dryrose                         #79443b
         du barry                                dubarry                         #f88379
         duck blue                               duckblue                        #007791
         duck green                              duckgreen                       #004b49
         duckling                                duckling                        #004958
         duckling                                duckling                        #36454f
         duck-wing                               duckwing                        #4c516d
         du gueslin                              dugueslin                       #00304e
         du gueslin                              dugueslin                       #252440
         du gueslin                              dugueslin                       #4c516d
         dumont's blue                           dumontsblue                     #00416a
         dumont's blue                           dumontsblue                     #436b95
         dune                                    dune                            #8c8767
         durango                                 durango                         #6f4e37
         dusk                                    dusk                            #5d555b
         dust                                    dust                            #967117
         dusty green                             dustygreen                      #8c8767
         dutch azure                             dutchazure                      #00416a
         dutch azure                             dutchazure                      #436b95
         dutch blue                              dutchblue                       #536878
         dutch orange                            dutchorange                     #eaa221
         dutch orange                            dutchorange                     #e3a857
         dutch pink                              dutchpink                       #fada5e
         dutch pink                              dutchpink                       #d4af37
         dutch pink                              dutchpink                       #f8de7e
         dutch pink                              dutchpink                       #c9ae5d
         dutch scarlet                           dutchscarlet                    #be0032
         dutch vermilion                         dutchvermilion                  #e25822
         dutch ware blue                         dutchwareblue                   #4c516d
         dyer's broom                            dyersbroom                      #eae679
         dyer's broom                            dyersbroom                      #b9b459
         dyer's greenwood                        dyersgreenwood                  #eae679
         dyer's greenwood                        dyersgreenwood                  #b9b459
         dyer's saffron                          dyerssaffron                    #be0032
         eagle                                   eagle                           #5b504f
         eau-de-javel green                      eaudejavelgreen                 #b9b459
         eau-de-nile                             eaudenile                       #8a9a5b
         eau-de-nile                             eaudenile                       #dadfb7
         eau-de-nile                             eaudenile                       #93c592
         eburnean                                eburnean                        #f3e5ab
         ecclesiastic                            ecclesiastic                    #870074
         ecclesiastic                            ecclesiastic                    #9e4f88
         ecru                                    ecru                            #f3e5ab
         ecru                                    ecru                            #c2b280
         eden green                              edengreen                       #44944a
         eden green                              edengreen                       #679267
         eggplant                                eggplant                        #291e29
         eggplant                                eggplant                        #242124
         eggshell blue                           eggshellblue                    #8da399
         eggshell blue                           eggshellblue                    #66ada4
         eggshell green                          eggshellgreen                   #8da399
         eggshell green                          eggshellgreen                   #66ada4
         eglantine                               eglantine                       #ce4676
         egypt                                   egypt                           #0067a5
         egyptian                                egyptian                        #905d5d
         egyptian blue                           egyptianblue                    #00a1c2
         egyptian blue                           egyptianblue                    #0067a5
         egyptian brown                          egyptianbrown                   #483c32
         egyptian green                          egyptiangreen                   #3b7861
         egyptian red                            egyptianred                     #722f37
         egyptian red                            egyptianred                     #882d17
         eifel                                   eifel                           #905d5d
         eifel                                   eifel                           #79443b
         elderberry                              elderberry                      #2f2140
         eldorado                                eldorado                        #ae6938
         electric [blue]                         electricblue                    #536878
         electric green                          electricgreen                   #536878
         elephant green                          elephantgreen                   #173620
         elephant skin                           elephantskin                    #5b504f
         elf                                     elf                             #6aab8e
         elf                                     elf                             #8da399
         elfin green                             elfingreen                      #6aab8e
         elk                                     elk                             #483c32
         elm green                               elmgreen                        #4a5d23
         elmwood                                 elmwood                         #ae9b82
         elmwood                                 elmwood                         #967117
         email                                   email                           #317873
         email                                   email                           #367588
         ember                                   ember                           #ab4e52
         emberglow                               emberglow                       #ab4e52
         emberglow                               emberglow                       #e66761
         emberglow                               emberglow                       #cb6d51
         emerald green                           emeraldgreen                    #679267
         emerald green                           emeraldgreen                    #3eb489
         emeraude                                emeraude                        #679267
         emeraude                                emeraude                        #007959
         emeraude                                emeraude                        #3b7861
         eminence                                eminence                        #563c5c
         emperor green                           emperorgreen                    #3eb489
         empire                                  empire                          #007959
         empire blue                             empireblue                      #436b95
         empire green                            empiregreen                     #355e3b
         empire green                            empiregreen                     #3a4b47
         empire yellow                           empireyellow                    #fada5e
         empire yellow                           empireyellow                    #f8de7e
         enamel blue                             enamelblue                      #00416a
         enamel blue                             enamelblue                      #436b95
         endive                                  endive                          #e9e450
         endive                                  endive                          #eae679
         endive blue                             endiveblue                      #91a3b0
         endive blue                             endiveblue                      #aa98a9
         english blue                            englishblue                     #436b95
         english green                           englishgreen                    #7e9f2e
         english green                           englishgreen                    #44944a
         english green                           englishgreen                    #1b4d3e
         english grey                            englishgrey                     #57554c
         english inde                            englishinde                     #50404d
         english ivy                             englishivy                      #355e3b
         english oak                             englishoak                      #6f4e37
         english ochre                           englishochre                    #e3a857
         english pink                            englishpink                     #fada5e
         english pink                            englishpink                     #d4af37
         english pink                            englishpink                     #f8de7e
         english pink                            englishpink                     #c9ae5d
         english red                             englishred                      #bc3f4a
         english red                             englishred                      #ab4e52
         english red                             englishred                      #d9603b
         english red                             englishred                      #cb6d51
         english red                             englishred                      #9e4732
         english red                             englishred                      #80461b
         english red                             englishred                      #79443b
         english vermilion                       englishvermilion                #bc3f4a
         english violet                          englishviolet                   #563c5c
         ensign                                  ensign                          #00304e
         epinauche                               epinauche                       #3a4b47
         epsom                                   epsom                           #8a9a5b
         erin                                    erin                            #3b7861
         erlau green                             erlaugreen                      #679267
         escadre                                 escadre                         #536878
         eschel                                  eschel                          #00416a
         eschel                                  eschel                          #436b95
         eskimo                                  eskimo                          #79443b
         esthetic grey                           estheticgrey                    #7d8984
         etain blue                              etainblue                       #c7e6d7
         etain blue                              etainblue                       #bcd4e6
         etain blue                              etainblue                       #c7e6d7
         etain blue                              etainblue                       #96ded1
         etain blue                              etainblue                       #9cd1dc
         etain blue                              etainblue                       #bcd4e6
         etang                                   etang                           #8da399
         etang                                   etang                           #b2beb5
         ether                                   ether                           #66aabc
         ethereal blue                           etherealblue                    #70a3cc
         ethereal blue                           etherealblue                    #8791bf
         eton blue                               etonblue                        #66ada4
         etruscan                                etruscan                        #79443b
         etruscan                                etruscan                        #6f4e37
         etruscan red                            etruscanred                     #b4745e
         eucalyptus [green]                      eucalyptusgreen                 #c2b280
         eucalyptus [green]                      eucalyptusgreen                 #8f9779
         eugenia red                             eugeniared                      #ab4e52
         eugenie                                 eugenie                         #796878
         eupatorium purple                       eupatoriumpurple                #915c83
         eureka red                              eurekared                       #722f37
         eve green                               evegreen                        #e9e450
         eve green                               evegreen                        #83d37d
         eve green                               evegreen                        #44944a
         evenglow                                evenglow                        #8f817f
         eventide                                eventide                        #9690ab
         everglade                               everglade                       #222222
         evergreen                               evergreen                       #355e3b
         evA~Xque                                  evque                           #563c5c
         faded rose                              fadedrose                       #905d5d
         faience                                 faience                         #007791
         faience                                 faience                         #367588
         fairway                                 fairway                         #1a2421
         fairy green                             fairygreen                      #679267
         fakir                                   fakir                           #fad6a5
         falcon                                  falcon                          #3e322c
         fallow                                  fallow                          #c19a6b
         fandango                                fandango                        #ce4676
         faon                                    faon                            #977f73
         faon                                    faon                            #6f4e37
         faon                                    faon                            #958070
         faon                                    faon                            #635147
         fashion gray                            fashiongray                     #555555
         fawn [brown]                            fawnbrown                       #977f73
         fawn [brown]                            fawnbrown                       #6f4e37
         fawn [brown]                            fawnbrown                       #958070
         fawn [brown]                            fawnbrown                       #635147
         feldspar                                feldspar                        #6aab8e
         fern                                    fern                            #8a9a5b
         fernambucowood                          fernambucowood                  #ab4e52
         fernambucowood                          fernambucowood                  #905d5d
         fern green                              ferngreen                       #8a9a5b
         fern green                              ferngreen                       #8f9779
         ferruginous                             ferruginous                     #9e4732
         ferruginous                             ferruginous                     #80461b
         feuille                                 feuille                         #6f4e37
         feuille morte                           feuillemorte                    #be6516
         feuille morte                           feuillemorte                    #ae6938
         feuille morte                           feuillemorte                    #80461b
         feulamort                               feulamort                       #be6516
         feulamort                               feulamort                       #ae6938
         feulamort                               feulamort                       #80461b
         fez                                     fez                             #be0032
         field's orange vermilion                fieldsorangevermilion           #d9603b
         fiery red                               fieryred                        #e25822
         fiesta                                  fiesta                          #e4717a
         fieulamort                              fieulamort                      #be6516
         fieulamort                              fieulamort                      #ae6938
         fieulamort                              fieulamort                      #80461b
         filbert [brown]                         filbertbrown                    #a67b5b
         filbert [brown]                         filbertbrown                    #996515
         filemot                                 filemot                         #be6516
         filemot                                 filemot                         #ae6938
         filemot                                 filemot                         #80461b
         fillemot                                fillemot                        #be6516
         fillemot                                fillemot                        #ae6938
         fillemot                                fillemot                        #80461b
         firecracker                             firecracker                     #e25822
         firefly                                 firefly                         #bc3f4a
         firefly                                 firefly                         #ab4e52
         fire red                                firered                         #e25822
         fire scarlet                            firescarlet                     #be0032
         fireweed                                fireweed                        #602f6b
         fir [green]                             firgreen                        #355e3b
         fir [green]                             firgreen                        #173620
         fir [green]                             firgreen                        #3a4b47
         firmament                               firmament                       #536878
         firmament blue                          firmamentblue                   #66aabc
         fish grey                               fishgrey                        #5b5842
         fish grey                               fishgrey                        #57554c
         flag                                    flag                            #2f2140
         flame blue                              flameblue                       #4e5180
         flame blue                              flameblue                       #4c516d
         flame orange                            flameorange                     #e25822
         flame [scarlet]                         flamescarlet                    #e25822
         flaming maple                           flamingmaple                    #be0032
         flaming maple                           flamingmaple                    #bc3f4a
         flaming maple                           flamingmaple                    #841b2d
         flaming maple                           flamingmaple                    #ab4e52
         flamingo                                flamingo                        #cb6d51
         flammeous                               flammeous                       #d9603b
         flash                                   flash                           #bc3f4a
         flash                                   flash                           #ab4e52
         flash                                   flash                           #aa381e
         flash                                   flash                           #9e4732
         flax                                    flax                            #c2b280
         flaxen                                  flaxen                          #c2b280
         flaxflower blossom                      flaxflowerblossom               #536878
         flaxflower blue                         flaxflowerblue                  #436b95
         flaxflower blue                         flaxflowerblue                  #8791bf
         flea                                    flea                            #722f37
         flemish blue                            flemishblue                     #36454f
         flesh                                   flesh                           #fad6a5
         flesh                                   flesh                           #bfb8a5
         flesh blond                             fleshblond                      #d9a6a9
         flesh blond                             fleshblond                      #c7ada3
         flesh blond                             fleshblond                      #c2ac99
         flesh ochre                             fleshochre                      #9e4732
         fleur-de-lys                            fleurdelys                      #86608e
         flint                                   flint                           #222222
         flint grey                              flintgrey                       #848482
         flirt                                   flirt                           #ab4e52
         florence brown                          florencebrown                   #905d5d
         florence earth                          florenceearth                   #79443b
         florentine                              florentine                      #e25822
         florentine lake                         florentinelake                  #be0032
         florentine lake                         florentinelake                  #bc3f4a
         florida gold                            floridagold                     #eaa221
         florida gold                            floridagold                     #e3a857
         floss flower blue                       flossflowerblue                 #aa98a9
         flower de luce green                    flowerdelucegreen               #355e3b
         fluorite green                          fluoritegreen                   #679267
         fluorite violet                         fluoriteviolet                  #563c5c
         fluorite violet                         fluoriteviolet                  #301934
         fog                                     fog                             #b9b8b5
         foliage brown                           foliagebrown                    #be6516
         foliage brown                           foliagebrown                    #ae6938
         foliage brown                           foliagebrown                    #80461b
         foliage green                           foliagegreen                    #8a9a5b
         folimort                                folimort                        #be6516
         folimort                                folimort                        #ae6938
         folimort                                folimort                        #80461b
         folkstone                               folkstone                       #ae9b82
         folly                                   folly                           #be0032
         folly                                   folly                           #bc3f4a
         fontainebleau                           fontainebleau                   #905d5d
         forest                                  forest                          #3a4b47
         forest green                            forestgreen                     #4a5d23
         forest of dean red                      forestofdeanred                 #9e4732
         forest of dean red                      forestofdeanred                 #80461b
         forget-me-not [blue]                    forgetmenotblue                 #91a3b0
         forget-me-not [blue]                    forgetmenotblue                 #536878
         formosa                                 formosa                         #d99058
         formosa                                 formosa                         #a67b5b
         forsythia                               forsythia                       #e3a857
         fox                                     fox                             #826644
         fox                                     fox                             #967117
         fox                                     fox                             #6c541e
         foxglove                                foxglove                        #604e97
         foxglove                                foxglove                        #604e81
         fox trot                                foxtrot                         #66ada4
         fragonard                               fragonard                       #ab4e52
         france                                  france                          #00304e
         france rose                             francerose                      #e4717a
         france rose                             francerose                      #282022
         freedom                                 freedom                         #00304e
         freestone                               freestone                       #fad6a5
         french beige                            frenchbeige                     #a67b5b
         french berries                          frenchberries                   #eaa221
         french berries                          frenchberries                   #e3a857
         french blue                             frenchblue                      #0067a5
         french blue                             frenchblue                      #545aa7
         french green                            frenchgreen                     #679267
         french green                            frenchgreen                     #3b7861
         french grey                             frenchgrey                      #b2beb5
         french grey                             frenchgrey                      #b9b8b5
         french lilac                            frenchlilac                     #86608e
         french lilac                            frenchlilac                     #796878
         french maroon                           frenchmaroon                    #905d5d
         french nude                             frenchnude                      #977f73
         french nude                             frenchnude                      #a67b5b
         french nude                             frenchnude                      #958070
         french ochre                            frenchochre                     #e3a857
         french pink                             frenchpink                      #fad6a5
         french pink                             frenchpink                      #c9ae5d
         french purple                           frenchpurple                    #a8516e
         french scarlet                          frenchscarlet                   #be0032
         french ultramarine                      frenchultramarine               #0067a5
         french ultramarine                      frenchultramarine               #545aa7
         french vermilion                        frenchvermilion                 #e25822
         [french] veronese green                 frenchveronesegreen             #007959
         [french] veronese green                 frenchveronesegreen             #3b7861
         french white                            frenchwhite                     #bfb9bd
         french white                            frenchwhite                     #e8ccd7
         french yellow                           frenchyellow                    #ae6938
         french yellow                           frenchyellow                    #996515
         french yellow                           frenchyellow                    #a67b5b
         friar                                   friar                           #635147
         friar                                   friar                           #3e322c
         frost grey                              frostgrey                       #848482
         frosty green                            frostygreen                     #3a4b47
         fuchsia                                 fuchsia                         #870074
         fudge                                   fudge                           #6f4e37
         fujiyama                                fujiyama                        #79443b
         fuscous                                 fuscous                         #5b504f
         fustet                                  fustet                          #fada5e
         fustet                                  fustet                          #d4af37
         fustic                                  fustic                          #c9ae5d
         fustic                                  fustic                          #c2b280
         gage green                              gagegreen                       #8f9779
         gaiety                                  gaiety                          #e4717a
         galleon                                 galleon                         #3e322c
         gallstone                               gallstone                       #d4af37
         gambia                                  gambia                          #6f4e37
         gamboge                                 gamboge                         #d4af37
         gardenia green                          gardeniagreen                   #3a4b47
         gargoyle                                gargoyle                        #555555
         garland green                           garlandgreen                    #4a5d23
         garland green                           garlandgreen                    #355e3b
         garnet                                  garnet                          #722f37
         garnet brown                            garnetbrown                     #722f37
         garnet brown                            garnetbrown                     #79443b
         garnet red                              garnetred                       #841b2d
         garnet red                              garnetred                       #722f37
         garter blue                             garterblue                      #4c516d
         gaude                                   gaude                           #eae679
         gaude                                   gaude                           #b9b459
         gaude lake                              gaudelake                       #f8de7e
         gaudy green                             gaudygreen                      #8a9a5b
         gaudy green                             gaudygreen                      #4a5d23
         gay green                               gaygreen                        #8a9a5b
         gazelle [brown]                         gazellebrown                    #635147
         gazelle [brown]                         gazellebrown                    #7e6d5a
         geisha                                  geisha                          #915c83
         geisha                                  geisha                          #a8516e
         geisha                                  geisha                          #915f6d
         gendarme [blue]                         gendarmeblue                    #317873
         gendarme [blue]                         gendarmeblue                    #367588
         generall                                generall                        #fada5e
         generall                                generall                        #d4af37
         generall                                generall                        #f8de7e
         generall                                generall                        #c9ae5d
         genestrole                              genestrole                      #eae679
         genestrole                              genestrole                      #b9b459
         genet                                   genet                           #eae679
         genet                                   genet                           #b9b459
         geneva blue                             genevablue                      #4c516d
         genista                                 genista                         #d99058
         genoa blue                              genoablue                       #536878
         gentian                                 gentian                         #436b95
         gentian                                 gentian                         #8791bf
         gentian blue                            gentianblue                     #4e5180
         genuine ultramarine [blue]              genuineultramarineblue          #00a1c2
         genuine ultramarine [blue]              genuineultramarineblue          #0067a5
         geranium                                geranium                        #bc3f4a
         geranium lake                           geraniumlake                    #be0032
         geranium petal                          geraniumpetal                   #be0032
         geranium pink                           geraniumpink                    #e4717a
         ghent                                   ghent                           #00304e
         giallolini                              giallolini                      #f8de7e
         giallolini                              giallolini                      #c9ae5d
         giallolini                              giallolini                      #f3e5ab
         giallolini                              giallolini                      #c2b280
         giallolino                              giallolino                      #f8de7e
         giallolino                              giallolino                      #c9ae5d
         giallolino                              giallolino                      #f3e5ab
         giallolino                              giallolino                      #c2b280
         gigas                                   gigas                           #86608e
         gild                                    gild                            #eaa221
         gild                                    gild                            #e3a857
         gilded                                  gilded                          #eaa221
         gilded                                  gilded                          #e3a857
         gilt                                    gilt                            #eaa221
         gilt                                    gilt                            #e3a857
         gingeline                               gingeline                       #80461b
         gingeoline                              gingeoline                      #80461b
         ginger                                  ginger                          #80461b
         gingerline                              gingerline                      #80461b
         gingerspice                             gingerspice                     #79443b
         gingioline                              gingioline                      #80461b
         giraffe                                 giraffe                         #ae6938
         giraffe                                 giraffe                         #a67b5b
         glacier                                 glacier                         #36454f
         glacier blue                            glacierblue                     #536878
         gladiolus                               gladiolus                       #bc3f4a
         glaA~Xeul                                 glaeul                          #ad8884
         glaA~Xeul                                 glaeul                          #c48379
         glass green                             glassgreen                      #c9dc89
         glass grey                              glassgrey                       #b4bcc0
         glaucous                                glaucous                        #dadfb7
         glaucous-blue                           glaucousblue                    #536878
         glaucous-green                          glaucousgreen                   #c7e6d7
         glaucous-grey                           glaucousgrey                    #b4bcc0
         glaucous-grey                           glaucousgrey                    #b9b8b5
         glint o'gold                            glintogold                      #c9ae5d
         gloaming                                gloaming                        #ad8884
         glory                                   glory                           #272458
         glory                                   glory                           #32174d
         gloxinia                                gloxinia                        #602f6b
         gmelin's blue                           gmelinsblue                     #0067a5
         gmelin's blue                           gmelinsblue                     #545aa7
         gnaphalium green                        gnaphaliumgreen                 #8da399
         goat                                    goat                            #5b504f
         gobelin blue                            gobelinblue                     #536878
         gobelin blue                            gobelinblue                     #367588
         gobelin blue                            gobelinblue                     #536878
         gobelin green                           gobelingreen                    #3b7861
         gobelin scarlet                         gobelinscarlet                  #be0032
         gold                                    gold                            #967117
         gold bronze                             goldbronze                      #635147
         gold bronze                             goldbronze                      #7e6d5a
         gold brown                              goldbrown                       #80461b
         gold earth                              goldearth                       #e3a857
         golden                                  golden                          #c19a6b
         golden                                  golden                          #a18f60
         golden                                  golden                          #967117
         golden brown                            goldenbrown                     #80461b
         golden chestnut                         goldenchestnut                  #6f4e37
         golden coral                            goldencoral                     #f88379
         golden corn                             goldencorn                      #e3a857
         golden feather                          goldenfeather                   #fada5e
         golden feather                          goldenfeather                   #d4af37
         golden feather                          goldenfeather                   #f8de7e
         golden feather                          goldenfeather                   #c9ae5d
         golden glow                             goldenglow                      #e3a857
         golden glow                             goldenglow                      #d4af37
         golden green                            goldengreen                     #c2b280
         golden green                            goldengreen                     #a18f60
         golden ochre                            goldenochre                     #d99058
         golden poppy                            goldenpoppy                     #e25822
         golden rod                              goldenrod                       #d4af37
         golden wheat                            goldenwheat                     #e3a857
         golden yellow                           goldenyellow                    #eaa221
         golden yellow                           goldenyellow                    #e3a857
         golden yellow                           goldenyellow                    #be8a3d
         golden yellow                           goldenyellow                    #996515
         gold leaf                               goldleaf                        #d99058
         gold leaf                               goldleaf                        #be8a3d
         gold ochre                              goldochre                       #d99058
         gold yellow                             goldyellow                      #eaa221
         gold yellow                             goldyellow                      #e3a857
         golf green                              golfgreen                       #355e3b
         golf [red]                              golfred                         #bc3f4a
         golf [red]                              golfred                         #ab4e52
         gooseberry                              gooseberry                      #673147
         gooseberry green                        gooseberrygreen                 #679267
         goose grey                              goosegrey                       #483c32
         gorevan                                 gorevan                         #6f4e37
         goura                                   goura                           #50404d
         goya                                    goya                            #bc3f4a
         grain                                   grain                           #fad6a5
         grain                                   grain                           #c19a6b
         grain                                   grain                           #ae9b82
         grain                                   grain                           #be0032
         grain in grain                          grainingrain                    #be0032
         granada                                 granada                         #43302e
         granada                                 granada                         #3e322c
         granat                                  granat                          #be0032
         granat                                  granat                          #e25822
         granatflower                            granatflower                    #be0032
         granatflower                            granatflower                    #e25822
         granite                                 granite                         #8b8589
         granite blue                            graniteblue                     #b9b8b5
         grape                                   grape                           #2f2140
         grape blue                              grapeblue                       #2f2140
         grapefruit                              grapefruit                      #b9b459
         grape green                             grapegreen                      #867e36
         grapejuice                              grapejuice                      #602f6b
         grapenuts                               grapenuts                       #6f4e37
         graphite                                graphite                        #50404d
         graphite                                graphite                        #222222
         grass green                             grassgreen                      #8a9a5b
         grasshopper                             grasshopper                     #8a9a5b
         gravel                                  gravel                          #ae9b82
         grayn                                   grayn                           #be0032
         grebe                                   grebe                           #5d555b
         grebe                                   grebe                           #555555
         grecian rose                            grecianrose                     #ad8884
         grecian rose                            grecianrose                     #c48379
         green ash                               greenash                        #93c592
         green finch                             greenfinch                      #867e36
         green slate                             greenslate                      #5e716a
         green slate                             greenslate                      #4e5755
         green stone                             greenstone                      #8f9779
         grenadine red                           grenadinered                    #cb6d51
         grenat                                  grenat                          #722f37
         gretna green                            gretnagreen                     #679267
         gretna green                            gretnagreen                     #3b7861
         grey 31                                 grey31                          #5b504f
         grey dawn                               greydawn                        #8b8589
         grey dawn                               greydawn                        #848482
         grey drab                               greydrab                        #8c8767
         greyn                                   greyn                           #be0032
         grey stone                              greystone                       #8a8776
         grey ultramarine ash                    greyultramarineash              #b2beb5
         gridelin                                gridelin                        #a8516e
         griffin                                 griffin                         #555555
         gris-de-lin                             grisdelin                       #a8516e
         grotto [blue]                           grottoblue                      #007791
         grouse                                  grouse                          #635147
         grouse                                  grouse                          #7e6d5a
         guignet's green                         guignetsgreen                   #004b49
         guimet's blue                           guimetsblue                     #0067a5
         guimet's blue                           guimetsblue                     #545aa7
         guinea green                            guineagreen                     #007a74
         guinea hen                              guineahen                       #555555
         gull                                    gull                            #848482
         gull grey                               gullgrey                        #8b8589
         gunmetal                                gunmetal                        #555555
         gypsy                                   gypsy                           #80461b
         gypsy red                               gypsyred                        #ab4e52
         haematite red                           haematitered                    #722f37
         haematite red                           haematitered                    #905d5d
         haematite red                           haematitered                    #543d3f
         hair brown                              hairbrown                       #5b504f
         hair brown                              hairbrown                       #555555
         hamadan                                 hamadan                         #967117
         hamburg lake                            hamburglake                     #be0032
         hamburg lake                            hamburglake                     #bc3f4a
         hampstead brown                         hampsteadbrown                  #674c47
         hankow                                  hankow                          #00304e
         hankow                                  hankow                          #252440
         hankow                                  hankow                          #4c516d
         harbor blue                             harborblue                      #51585e
         harlem blue                             harlemblue                      #2e8495
         harlem blue                             harlemblue                      #436b95
         harlequin                               harlequin                       #44944a
         harrison red                            harrisonred                     #be0032
         harvard crimson                         harvardcrimson                  #ab4e52
         harvest                                 harvest                         #ae6938
         harvest                                 harvest                         #a67b5b
         hathi gray                              hathigray                       #7d8984
         hathor                                  hathor                          #00a1c2
         hathor                                  hathor                          #0067a5
         havana rose                             havanarose                      #905d5d
         hay                                     hay                             #b9b57d
         hazel                                   hazel                           #a67b5b
         hazel                                   hazel                           #996515
         hazelnut                                hazelnut                        #a67b5b
         hazelnut                                hazelnut                        #996515
         hazy blue                               hazyblue                        #93c592
         hazy blue                               hazyblue                        #6aab8e
         hazy blue                               hazyblue                        #8da399
         heather                                 heather                         #915f6d
         hebe                                    hebe                            #ab4e52
         heliotrope                              heliotrope                      #5d3954
         heliotrope grey                         heliotropegrey                  #aa98a9
         heliotrope grey                         heliotropegrey                  #796878
         heliotrope grey                         heliotropegrey                  #8b8589
         hellebore green                         helleboregreen                  #4a5d23
         hellebore green                         helleboregreen                  #8a9a5b
         hellebore green                         helleboregreen                  #8f9779
         hellebore green                         helleboregreen                  #4a5d23
         hellebore green                         helleboregreen                  #515744
         hellebore red                           helleborered                    #a8516e
         helvetia blue                           helvetiablue                    #00416a
         hemlock                                 hemlock                         #1a2421
         hemp                                    hemp                            #8c8767
         henna                                   henna                           #882d17
         hepatica                                hepatica                        #86608e
         hermosa pink                            hermosapink                     #ea9399
         hermosa pink                            hermosapink                     #dea5a4
         heron                                   heron                           #536878
         hibernian green                         hiberniangreen                  #355e3b
         highland green                          highlandgreen                   #1e2321
         hindu                                   hindu                           #3e322c
         hispano                                 hispano                         #80461b
         hockey                                  hockey                          #be0032
         holland blue                            hollandblue                     #00304e
         holly berry                             hollyberry                      #bc3f4a
         holly berry                             hollyberry                      #ab4e52
         holly green                             hollygreen                      #4a5d23
         holly green                             hollygreen                      #00622d
         holly green                             hollygreen                      #355e3b
         hollyhock                               hollyhock                       #78184a
         hollywood                               hollywood                       #841b2d
         hollywood                               hollywood                       #ab4e52
         homage blue                             homageblue                      #252440
         honey beige                             honeybeige                      #c19a6b
         honey bird                              honeybird                       #239eba
         honeydew                                honeydew                        #f88379
         honeydew                                honeydew                        #d99058
         honeysuckle                             honeysuckle                     #c19a6b
         honeysweet                              honeysweet                      #c9ae5d
         honeysweet                              honeysweet                      #c2b280
         honey [yellow]                          honeyyellow                     #a18f60
         hopi                                    hopi                            #a67b5b
         horace vernet's blue                    horacevernetsblue               #30267a
         horizon [blue]                          horizonblue                     #dfede8
         horsechestnut                           horsechestnut                   #3e322c
         hortense violet                         hortenseviolet                  #86608e
         hortensia                               hortensia                       #563c5c
         hortensia                               hortensia                       #301934
         hortensia                               hortensia                       #50404d
         hortensia                               hortensia                       #291e29
         huckleberry                             huckleberry                     #2f2140
         hudson seal                             hudsonseal                      #555555
         hudson seal                             hudsonseal                      #222222
         hummingbird                             hummingbird                     #317873
         hungarian blue                          hungarianblue                   #436b95
         hungarian green                         hungariangreen                  #679267
         hunter [green]                          huntergreen                     #173620
         hunter's green                          huntersgreen                    #173620
         huron                                   huron                           #317873
         hussar                                  hussar                          #536878
         hyacinth                                hyacinth                        #8c82b6
         hyacinth                                hyacinth                        #86608e
         hyacinth blue                           hyacinthblue                    #272458
         hyacinth red                            hyacinthred                     #b4745e
         hyacinth violet                         hyacinthviolet                  #602f6b
         hydrangea blue                          hydrangeablue                   #536878
         hydrangea blue                          hydrangeablue                   #8c92ac
         hydrangea pink                          hydrangeapink                   #dea5a4
         hydrangea red                           hydrangeared                    #905d5d
         hydro                                   hydro                           #536878
         hypermic red                            hypermicred                     #be0032
         hyssop violet                           hyssopviolet                    #796878
         ibis pink                               ibispink                        #f88379
         ibis pink                               ibispink                        #d9a6a9
         ibis red                                ibisred                         #43302e
         iceberg                                 iceberg                         #536878
         immenssee                               immenssee                       #5e716a
         imperial                                imperial                        #602f6b
         imperial                                imperial                        #563c5c
         imperial                                imperial                        #702963
         imperial                                imperial                        #5d3954
         imperial blue                           imperialblue                    #00416a
         imperial green                          imperialgreen                   #679267
         imperial green                          imperialgreen                   #3eb489
         imperial jade                           imperialjade                    #355e3b
         imperial purple                         imperialpurple                  #554c69
         imperial stone                          imperialstone                   #967117
         imperial yellow                         imperialyellow                  #e3a857
         inca gold                               incagold                        #e3a857
         indebaudias                             indebaudias                     #50404d
         inde blue                               indeblue                        #50404d
         independence                            independence                    #2f2140
         india ink                               indiaink                        #555555
         indian                                  indian                          #ae6938
         indiana                                 indiana                         #ce4676
         indian blue                             indianblue                      #50404d
         indian brown                            indianbrown                     #483c32
         indian brown                            indianbrown                     #6c541e
         indian brown                            indianbrown                     #3b3121
         indian buff                             indianbuff                      #c19a6b
         indian lake                             indianlake                      #a8516e
         indian orange                           indianorange                    #e25822
         indian pink                             indianpink                      #a87c6d
         indian purple                           indianpurple                    #673147
         indian red                              indianred                       #79443b
         indian red                              indianred                       #882d17
         indian saffron                          indiansaffron                   #f8de7e
         indian tan                              indiantan                       #996515
         indian tan                              indiantan                       #c19a6b
         indian tan                              indiantan                       #826644
         indian turquoise                        indianturquoise                 #317873
         indian yellow                           indianyellow                    #eaa221
         indian yellow                           indianyellow                    #e3a857
         india red                               indiared                        #56070c
         india spice                             indiaspice                      #a67b5b
         india tan                               indiatan                        #6f4e37
         indico                                  indico                          #50404d
         indico carmine                          indicocarmine                   #007791
         indigo                                  indigo                          #50404d
         indigo carmine                          indigocarmine                   #007791
         indigo extract                          indigoextract                   #007791
         indo                                    indo                            #536878
         infanta                                 infanta                         #436b95
         infantry                                infantry                        #536878
         infernal blue                           infernalblue                    #252440
         ingenue                                 ingenue                         #dadfb7
         ingenue                                 ingenue                         #8f9779
         ink black                               inkblack                        #51585e
         ink blue                                inkblue                         #36454f
         intense blue                            intenseblue                     #4e5180
         intense blue                            intenseblue                     #252440
         international                           international                   #536878
         invisible green                         invisiblegreen                  #004b49
         invisible green                         invisiblegreen                  #1a2421
         ionian blue                             ionianblue                      #36454f
         ionian blue                             ionianblue                      #202830
         iris                                    iris                            #91a3b0
         iris                                    iris                            #aa98a9
         irisglow                                irisglow                        #8b8589
         iris green                              irisgreen                       #355e3b
         iris green                              irisgreen                       #679267
         iris mauve                              irismauve                       #ecd5c5
         iris mauve                              irismauve                       #c7ada3
         iris mauve                              irismauve                       #c2ac99
         iron                                    iron                            #483c32
         iron                                    iron                            #222222
         iron blue                               ironblue                        #555555
         iron brown                              ironbrown                       #483c32
         iron brown                              ironbrown                       #222222
         iron buff                               ironbuff                        #c19a6b
         iron buff                               ironbuff                        #c2b280
         iron crocus                             ironcrocus                      #79443b
         iron grey                               irongrey                        #555555
         iron minium                             ironminium                      #905d5d
         iron minium                             ironminium                      #674c47
         iron oxide red                          ironoxidered                    #882d17
         iron oxide red                          ironoxidered                    #80461b
         iron red                                ironred                         #882d17
         iron saffron                            ironsaffron                     #79443b
         iron yellow                             ironyellow                      #ed872d
         iron yellow                             ironyellow                      #d99058
         isabella                                isabella                        #c19a6b
         isabella                                isabella                        #826644
         isabella                                isabella                        #a18f60
         isabella                                isabella                        #967117
         ispahan                                 ispahan                         #36454f
         italian blue                            italianblue                     #0085a1
         italian blue                            italianblue                     #007791
         italian lake                            italianlake                     #e3a857
         italian ochre                           italianochre                    #ae6938
         italian ochre                           italianochre                    #a67b5b
         italian pink                            italianpink                     #fada5e
         italian pink                            italianpink                     #d4af37
         italian pink                            italianpink                     #f8de7e
         italian pink                            italianpink                     #c9ae5d
         italian straw                           italianstraw                    #f3e5ab
         italian straw                           italianstraw                    #c2b280
         ivory brown                             ivorybrown                      #6c541e
         ivory brown                             ivorybrown                      #3b3121
         ivory white                             ivorywhite                      #f3e5ab
         ivory [yellow]                          ivoryyellow                     #f3e5ab
         ivy [green]                             ivygreen                        #665d1e
         ivy [green]                             ivygreen                        #5b5842
         jacaranda brown                         jacarandabrown                  #483c32
         jacinthe                                jacinthe                        #d99058
         jack rabbit                             jackrabbit                      #555555
         jack rose                               jackrose                        #be0032
         jacqueminot                             jacqueminot                     #ab4e52
         jadesheen                               jadesheen                       #679267
         jadesheen                               jadesheen                       #355e3b
         jadesheen                               jadesheen                       #5e716a
         jaffa orange                            jaffaorange                     #cb6d51
         jaffa orange                            jaffaorange                     #d99058
         jaffi                                   jaffi                           #57554c
         jalapa                                  jalapa                          #80461b
         japan blue                              japanblue                       #00304e
         japan earth                             japanearth                      #6f4e37
         japanese blue                           japaneseblue                    #5e716a
         japanese green                          japanesegreen                   #5e716a
         japanese red                            japanesered                     #882d17
         japanese yellow                         japaneseyellow                  #ffb7a5
         japanese yellow                         japaneseyellow                  #d9603b
         japan rose                              japanrose                       #d9a6a9
         japan rose                              japanrose                       #d99058
         japonica                                japonica                        #905d5d
         jasmine                                 jasmine                         #fada5e
         jasmine                                 jasmine                         #f8de7e
         jasper                                  jasper                          #1a2421
         jasper green                            jaspergreen                     #3b7861
         jasper pink                             jasperpink                      #f88379
         jasper red                              jasperred                       #ab4e52
         java                                    java                            #422518
         java brown                              javabrown                       #3e322c
         javel green                             javelgreen                      #b9b459
         jay [blue]                              jayblue                         #436b95
         jean bart                               jeanbart                        #2f2140
         jew's pitch                             jewspitch                       #483c32
         jockey                                  jockey                          #ab4e52
         jonquil [yellow]                        jonquilyellow                   #fbc97f
         jonquil [yellow]                        jonquilyellow                   #e3a857
         jonquil [yellow]                        jonquilyellow                   #fad6a5
         jonquil [yellow]                        jonquilyellow                   #f8de7e
         jonquil [yellow]                        jonquilyellow                   #c9ae5d
         josephine                               josephine                       #a67b5b
         jouvence blue                           jouvenceblue                    #317873
         jouvence blue                           jouvenceblue                    #367588
         judee                                   judee                           #796878
         jungle green                            junglegreen                     #1c352d
         jungle green                            junglegreen                     #1a2421
         juniper                                 juniper                         #3a4b47
         kabistan                                kabistan                        #3a4b47
         kaffa                                   kaffa                           #674c47
         kaiser brown                            kaiserbrown                     #80461b
         kangaroo                                kangaroo                        #57554c
         kara                                    kara                            #317873
         kara dagh                               karadagh                        #222222
         kasha-beige                             kashabeige                      #8a8776
         kasha-beige                             kashabeige                      #848482
         kashan                                  kashan                          #007791
         kashmir                                 kashmir                         #355e3b
         kashmir                                 kashmir                         #3b7861
         kashmir                                 kashmir                         #5e716a
         kazak                                   kazak                           #79443b
         kentucky green                          kentuckygreen                   #665d1e
         kermanshah                              kermanshah                      #635147
         kermes                                  kermes                          #be0032
         kermes berries                          kermesberries                   #be0032
         kesseler yellow                         kesseleryellow                  #fada5e
         kesseler yellow                         kesseleryellow                  #d4af37
         kesseler yellow                         kesseleryellow                  #f8de7e
         kesseler yellow                         kesseleryellow                  #c9ae5d
         kettledrum                              kettledrum                      #79443b
         khaki                                   khaki                           #c19a6b
         khaki                                   khaki                           #826644
         khiva                                   khiva                           #9e4732
         kildare green                           kildaregreen                    #8a9a5b
         killarney [green]                       killarneygreen                  #679267
         killarney [green]                       killarneygreen                  #3b7861
         kinema red                              kinemared                       #bc3f4a
         kingfisher                              kingfisher                      #00304e
         king's blue                             kingsblue                       #70a3cc
         king's blue                             kingsblue                       #00416a
         king's blue                             kingsblue                       #436b95
         king's blue                             kingsblue                       #436b95
         king's yellow                           kingsyellow                     #fada5e
         king's yellow                           kingsyellow                     #d4af37
         king's yellow                           kingsyellow                     #f8de7e
         king's yellow                           kingsyellow                     #c9ae5d
         kirchberger green                       kirchbergergreen                #3eb489
         kis kilim                               kiskilim                        #6f4e37
         kobe                                    kobe                            #882d17
         kolinsky                                kolinsky                        #422518
         korea                                   korea                           #9e4732
         korea                                   korea                           #79443b
         kork                                    kork                            #a8516e
         korkir                                  korkir                          #a8516e
         kremlin                                 kremlin                         #004b49
         kronberg's green                        kronbergsgreen                  #4a5d23
         kurdistan                               kurdistan                       #36454f
         kurdistan                               kurdistan                       #202428
         kurdistan                               kurdistan                       #50404d
         kurdistan                               kurdistan                       #242124
         kyoto                                   kyoto                           #f88379
         kyoto                                   kyoto                           #ed872d
         kyoto                                   kyoto                           #d99058
         labrador                                labrador                        #00304e
         labrador                                labrador                        #36454f
         lac lake                                laclake                         #a8516e
         lacquer red                             lacquerred                      #9e4732
         laelia pink                             laeliapink                      #c17e91
         laelia pink                             laeliapink                      #af868e
         la france pink                          lafrancepink                    #dea5a4
         lagoon                                  lagoon                          #66ada4
         lake                                    lake                            #be0032
         lake                                    lake                            #bc3f4a
         lake blue                               lakeblue                        #317873
         lama                                    lama                            #483c32
         lambert's blue                          lambertsblue                    #436b95
         lapis                                   lapis                           #317873
         lariat                                  lariat                          #a67b5b
         lariat                                  lariat                          #c19a6b
         lark                                    lark                            #c2b280
         lark                                    lark                            #a18f60
         lark                                    lark                            #967117
         larkspur                                larkspur                        #367588
         latericeous                             latericeous                     #80461b
         latericeous                             latericeous                     #6f4e37
         lateritious                             lateritious                     #80461b
         lateritious                             lateritious                     #6f4e37
         latoun                                  latoun                          #c9ae5d
         latten                                  latten                          #c9ae5d
         laundry blue                            laundryblue                     #00416a
         laundry blue                            laundryblue                     #436b95
         laurel green                            laurelgreen                     #867e36
         laurel oak                              laureloak                       #79443b
         laurel pink                             laurelpink                      #e4717a
         laurel pink                             laurelpink                      #ab4e52
         lava                                    lava                            #222222
         la valliA~Xre                             lavallire                       #796878
         lavender                                lavender                        #aa98a9
         lawn green                              lawngreen                       #8a9a5b
         lead                                    lead                            #5d555b
         lead                                    lead                            #555555
         lead grey                               leadgrey                        #8c8767
         lead ochre                              leadochre                       #f3e5ab
         leadville                               leadville                       #5d555b
         leaf mold                               leafmold                        #422518
         leaf red                                leafred                         #be0032
         leather                                 leather                         #ae6938
         leather brown                           leatherbrown                    #6f4e37
         leather lake                            leatherlake                     #be6516
         leather lake                            leatherlake                     #ae6938
         leather lake                            leatherlake                     #80461b
         leek green                              leekgreen                       #867e36
         leek green                              leekgreen                       #8a9a5b
         leghorn                                 leghorn                         #f3e5ab
         leghorn                                 leghorn                         #c2b280
         legion blue                             legionblue                      #00304e
         leitch's blue                           leitchsblue                     #00a1c2
         leithner's blue                         leithnersblue                   #007791
         lemmian earth                           lemmianearth                    #79443b
         lemnian ruddle                          lemnianruddle                   #79443b
         lemnos                                  lemnos                          #79443b
         lemon chrome                            lemonchrome                     #fada5e
         lemon yellow                            lemonyellow                     #fada5e
         lemon yellow                            lemonyellow                     #d4af37
         lemon yellow                            lemonyellow                     #f8de7e
         lemon yellow                            lemonyellow                     #c9ae5d
         lettuce green                           lettucegreen                    #8a9a5b
         levant red                              levantred                       #ab4e52
         leyden blue                             leydenblue                      #007791
         liberia                                 liberia                         #3e322c
         liberty                                 liberty                         #0067a5
         liberty                                 liberty                         #545aa7
         liberty blue                            libertyblue                     #4e5180
         liberty green                           libertygreen                    #8a9a5b
         lichen                                  lichen                          #515744
         lichen green                            lichengreen                     #b2beb5
         lido                                    lido                            #967117
         lierre                                  lierre                          #665d1e
         lierre                                  lierre                          #5b5842
         light blue 1                            lightblue1                      #dadfb7
         light blue 2, light blue 3              lightblue2lightblue3            #c7e6d7
         light blue 2, light blue 3              lightblue2lightblue3            #bcd4e6
         light blue 4                            lightblue4                      #bcd4e6
         light blue 6                            lightblue6                      #91a3b0
         light blue,, light blue 5               lightbluelightblue5             #c7e6d7
         light brunswick green                   lightbrunswickgreen             #355e3b
         light chrome green                      lightchromegreen                #355e3b
         light chrome yellow                     lightchromeyellow               #d4af37
         light grA~Xge                             lightgrge                       #8a8776
         light gunmetal                          lightgunmetal                   #555555
         light red                               lightred                        #cb6d51
         light stone                             lightstone                      #c2b280
         light stone                             lightstone                      #a18f60
         light wedgwood [blue]                   lightwedgwoodblue               #536878
         lilac                                   lilac                           #dea5a4
         lilac                                   lilac                           #ad8884
         lilac                                   lilac                           #aa98a9
         lilaceous                               lilaceous                       #dea5a4
         lilaceous                               lilaceous                       #ad8884
         lilac gray                              lilacgray                       #c2ac99
         lilac gray                              lilacgray                       #bfb8a5
         lilas                                   lilas                           #dea5a4
         lilas                                   lilas                           #ad8884
         lilium                                  lilium                          #86608e
         lilium                                  lilium                          #915c83
         lily green                              lilygreen                       #8a9a5b
         lily green                              lilygreen                       #4e5755
         limawood                                limawood                        #ab4e52
         limawood                                limawood                        #905d5d
         lime blue                               limeblue                        #436b95
         lime green                              limegreen                       #b9b57d
         lime green                              limegreen                       #867e36
         limestone                               limestone                       #5b504f
         limestone                               limestone                       #555555
         lime [yellow]                           limeyellow                      #c9ae5d
         lime [yellow]                           limeyellow                      #c2b280
         limoges                                 limoges                         #0067a5
         limoges                                 limoges                         #436b95
         lincoln green                           lincolngreen                    #4a5d23
         lincoln red                             lincolnred                      #be0032
         linden green                            lindengreen                     #b9b459
         linden yellow                           lindenyellow                    #b9b459
         linoleum brown                          linoleumbrown                   #826644
         lint                                    lint                            #8c8767
         lint-white                              lintwhite                       #f3e5ab
         lint-white                              lintwhite                       #c2b280
         lion                                    lion                            #c19a6b
         lion                                    lion                            #826644
         lion tawny                              liontawny                       #c19a6b
         lion tawny                              liontawny                       #826644
         liqueur green                           liqueurgreen                    #eae679
         liqueur green                           liqueurgreen                    #b9b459
         liseran purple                          liseranpurple                   #9e4f88
         litho purple                            lithopurple                     #86608e
         litho purple                            lithopurple                     #563c5c
         litho purple                            lithopurple                     #796878
         liver                                   liver                           #674c47
         liver brown                             liverbrown                      #674c47
         liver maroon                            livermaroon                     #674c47
         livid                                   livid                           #5d555b
         livid                                   livid                           #555555
         livid brown                             lividbrown                      #905d5d
         livid pink                              lividpink                       #c4aead
         livid purple                            lividpurple                     #836479
         livid violet                            lividviolet                     #ad8884
         lizard bronze                           lizardbronze                    #867e36
         lizard [green]                          lizardgreen                     #3b7861
         loam                                    loam                            #5b504f
         lobelia [blue]                          lobeliablue                     #604e97
         lobelia violet                          lobeliaviolet                   #796878
         lobster                                 lobster                         #aa381e
         lobster                                 lobster                         #9e4732
         locarno green                           locarnogreen                    #3b7861
         loganberry                              loganberry                      #563c5c
         log cabin                               logcabin                        #5b504f
         logwood                                 logwood                         #291e29
         logwood                                 logwood                         #242124
         logwood blue                            logwoodblue                     #51585e
         lo-kao                                  lokao                           #93c592
         lo-kao                                  lokao                           #6aab8e
         london brown                            londonbrown                     #43302e
         london smoke                            londonsmoke                     #222222
         long beach                              longbeach                       #c19a6b
         longchamps                              longchamps                      #a67b5b
         longchamps                              longchamps                      #958070
         lotus                                   lotus                           #c08081
         lotus                                   lotus                           #ad8884
         lotus                                   lotus                           #c48379
         louis philippe                          louisphilippe                   #8791bf
         loutre                                  loutre                          #6c541e
         loutre                                  loutre                          #3b3121
         louvain                                 louvain                         #536878
         louvain                                 louvain                         #51585e
         love bird                               lovebird                        #7e9f2e
         love-in-a-mist                          loveinamist                     #66aabc
         lucerne blue                            lucerneblue                     #8791bf
         luciole                                 luciole                         #81878b
         lucky stone                             luckystone                      #91a3b0
         lumiere blue                            lumiereblue                     #66ada4
         lumiere green                           lumieregreen                    #c9dc89
         lupine                                  lupine                          #70a3cc
         lupine                                  lupine                          #8791bf
         luteous                                 luteous                         #eae679
         luteous                                 luteous                         #b9b459
         luxor                                   luxor                           #545aa7
         lyons blue                              lyonsblue                       #0067a5
         macaroon                                macaroon                        #c19a6b
         madder                                  madder                          #bc3f4a
         madder                                  madder                          #ab4e52
         madder                                  madder                          #d9603b
         madder                                  madder                          #cb6d51
         madder blue                             madderblue                      #9690ab
         madder blue                             madderblue                      #554c69
         madder brown                            madderbrown                     #79443b
         madder carmine                          maddercarmine                   #ab4e52
         madder carmine                          maddercarmine                   #a8516e
         madder indian red                       madderindianred                 #79443b
         madder lake                             madderlake                      #bc3f4a
         madder lake                             madderlake                      #b3446c
         madder pink                             madderpink                      #b3446c
         madder red                              madderred                       #bc3f4a
         madder red                              madderred                       #ab4e52
         madder red                              madderred                       #d9603b
         madder red                              madderred                       #cb6d51
         madder violet                           madderviolet                    #563c5c
         madeline blue                           madelineblue                    #4c516d
         madonna                                 madonna                         #436b95
         madonna                                 madonna                         #536878
         madrid                                  madrid                          #635147
         madrid                                  madrid                          #7e6d5a
         madura                                  madura                          #826644
         magenta                                 magenta                         #78184a
         magenta rose                            magentarose                     #78184a
         magnolia                                magnolia                        #c08081
         magnolia                                magnolia                        #905d5d
         magnolia                                magnolia                        #c48379
         mahogany                                mahogany                        #79443b
         mahogany brown                          mahoganybrown                   #79443b
         mahogany red                            mahoganyred                     #79443b
         maiden's blush                          maidensblush                    #a87c6d
         maintenon                               maintenon                       #cb6d51
         maise                                   maise                           #e3a857
         maise                                   maise                           #fad6a5
         maise                                   maise                           #c9ae5d
         majolica                                majolica                        #00304e
         majolica blue                           majolicablue                    #00304e
         majolica blue                           majolicablue                    #252440
         majolica blue                           majolicablue                    #4c516d
         majolica earth                          majolicaearth                   #882d17
         malabar                                 malabar                         #6f4e37
         malacca                                 malacca                         #c19a6b
         malacca                                 malacca                         #c2b280
         malachite green                         malachitegreen                  #679267
         malaga                                  malaga                          #722f37
         malaga                                  malaga                          #56070c
         malay                                   malay                           #6f4e37
         mallard                                 mallard                         #004958
         mallow pink                             mallowpink                      #d597ae
         mallow purple                           mallowpurple                    #a8516e
         mallow red                              mallowred                       #a8516e
         malmaison                               malmaison                       #f8de7e
         malmaison                               malmaison                       #c9ae5d
         malmaison rose                          malmaisonrose                   #ce4676
         malmaison rose                          malmaisonrose                   #b3446c
         manchu                                  manchu                          #6f4e37
         mandalay                                mandalay                        #635147
         mandalay                                mandalay                        #3e322c
         mandarin orange                         mandarinorange                  #ed872d
         mandarin red                            mandarinred                     #d9603b
         manganese brown                         manganesebrown                  #6f4e37
         manganese velvet brown                  manganesevelvetbrown            #826644
         manganese velvet brown                  manganesevelvetbrown            #4b3621
         manganese violet                        manganeseviolet                 #875692
         mango                                   mango                           #ae6938
         mango                                   mango                           #a67b5b
         manila                                  manila                          #c19a6b
         manon                                   manon                           #958070
         manzanita                               manzanita                       #79443b
         maple                                   maple                           #c2b280
         maple sugar                             maplesugar                      #826644
         maracaibo                               maracaibo                       #422518
         marathon                                marathon                        #ed872d
         marble green                            marblegreen                     #1e2321
         marguerite yellow                       margueriteyellow                #dadfb7
         marie antoinette                        marieantoinette                 #ad8884
         marie antoinette                        marieantoinette                 #905d5d
         marine [blue]                           marineblue                      #00304e
         marine [blue]                           marineblue                      #4e5180
         marine [blue]                           marineblue                      #252440
         marine corps                            marinecorps                     #4c516d
         marine green                            marinegreen                     #1b4d3e
         marine green                            marinegreen                     #3a4b47
         maris                                   maris                           #3a4b47
         maris                                   maris                           #004b49
         marmora                                 marmora                         #317873
         marocain                                marocain                        #635147
         marone                                  marone                          #635147
         maroon                                  maroon                          #722f37
         maroon                                  maroon                          #56070c
         maroon                                  maroon                          #3e1d1e
         marron                                  marron                          #635147
         marrone                                 marrone                         #635147
         marron glacA~X                            marronglac                      #6f4e37
         marsala                                 marsala                         #79443b
         mars brown                              marsbrown                       #6f4e37
         marsh rose                              marshrose                       #905d5d
         mars orange                             marsorange                      #cb6d51
         mars red                                marsred                         #9e4732
         mars violet                             marsviolet                      #56070c
         mars yellow                             marsyellow                      #ed872d
         mars yellow                             marsyellow                      #d99058
         martinique                              martinique                      #ae6938
         martinique                              martinique                      #a67b5b
         martius yellow                          martiusyellow                   #eae679
         marygold                                marygold                        #ed872d
         mascara                                 mascara                         #79443b
         mascot                                  mascot                          #36454f
         mascot                                  mascot                          #202830
         mascot                                  mascot                          #252440
         mascot                                  mascot                          #4c516d
         massicot [yellow]                       massicotyellow                  #f3e5ab
         mast colour                             mastcolour                      #ae6938
         mastic                                  mastic                          #967117
         matelot                                 matelot                         #00416a
         matrix                                  matrix                          #317873
         mauve blush                             mauveblush                      #c2ac99
         mauve blush                             mauveblush                      #ae9b82
         mauve blush                             mauveblush                      #bfb8a5
         mauve castor                            mauvecastor                     #5c504f
         mauve dust                              mauvedust                       #5c504f
         mauveglow                               mauveglow                       #ad8884
         mauverose                               mauverose                       #722f37
         mauve taupe                             mauvetaupe                      #5c504f
         mauvette                                mauvette                        #aa98a9
         mauvewood                               mauvewood                       #79443b
         mauvewood                               mauvewood                       #674c47
         mavis                                   mavis                           #ae9b82
         maya                                    maya                            #ae6938
         maya                                    maya                            #a67b5b
         mayfair tan                             mayfairtan                      #a67b5b
         mayfair tan                             mayfairtan                      #c19a6b
         mayfair tan                             mayfairtan                      #826644
         mayflower                               mayflower                       #ab4e52
         mazarine blue                           mazarineblue                    #272458
         meadowbrook                             meadowbrook                     #3a4b47
         meadowbrook                             meadowbrook                     #004b49
         meadowgrass                             meadowgrass                     #355e3b
         meadowgrass                             meadowgrass                     #3a4b47
         meadow [green]                          meadowgreen                     #355e3b
         meadowlark                              meadowlark                      #7e6d5a
         meadowpink                              meadowpink                      #a8516e
         meadowpink                              meadowpink                      #915f6d
         meadowsweet                             meadowsweet                     #905d5d
         meadow violet                           meadowviolet                    #875692
         meadow violet                           meadowviolet                    #9e4f88
         mecca                                   mecca                           #79443b
         mecca                                   mecca                           #6f4e37
         medal bronze                            medalbronze                     #826644
         medal bronze                            medalbronze                     #967117
         medici blue                             mediciblue                      #81878b
         mediterranian                           mediterranian                   #317873
         medium chrome green                     mediumchromegreen               #355e3b
         medium chrome green                     mediumchromegreen               #1b4d3e
         meerschaum                              meerschaum                      #ae9b82
         mehal                                   mehal                           #6f4e37
         melilot                                 melilot                         #915c83
         meline                                  meline                          #c9ae5d
         mello-mauve                             mellomauve                      #ad8884
         mellowglow                              mellowglow                      #e3a857
         melon                                   melon                           #f88379
         mephisto                                mephisto                        #ab4e52
         merida                                  merida                          #a67b5b
         merida                                  merida                          #c19a6b
         merida                                  merida                          #826644
         merle                                   merle                           #004958
         mermaid                                 mermaid                         #8f9779
         mesa                                    mesa                            #6f4e37
         metal                                   metal                           #b9b8b5
         metal brown                             metalbrown                      #79443b
         metal brown                             metalbrown                      #674c47
         metallic green                          metallicgreen                   #665d1e
         metallic grey                           metallicgrey                    #8b8589
         mexican                                 mexican                         #ae6938
         mexican                                 mexican                         #996515
         mexican red                             mexicanred                      #ae6938
         mexican red                             mexicanred                      #a67b5b
         mexico                                  mexico                          #79443b
         mexico                                  mexico                          #80461b
         miami sand                              miamisand                       #ae9b82
         miami sand                              miamisand                       #967117
         michigan                                michigan                        #004b49
         microcline green                        microclinegreen                 #c7e6d7
         middle brunswick green                  middlebrunswickgreen            #355e3b
         middle stone                            middlestone                     #a18f60
         middy                                   middy                           #00304e
         midnight                                midnight                        #50404d
         midnight sun                            midnightsun                     #d9603b
         mignon                                  mignon                          #86608e
         mignonette [green]                      mignonettegreen                 #867e36
         mignon green                            mignongreen                     #8a9a5b
         mikado                                  mikado                          #d9603b
         mikado                                  mikado                          #ed872d
         mikado brown                            mikadobrown                     #6f4e37
         mikado orange                           mikadoorange                    #d99058
         milano blue                             milanoblue                      #536878
         milk white                              milkwhite                       #f0ead6
         milwaukee brick                         milwaukeebrick                  #fad6a5
         milwaukee brick                         milwaukeebrick                  #f3e5ab
         mimosa                                  mimosa                          #f8de7e
         mindoro                                 mindoro                         #a67b5b
         mineral bister                          mineralbister                   #6f4e37
         mineral blue                            mineralblue                     #436b95
         mineral blue                            mineralblue                     #2e8495
         mineral blue                            mineralblue                     #436b95
         mineral green                           mineralgreen                    #679267
         mineral grey                            mineralgrey                     #b2beb5
         mineral orange                          mineralorange                   #e25822
         mineral pitch                           mineralpitch                    #483c32
         mineral purple                          mineralpurple                   #56070c
         mineral red                             mineralred                      #905d5d
         mineral rouge                           mineralrouge                    #882d17
         mineral rouge                           mineralrouge                    #80461b
         mineral violet                          mineralviolet                   #875692
         mineral yellow                          mineralyellow                   #fada5e
         mineral yellow                          mineralyellow                   #d4af37
         mineral yellow                          mineralyellow                   #f8de7e
         mineral yellow                          mineralyellow                   #c9ae5d
         mineral yellow                          mineralyellow                   #e3a857
         ming green                              minggreen                       #007959
         miniature pink                          miniaturepink                   #ecd5c5
         miniature pink                          miniaturepink                   #c7ada3
         minium                                  minium                          #e25822
         mint                                    mint                            #1b4d3e
         mint                                    mint                            #004b49
         minuet                                  minuet                          #8c82b6
         mirabelle                               mirabelle                       #d99058
         mirabelle                               mirabelle                       #e3a857
         mirador                                 mirador                         #422518
         mirage                                  mirage                          #c19a6b
         mist blue                               mistblue                        #93c592
         mist blue                               mistblue                        #6aab8e
         mist blue                               mistblue                        #8da399
         mist [grey]                             mistgrey                        #8f817f
         mistletoe                               mistletoe                       #8f9779
         misty blue                              mistyblue                       #93c592
         misty blue                              mistyblue                       #6aab8e
         misty blue                              mistyblue                       #8da399
         misty morn                              mistymorn                       #977f73
         misty morn                              mistymorn                       #958070
         mitis green                             mitisgreen                      #3eb489
         mittler's green                         mittlersgreen                   #004b49
         moccasin                                moccasin                        #6f4e37
         mocha                                   mocha                           #3b3121
         mocha bisque                            mochabisque                     #6f4e37
         mode beige                              modebeige                       #967117
         mohawk                                  mohawk                          #79443b
         mohawk                                  mohawk                          #6f4e37
         monaco                                  monaco                          #317873
         monet blue                              monetblue                       #272458
         monet blue                              monetblue                       #4e5180
         monicon                                 monicon                         #f88379
         monicon                                 monicon                         #cb6d51
         monicon                                 monicon                         #ed872d
         monicon                                 monicon                         #d99058
         monkey skin                             monkeyskin                      #a87c6d
         monkshood                               monkshood                       #554c69
         monsignor                               monsignor                       #875692
         monsignor                               monsignor                       #602f6b
         monsoreau                               monsoreau                       #ab4e52
         monte carlo                             montecarlo                      #007a74
         monte carlo                             montecarlo                      #317873
         montella                                montella                        #3e322c
         montella                                montella                        #483c32
         monterey                                monterey                        #9e4732
         monticello green                        monticellogreen                 #355e3b
         montpellier green                       montpelliergreen                #679267
         montpellier yellow                      montpellieryellow               #fada5e
         montpellier yellow                      montpellieryellow               #d4af37
         montpellier yellow                      montpellieryellow               #f8de7e
         montpellier yellow                      montpellieryellow               #c9ae5d
         moonbeam                                moonbeam                        #b9b8b5
         moonlight                               moonlight                       #fad6a5
         moonlight                               moonlight                       #bfb8a5
         moonlight blue                          moonlightblue                   #536878
         moonmist                                moonmist                        #bfb8a5
         moorish red                             moorishred                      #ed872d
         moose                                   moose                           #363527
         mordorA~X                                 mordor                          #79443b
         mordorA~X                                 mordor                          #6f4e37
         morea berries                           moreaberries                    #eaa221
         morea berries                           moreaberries                    #e3a857
         morello                                 morello                         #242124
         moresco                                 moresco                         #ed872d
         moresco                                 moresco                         #d99058
         morillon                                morillon                        #8a9a5b
         morning blue                            morningblue                     #8da399
         morning blue                            morningblue                     #b2beb5
         morning dawning yellow                  morningdawningyellow            #f88379
         morning dawning yellow                  morningdawningyellow            #e66761
         morning dawning yellow                  morningdawningyellow            #cb6d51
         morning glory                           morningglory                    #aa8a9e
         moroccan                                moroccan                        #722f37
         moroccan                                moroccan                        #9e4732
         morocco                                 morocco                         #3e322c
         morocco red                             moroccored                      #722f37
         morocco red                             moroccored                      #882d17
         morocco red                             moroccored                      #79443b
         morocco sand                            moroccosand                     #c19a6b
         moro red                                morored                         #79443b
         morro                                   morro                           #43302e
         morro                                   morro                           #3e322c
         mort d'ore                              mortdore                        #79443b
         mort d'ore                              mortdore                        #6f4e37
         mosaic blue                             mosaicblue                      #436b95
         mosque                                  mosque                          #80461b
         moss [green]                            mossgreen                       #867e36
         moss [green]                            mossgreen                       #8a9a5b
         moss grey                               mossgrey                        #8c8767
         moss pink                               mosspink                        #915f6d
         moss rose                               mossrose                        #e4717a
         moss rose                               mossrose                        #c08081
         mosul                                   mosul                           #a67b5b
         mosul                                   mosul                           #6f4e37
         mosul                                   mosul                           #826644
         moth [grey]                             mothgrey                        #c2b280
         motmot blue                             motmotblue                      #007791
         motmot green                            motmotgreen                     #679267
         motmot green                            motmotgreen                     #6aab8e
         mountain blue                           mountainblue                    #436b95
         mountain green                          mountaingreen                   #3a4b47
         mountain green                          mountaingreen                   #679267
         mountain yellow                         mountainyellow                  #e3a857
         mount vernon green or mt. vernon green  mountvernongreenormtvernongreen #4a5d23
         mouse-dun                               mousedun                        #5b504f
         mouse [grey]                            mousegrey                       #5b504f
         mousse                                  mousse                          #867e36
         mousse                                  mousse                          #8a9a5b
         mA~Xsange                                 msange                          #8da399
         mA~Xtallique                              mtallique                       #57554c
         muffin                                  muffin                          #a67b5b
         muffin                                  muffin                          #996515
         mulberry                                mulberry                        #242124
         mulberry fruit                          mulberryfruit                   #3f1728
         mulberry fruit                          mulberryfruit                   #2e1d21
         mulberry purple                         mulberrypurple                  #563c5c
         mummy                                   mummy                           #483c32
         mummy                                   mummy                           #826644
         mummy brown                             mummybrown                      #6f4e37
         mummy brown                             mummybrown                      #635147
         mummy brown                             mummybrown                      #7e6d5a
         muraille                                muraille                        #6f4e37
         murillo                                 murillo                         #436b95
         murinus                                 murinus                         #5b504f
         murrey                                  murrey                          #242124
         muscade                                 muscade                         #a67b5b
         muscovite                               muscovite                       #4e5755
         mushroom                                mushroom                        #5b504f
         musk                                    musk                            #483c32
         musketeer                               musketeer                       #00304e
         musketeer                               musketeer                       #252440
         musketeer                               musketeer                       #4c516d
         muskmelon                               muskmelon                       #b4745e
         muskmelon                               muskmelon                       #d99058
         muskrat                                 muskrat                         #3e322c
         mustang                                 mustang                         #7e6d5a
         mustard brown                           mustardbrown                    #6f4e37
         mustard [yellow]                        mustardyellow                   #c9ae5d
         mutrie yellow                           mutrieyellow                    #dcd300
         mutrie yellow                           mutrieyellow                    #e9e450
         myosotis blue                           myosotisblue                    #91a3b0
         myosotis blue                           myosotisblue                    #536878
         myrtle [green]                          myrtlegreen                     #3a4b47
         myrtle [green]                          myrtlegreen                     #004b49
         mytho green                             mythogreen                      #8a9a5b
         mytho green                             mythogreen                      #8f9779
         nacarat                                 nacarat                         #be0032
         nacarine                                nacarine                        #be0032
         naiad                                   naiad                           #6aab8e
         nankeen [yellow]                        nankeenyellow                   #f8de7e
         nankeen [yellow]                        nankeenyellow                   #c9ae5d
         nankeen [yellow]                        nankeenyellow                   #f3e5ab
         nankeen [yellow]                        nankeenyellow                   #c2b280
         naples red                              naplesred                       #79443b
         naples red                              naplesred                       #882d17
         naples yellow                           naplesyellow                    #f8de7e
         naples yellow                           naplesyellow                    #c9ae5d
         naples yellow                           naplesyellow                    #f3e5ab
         naples yellow                           naplesyellow                    #c2b280
         napoleon blue                           napoleonblue                    #00416a
         napoli                                  napoli                          #004958
         narcissus                               narcissus                       #d4af37
         narcissus                               narcissus                       #c9ae5d
         narrawood                               narrawood                       #ab4e52
         narva                                   narva                           #3a4b47
         nasturtium [red]                        nasturtiumred                   #9e4732
         nasturtium [yellow]                     nasturtiumyellow                #ed872d
         nasturtium [yellow]                     nasturtiumyellow                #d99058
         nasturtium [yellow]                     nasturtiumyellow                #eaa221
         nasturtium [yellow]                     nasturtiumyellow                #e3a857
         natal brown                             natalbrown                      #635147
         national [blue]                         nationalblue                    #00416a
         national [blue]                         nationalblue                    #436b95
         national grey                           nationalgrey                    #848482
         nattier                                 nattier                         #8791bf
         natural                                 natural                         #fad6a5
         natural                                 natural                         #bfb8a5
         navaho                                  navaho                          #f38400
         navaho                                  navaho                          #ed872d
         navy 1                                  navy1                           #36454f
         navy 2                                  navy2                           #291e29
         navy 3                                  navy3                           #36454f
         navy 3                                  navy3                           #202830
         navy blue                               navyblue                        #252440
         navy blue                               navyblue                        #4c516d
         neapolitan blue                         neapolitanblue                  #4c516d
         neapolitan yellow                       neapolitanyellow                #f8de7e
         neapolitan yellow                       neapolitanyellow                #c9ae5d
         neapolitan yellow                       neapolitanyellow                #f3e5ab
         neapolitan yellow                       neapolitanyellow                #c2b280
         nectar                                  nectar                          #905d5d
         nectarine                               nectarine                       #f4c2c2
         nectarine                               nectarine                       #d9a6a9
         negro                                   negro                           #483c32
         negro                                   negro                           #222222
         neptune [green]                         neptunegreen                    #6aab8e
         neptune [green]                         neptunegreen                    #3b7861
         neutral orange                          neutralorange                   #be6516
         neutral red                             neutralred                      #722f37
         neutral red                             neutralred                      #673147
         neutral tint                            neutraltint                     #222222
         neuvider green                          neuvidergreen                   #93c592
         neuvider green                          neuvidergreen                   #6aab8e
         neuwied blue                            neuwiedblue                     #317873
         neuwieder blue                          neuwiederblue                   #317873
         neuwieder green                         neuwiedergreen                  #93c592
         neuwieder green                         neuwiedergreen                  #6aab8e
         neva green                              nevagreen                       #7e9f2e
         neva green                              nevagreen                       #83d37d
         new blue                                newblue                         #0067a5
         new blue                                newblue                         #545aa7
         new bronze                              newbronze                       #6f4e37
         new bronze                              newbronze                       #635147
         new bronze                              newbronze                       #826644
         new bronze                              newbronze                       #7e6d5a
         new cocoa                               newcocoa                        #635147
         new hay                                 newhay                          #515744
         newport                                 newport                         #004958
         new silver                              newsilver                       #f3e5ab
         new silver                              newsilver                       #c2b280
         new silver                              newsilver                       #bfb8a5
         new silver                              newsilver                       #dadfb7
         new silver                              newsilver                       #848482
         niagara                                 niagara                         #66aabc
         niagara green                           niagaragreen                    #66ada4
         nicaraguawood                           nicaraguawood                   #ab4e52
         nicaraguawood                           nicaraguawood                   #905d5d
         nice                                    nice                            #536878
         nightshade                              nightshade                      #2f2140
         nightshade                              nightshade                      #50404d
         nikko                                   nikko                           #436b95
         nikko                                   nikko                           #536878
         nile blue                               nileblue                        #66ada4
         nile [green]                            nilegreen                       #8a9a5b
         nile [green]                            nilegreen                       #8f9779
         nile [green]                            nilegreen                       #93c592
         nimbus                                  nimbus                          #848482
         nippon                                  nippon                          #00304e
         noisette                                noisette                        #a67b5b
         noisette                                noisette                        #996515
         nomad brown                             nomadbrown                      #422518
         norfolk                                 norfolk                         #3e322c
         normandy                                normandy                        #00304e
         normandy                                normandy                        #252440
         normandy                                normandy                        #4c516d
         normandy blue                           normandyblue                    #8da399
         nougat                                  nougat                          #958070
         nougat                                  nougat                          #ae9b82
         nubian                                  nubian                          #222222
         nude                                    nude                            #c2ac99
         nude                                    nude                            #fad6a5
         nude                                    nude                            #c19a6b
         nude                                    nude                            #ae9b82
         nugget                                  nugget                          #d99058
         nugget                                  nugget                          #be8a3d
         nuncio                                  nuncio                          #86608e
         nuremberg red                           nurembergred                    #79443b
         nuremberg violet                        nurembergviolet                 #875692
         nutmeg                                  nutmeg                          #6f4e37
         nutmeg                                  nutmeg                          #635147
         nutria                                  nutria                          #57554c
         nymphea                                 nymphea                         #86608e
         nymph green                             nymphgreen                      #ebe8a4
         nymph green                             nymphgreen                      #c9dc89
         nymph [pink]                            nymphpink                       #ea9399
         nymph [pink]                            nymphpink                       #dea5a4
         oad                                     oad                             #536878
         oak [brown]                             oakbrown                        #80461b
         oak [brown]                             oakbrown                        #6f4e37
         oakbuff                                 oakbuff                         #a67b5b
         oakbuff                                 oakbuff                         #c19a6b
         oakbuff                                 oakbuff                         #826644
         oak [green]                             oakgreen                        #867e36
         oakheart                                oakheart                        #905d5d
         oakheart                                oakheart                        #79443b
         oakleaf brown                           oakleafbrown                    #be6516
         oakleaf brown                           oakleafbrown                    #ae6938
         oakleaf brown                           oakleafbrown                    #80461b
         oakwood                                 oakwood                         #6f4e37
         oasis                                   oasis                           #867e36
         oasis                                   oasis                           #8a9a5b
         ocean green                             oceangreen                      #93c592
         ocher red                               ocherred                        #905d5d
         ochraceous                              ochraceous                      #e3a857
         ochre                                   ochre                           #e3a857
         ochre de ru                             ochrederu                       #ae6938
         ochre de ru                             ochrederu                       #996515
         ochre red                               ochrered                        #9e4732
         oil blue                                oilblue                         #30267a
         oil green                               oilgreen                        #679267
         oil yellow                              oilyellow                       #b9b459
         oil yellow                              oilyellow                       #98943e
         oker de luce                            okerdeluce                      #ae6938
         oker de luce                            okerdeluce                      #996515
         oker de luke                            okerdeluke                      #ae6938
         oker de luke                            okerdeluke                      #996515
         oker de rouse                           okerderouse                     #ae6938
         oker de rouse                           okerderouse                     #996515
         old amethyst                            oldamethyst                     #722f37
         old amethyst                            oldamethyst                     #673147
         old blue                                oldblue                         #91a3b0
         old blue                                oldblue                         #536878
         old blue                                oldblue                         #81878b
         old bronze                              oldbronze                       #967117
         old bronze                              oldbronze                       #867e36
         old burgundy                            oldburgundy                     #3e1d1e
         old burgundy                            oldburgundy                     #43302e
         old cedar                               oldcedar                        #79443b
         old china                               oldchina                        #536878
         old china                               oldchina                        #4c516d
         old coral                               oldcoral                        #ab4e52
         olde                                    olde                            #eae679
         olde                                    olde                            #b9b459
         old english brown                       oldenglishbrown                 #483c32
         old english brown                       oldenglishbrown                 #6c541e
         old english brown                       oldenglishbrown                 #3b3121
         old gold                                oldgold                         #867e36
         old helio                               oldhelio                        #563c5c
         old ivory                               oldivory                        #c2b280
         old ivory                               oldivory                        #a18f60
         old ivory                               oldivory                        #967117
         old lavender                            oldlavender                     #242124
         old lilac                               oldlilac                        #796878
         old lilac                               oldlilac                        #836479
         old mauve                               oldmauve                        #50404d
         old mauve                               oldmauve                        #673147
         old moss [green]                        oldmossgreen                    #867e36
         old olive                               oldolive                        #6c541e
         old pink                                oldpink                         #a67b5b
         old red                                 oldred                          #841b2d
         old red                                 oldred                          #ab4e52
         old rose                                oldrose                         #905d5d
         old roseleaf                            oldroseleaf                     #722f37
         old silver                              oldsilver                       #848482
         old wood                                oldwood                         #905d5d
         olivaceous                              olivaceous                      #665d1e
         olive brown                             olivebrown                      #6c541e
         olive drab                              olivedrab                       #5b5842
         olive [green]                           olivegreen                      #665d1e
         olive grey                              olivegrey                       #8f9779
         olive grey                              olivegrey                       #7d8984
         olivesheen                              olivesheen                      #a18f60
         olive terra verte                       oliveterraverte                 #867e36
         olive wood                              olivewood                       #7e6d5a
         olive yellow                            oliveyellow                     #98943e
         olive yellow                            oliveyellow                     #867e36
         olivine                                 olivine                         #93c592
         olympia                                 olympia                         #007a74
         olympia                                 olympia                         #317873
         olympian blue                           olympianblue                    #00416a
         olympian green                          olympiangreen                   #679267
         olympic                                 olympic                         #36454f
         olympic blue                            olympicblue                     #007791
         ondine                                  ondine                          #8da399
         onion-peel                              onionpeel                       #905d5d
         onion red                               onionred                        #905d5d
         onion-skin pink                         onionskinpink                   #d9a6a9
         onion-skin pink                         onionskinpink                   #d99058
         onion-skin pink                         onionskinpink                   #a67b5b
         ontario violet                          ontarioviolet                   #8c92ac
         oold                                    oold                            #eae679
         oold                                    oold                            #b9b459
         opal                                    opal                            #317873
         opal blue                               opalblue                        #536878
         opal grey                               opalgrey                        #8f817f
         opal grey                               opalgrey                        #848482
         opaline green                           opalinegreen                    #8ed1b2
         opal mauve                              opalmauve                       #c1b6b3
         opaq                                    opaq                            #679267
         opera mauve                             operamauve                      #b784a7
         opera pink                              operapink                       #f4c2c2
         opera pink                              operapink                       #d9a6a9
         opera pink                              operapink                       #ecd5c5
         opera pink                              operapink                       #c7ada3
         ophelia                                 ophelia                         #915c83
         ophelia                                 ophelia                         #915f6d
         ophelia                                 ophelia                         #836479
         oporto                                  oporto                          #722f37
         oporto                                  oporto                          #3f1728
         orange aurora                           orangeaurora                    #f88379
         orange aurora                           orangeaurora                    #e66761
         orange aurora                           orangeaurora                    #cb6d51
         orange lead                             orangelead                      #e25822
         orange madder                           orangemadder                    #ed872d
         orange ochre                            orangeochre                     #ed872d
         orange-peel                             orangepeel                      #ed872d
         orange rufous                           orangerufous                    #ed872d
         orange tawny                            orangetawny                     #cb6d51
         orange vermilion                        orangevermilion                 #d9603b
         orchadee                                orchadee                        #b784a7
         orchall                                 orchall                         #a8516e
         orchid                                  orchid                          #b695c0
         orchid                                  orchid                          #aa98a9
         orchid pink                             orchidpink                      #ea9399
         orchil                                  orchil                          #ab4e52
         orchil                                  orchil                          #a8516e
         orchis                                  orchis                          #905d5d
         orient                                  orient                          #dea5a4
         oriental                                oriental                        #536878
         oriental blue                           orientalblue                    #4c516d
         oriental blue                           orientalblue                    #0067a5
         oriental blue                           orientalblue                    #545aa7
         oriental bole                           orientalbole                    #79443b
         oriental fuchsia                        orientalfuchsia                 #702963
         oriental green                          orientalgreen                   #44944a
         oriental green                          orientalgreen                   #679267
         oriental pearl                          orientalpearl                   #8a8776
         oriental pearl                          orientalpearl                   #848482
         oriental red                            orientalred                     #bc3f4a
         orient [blue]                           orientblue                      #0067a5
         orient blue                             orientblue                      #436b95
         orient blue                             orientblue                      #536878
         orient pink                             orientpink                      #d9a6a9
         orient red                              orientred                       #bc3f4a
         orient yellow                           orientyellow                    #ed872d
         orient yellow                           orientyellow                    #d99058
         orient yellow                           orientyellow                    #eaa221
         orient yellow                           orientyellow                    #e3a857
         orient yellow                           orientyellow                    #ab9144
         orient yellow                           orientyellow                    #a18f60
         oriole                                  oriole                          #ae6938
         orion                                   orion                           #00304e
         orlean                                  orlean                          #d9a6a9
         ormond                                  ormond                          #977f73
         ormond                                  ormond                          #958070
         ormond                                  ormond                          #8e8279
         orpiment                                orpiment                        #fada5e
         orpiment                                orpiment                        #d4af37
         orpiment                                orpiment                        #f8de7e
         orpiment                                orpiment                        #c9ae5d
         orpiment orange                         orpimentorange                  #f38400
         orpiment orange                         orpimentorange                  #ed872d
         orpiment red                            orpimentred                     #eaa221
         orpiment red                            orpimentred                     #e3a857
         orpin                                   orpin                           #fada5e
         orpin                                   orpin                           #d4af37
         orpin                                   orpin                           #f8de7e
         orpin                                   orpin                           #c9ae5d
         orseille                                orseille                        #a8516e
         otter [brown]                           otterbrown                      #483c32
         oural green                             ouralgreen                      #93c592
         oural green                             ouralgreen                      #c7e6d7
         owl                                     owl                             #5b504f
         oxblood [red]                           oxbloodred                      #79443b
         oxford blue                             oxfordblue                      #291e29
         oxford chrome                           oxfordchrome                    #e3a857
         oxford ochre                            oxfordochre                     #e3a857
         oxford yellow                           oxfordyellow                    #e3a857
         oxgall                                  oxgall                          #d4af37
         oxheart                                 oxheart                         #841b2d
         oxide blue                              oxideblue                       #0085a1
         oxide brown                             oxidebrown                      #79443b
         oxide purple                            oxidepurple                     #79443b
         oxide yellow                            oxideyellow                     #e3a857
         oyster grey                             oystergrey                      #dadfb7
         oyster [white]                          oysterwhite                     #dadfb7
         pablo                                   pablo                           #a67b5b
         pablo                                   pablo                           #c19a6b
         pacific                                 pacific                         #8da399
         pacific                                 pacific                         #66ada4
         paddock                                 paddock                         #004b49
         pagoda [blue]                           pagodablue                      #004958
         pagoda [blue]                           pagodablue                      #36454f
         palestine                               palestine                       #796878
         palestine                               palestine                       #915f6d
         palm                                    palm                            #8a9a5b
         palmetto                                palmetto                        #8f9779
         palm green                              palmgreen                       #355e3b
         palmleaf                                palmleaf                        #867e36
         paloma                                  paloma                          #ae6938
         paloma                                  paloma                          #a67b5b
         pampas                                  pampas                          #5b504f
         pan                                     pan                             #3a4b47
         pancy green                             pancygreen                      #355e3b
         pansA~Xe                                  panse                           #604e97
         pansy                                   pansy                           #604e97
         pansy-maroon                            pansymaroon                     #673147
         pansy purple                            pansypurple                     #673147
         pansy violet                            pansyviolet                     #5d3954
         paon                                    paon                            #004958
         paper white                             paperwhite                      #bfb8a5
         paprica                                 paprica                         #e25822
         papyrus                                 papyrus                         #a67b5b
         paradise green                          paradisegreen                   #355e3b
         para red                                parared                         #bc3f4a
         para red                                parared                         #ab4e52
         parchment                               parchment                       #c2b280
         parchment                               parchment                       #a18f60
         parchment                               parchment                       #967117
         paris green                             parisgreen                      #679267
         paris green                             parisgreen                      #3eb489
         paris mud                               parismud                        #543d3f
         paris red                               parisred                        #e25822
         paris yellow                            parisyellow                     #d4af37
         park green                              parkgreen                       #8a9a5b
         parma red                               parmared                        #bc3f4a
         parma red                               parmared                        #ab4e52
         parme                                   parme                           #604e81
         parrakeet                               parrakeet                       #8a9a5b
         parrakeet                               parrakeet                       #3eb489
         parroquit green                         parroquitgreen                  #8a9a5b
         parrot green                            parrotgreen                     #8a9a5b
         partridge                               partridge                       #826644
         partridge                               partridge                       #4b3621
         parula blue                             parulablue                      #536878
         pastel                                  pastel                          #536878
         pastel blue                             pastelblue                      #536878
         pastel grey                             pastelgrey                      #c2b280
         pastel parchment                        pastelparchment                 #d9a6a9
         pastel parchment                        pastelparchment                 #c7ada3
         pastel parchment                        pastelparchment                 #c2ac99
         patent yellow                           patentyellow                    #fada5e
         patent yellow                           patentyellow                    #d4af37
         patent yellow                           patentyellow                    #f8de7e
         patent yellow                           patentyellow                    #c9ae5d
         patina green                            patinagreen                     #93c592
         patina green                            patinagreen                     #679267
         patriarch                               patriarch                       #602f6b
         patricia                                patricia                        #9e4f88
         paul veronese green                     paulveronesegreen               #3eb489
         pauncy green                            pauncygreen                     #355e3b
         pavonine                                pavonine                        #004958
         pawnee                                  pawnee                          #a67b5b
         pawnee                                  pawnee                          #958070
         pawnee                                  pawnee                          #c19a6b
         pawnee                                  pawnee                          #ae9b82
         payne's grey                            paynesgrey                      #536878
         payne's grey                            paynesgrey                      #36454f
         peach                                   peach                           #f4c2c2
         peach                                   peach                           #d9a6a9
         peachbeige                              peachbeige                      #d9a6a9
         peach bisque                            peachbisque                     #a87c6d
         peach bloom                             peachbloom                      #d9a6a9
         peach blossom [pink]                    peachblossompink                #ea9399
         peach blossom [pink]                    peachblossompink                #dea5a4
         peach blossom [red]                     peachblossomred                 #ea9399
         peach blossom [red]                     peachblossomred                 #dea5a4
         peach blow                              peachblow                       #fad6a5
         peach blush                             peachblush                      #80461b
         peach red                               peachred                        #f88379
         peachwood                               peachwood                       #ab4e52
         peachwood                               peachwood                       #905d5d
         peacock [blue]                          peacockblue                     #004958
         peacock green                           peacockgreen                    #679267
         pea green                               peagreen                        #8a9a5b
         peanut                                  peanut                          #c2b280
         pearl                                   pearl                           #b9b8b5
         pearl blue                              pearlblue                       #b9b8b5
         pearlblush                              pearlblush                      #c2ac99
         pearlblush                              pearlblush                      #958070
         pearl gray                              pearlgray                       #bfb8a5
         pearl white                             pearlwhite                      #b9b8b5
         peasant                                 peasant                         #252440
         peasant                                 peasant                         #4c516d
         peasant blue                            peasantblue                     #536878
         peasant blue                            peasantblue                     #00304e
         peasant blue                            peasantblue                     #252440
         peasant blue                            peasantblue                     #4c516d
         pebble                                  pebble                          #c2b280
         pecan                                   pecan                           #ae9b82
         pecan brown                             pecanbrown                      #6f4e37
         pekinese                                pekinese                        #ae6938
         pekinese                                pekinese                        #a67b5b
         peking blue                             pekingblue                      #00304e
         pelican                                 pelican                         #555555
         peligot's blue                          peligotsblue                    #317873
         pelt                                    pelt                            #5b504f
         pencilwood                              pencilwood                      #79443b
         pencilwood                              pencilwood                      #6f4e37
         penguin                                 penguin                         #848482
         peony                                   peony                           #722f37
         peony red                               peonyred                        #841b2d
         peony red                               peonyred                        #722f37
         pepita                                  pepita                          #967117
         peppermint                              peppermint                      #44944a
         pepper red                              pepperred                       #ab4e52
         peridot                                 peridot                         #8a9a5b
         peridot                                 peridot                         #8f9779
         peridot                                 peridot                         #4a5d23
         peridot                                 peridot                         #515744
         perilla                                 perilla                         #9065ca
         perilla                                 perilla                         #604e97
         perilla purple                          perillapurple                   #673147
         perique                                 perique                         #483c32
         periwinkle                              periwinkle                      #8c92ac
         periwinkle                              periwinkle                      #4c516d
         permanent blue                          permanentblue                   #0067a5
         permanent blue                          permanentblue                   #545aa7
         permanent red                           permanentred                    #bc3f4a
         permanent red                           permanentred                    #ab4e52
         permanent violet                        permanentviolet                 #875692
         permanent yellow                        permanentyellow                 #e3a857
         perma red                               permared                        #bc3f4a
         perma red                               permared                        #ab4e52
         pernambucowood                          pernambucowood                  #ab4e52
         pernambucowood                          pernambucowood                  #905d5d
         perruche                                perruche                        #8a9a5b
         persenche                               persenche                       #9690ab
         persian blue                            persianblue                     #91a3b0
         persian blue                            persianblue                     #4c516d
         persian earth                           persianearth                    #882d17
         persian green                           persiangreen                    #3a4b47
         persian lilac                           persianlilac                    #c17e91
         persian melon                           persianmelon                    #b4745e
         persian orange                          persianorange                   #d99058
         persian pink                            persianpink                     #a8516e
         persian red                             persianred                      #882d17
         persian rose                            persianrose                     #ce4676
         persian yellow                          persianyellow                   #e25822
         persian yellow                          persianyellow                   #f38400
         persimmon                               persimmon                       #80461b
         persio                                  persio                          #a8516e
         persis                                  persis                          #a8516e
         peruvian brown                          peruvianbrown                   #ae6938
         peruvian brown                          peruvianbrown                   #a67b5b
         peruvian yellow                         peruvianyellow                  #cb6d51
         pervenche                               pervenche                       #4c516d
         petunia                                 petunia                         #563c5c
         petunia [violet]                        petuniaviolet                   #602f6b
         pewke                                   pewke                           #722f37
         pewter                                  pewter                          #555555
         phantom                                 phantom                         #555555
         phantom red                             phantomred                      #e25822
         pharaoh                                 pharaoh                         #4e5180
         pharaoh                                 pharaoh                         #252440
         pheasant                                pheasant                        #d99058
         pheasant                                pheasant                        #a67b5b
         philamot                                philamot                        #be6516
         philamot                                philamot                        #ae6938
         philamot                                philamot                        #80461b
         philimot                                philimot                        #be6516
         philimot                                philimot                        #ae6938
         philimot                                philimot                        #80461b
         philomot                                philomot                        #be6516
         philomot                                philomot                        #ae6938
         philomot                                philomot                        #80461b
         phlox                                   phlox                           #702963
         phlox                                   phlox                           #673147
         phlox pink                              phloxpink                       #aa98a9
         phlox purple                            phloxpurple                     #9e4f88
         phyliamort                              phyliamort                      #be6516
         phyliamort                              phyliamort                      #ae6938
         phyliamort                              phyliamort                      #80461b
         phyllamort                              phyllamort                      #be6516
         phyllamort                              phyllamort                      #ae6938
         phyllamort                              phyllamort                      #80461b
         piccadilly                              piccadilly                      #79443b
         piccadilly                              piccadilly                      #674c47
         piccaninny                              piccaninny                      #483c32
         piccolpasso red                         piccolpassored                  #79443b
         pigeon                                  pigeon                          #5d555b
         pigeon blood                            pigeonblood                     #722f37
         pigeon neck                             pigeonneck                      #555555
         pigeon's-breast                         pigeonsbreast                   #905d5d
         pigeon's throat                         pigeonsthroat                   #3b7861
         pigskin                                 pigskin                         #a67b5b
         pigskin                                 pigskin                         #6f4e37
         pigskin                                 pigskin                         #826644
         pilgrim                                 pilgrim                         #555555
         pilgrim brown                           pilgrimbrown                    #635147
         pilgrim brown                           pilgrimbrown                    #3e322c
         pilot blue                              pilotblue                       #436b95
         pimento                                 pimento                         #be0032
         pimlico                                 pimlico                         #554c69
         pinard yellow                           pinardyellow                    #f8de7e
         pinchbeck brown                         pinchbeckbrown                  #be8a3d
         pinchbeck brown                         pinchbeckbrown                  #996515
         pinchbeck brown                         pinchbeckbrown                  #c19a6b
         pinchbeck brown                         pinchbeckbrown                  #ab9144
         pinchbeck brown                         pinchbeckbrown                  #967117
         pineapple                               pineapple                       #f8de7e
         pineapple                               pineapple                       #c9ae5d
         pinecone                                pinecone                        #635147
         pinecone                                pinecone                        #7e6d5a
         pine frost                              pinefrost                       #8da399
         pinegrove                               pinegrove                       #3a4b47
         pineneedle                              pineneedle                      #1b4d3e
         pineneedle                              pineneedle                      #3a4b47
         pine tree                               pinetree                        #004b49
         pink 1                                  pink1                           #c1b6b3
         pink 2                                  pink2                           #ead8d7
         pink 3                                  pink3                           #f9ccca
         pink 3                                  pink3                           #ead8d7
         pink 4                                  pink4                           #f9ccca
         pink 4                                  pink4                           #dea5a4
         pink 5                                  pink5                           #dea5a4
         pink coral                              pinkcoral                       #e4717a
         pink coral                              pinkcoral                       #f88379
         pink pearl                              pinkpearl                       #dea5a4
         piping rock                             pipingrock                      #8a8776
         piquant green                           piquantgreen                    #8a9a5b
         pirate                                  pirate                          #bc3f4a
         pirate                                  pirate                          #d9603b
         pistache                                pistache                        #8a9a5b
         pistache                                pistache                        #93c592
         pistachio green                         pistachiogreen                  #8a9a5b
         pistachio green                         pistachiogreen                  #93c592
         pitchpine                               pitchpine                       #3a4b47
         piuree                                  piuree                          #eaa221
         piuree                                  piuree                          #e3a857
         piuri                                   piuri                           #eaa221
         piuri                                   piuri                           #e3a857
         pi yu                                   piyu                            #3b7861
         plantation                              plantation                      #79443b
         platina yellow                          platinayellow                   #ae6938
         platinum                                platinum                        #848482
         plaza grey                              plazagrey                       #bfb8a5
         pleroma violet                          pleromaviolet                   #86608e
         plover                                  plover                          #5b504f
         plumbaceous                             plumbaceous                     #5d555b
         plumbaceous                             plumbaceous                     #555555
         plumbago blue                           plumbagoblue                    #aa98a9
         plumbago blue                           plumbagoblue                    #8b8589
         plumbago grey                           plumbagogrey                    #aa98a9
         plumbago grey                           plumbagogrey                    #8b8589
         plumbago slate                          plumbagoslate                   #5d555b
         plumbet                                 plumbet                         #b4bcc0
         plum [purple]                           plumpurple                      #563c5c
         plum purple                             plumpurple                      #2f2140
         plum violet                             plumviolet                      #722f37
         plum violet                             plumviolet                      #673147
         plunket                                 plunket                         #b4bcc0
         plymouth                                plymouth                        #555555
         poil d'ours                             poildours                       #555555
         poilu                                   poilu                           #81878b
         poinsettia                              poinsettia                      #be0032
         poinsettia                              poinsettia                      #bc3f4a
         pois green                              poisgreen                       #8f9779
         polar bear                              polarbear                       #fad6a5
         polar bear                              polarbear                       #f0ead6
         polignac                                polignac                        #ad8884
         polignac                                polignac                        #a87c6d
         polignac                                polignac                        #977f73
         polo green                              pologreen                       #4a5d23
         polo green                              pologreen                       #355e3b
         polo tan                                polotan                         #c19a6b
         pomegranate                             pomegranate                     #722f37
         pomegranate blossom                     pomegranateblossom              #be0032
         pomegranate blossom                     pomegranateblossom              #e25822
         pomegranate purple                      pomegranatepurple               #ab4e52
         pomegranate purple                      pomegranatepurple               #a8516e
         pomegranate purple                      pomegranatepurple               #a8516e
         pomegranate purple                      pomegranatepurple               #915f6d
         pomona green                            pomonagreen                     #8a9a5b
         pompadour [green]                       pompadourgreen                  #436b95
         pomp and power                          pompandpower                    #86608e
         pompeian blue                           pompeianblue                    #91a3b0
         pompeian red                            pompeianred                     #905d5d
         pompeian red                            pompeianred                     #b4745e
         pompeian red                            pompeianred                     #a87c6d
         pompeian yellow                         pompeianyellow                  #e3a857
         pompeii                                 pompeii                         #56070c
         pompeii                                 pompeii                         #79443b
         ponceau                                 ponceau                         #be0032
         ponceau                                 ponceau                         #e25822
         ponce de leon                           poncedeleon                     #ed872d
         pond lily                               pondlily                        #f8de7e
         pond lily                               pondlily                        #c9ae5d
         pongee                                  pongee                          #c19a6b
         pontiff [purple]                        pontiffpurple                   #602f6b
         pony brown                              ponybrown                       #635147
         popcorn                                 popcorn                         #f8de7e
         popinjay green                          popinjaygreen                   #8a9a5b
         poplar                                  poplar                          #3a4b47
         poppy [red]                             poppyred                        #be0032
         poppy [red]                             poppyred                        #e25822
         porcelain                               porcelain                       #436b95
         porcelain blue                          porcelainblue                   #536878
         porcelain green                         porcelaingreen                  #317873
         porraaceous                             porraaceous                     #8a9a5b
         porret                                  porret                          #8a9a5b
         port                                    port                            #3f1728
         portable red                            portablered                     #bc3f4a
         portable red                            portablered                     #ab4e52
         portable red                            portablered                     #aa381e
         portable red                            portablered                     #9e4732
         portugese red or portuguese red         portugeseredorportuguesered     #be0032
         port wine                               portwine                        #43302e
         post office red                         postofficered                   #aa381e
         post office red                         postofficered                   #9e4732
         posy green                              posygreen                       #5e716a
         poudre                                  poudre                          #91a3b0
         poudre                                  poudre                          #81878b
         poudre                                  poudre                          #b4bcc0
         poudre blue                             poudreblue                      #91a3b0
         poudre blue                             poudreblue                      #81878b
         powder blue                             powderblue                      #91a3b0
         powder blue                             powderblue                      #81878b
         powder blue                             powderblue                      #00416a
         powder blue                             powderblue                      #436b95
         powdered gold                           powderedgold                    #a18f60
         powder pink                             powderpink                      #d9a6a9
         prairie                                 prairie                         #c19a6b
         prairie brown                           prairiebrown                    #ae6938
         praline                                 praline                         #6f4e37
         praline                                 praline                         #635147
         prawn [pink]                            prawnpink                       #f88379
         prelate                                 prelate                         #604e81
         primrose green                          primrosegreen                   #ebe8a4
         primrose yellow                         primroseyellow                  #f8de7e
         primrose yellow                         primroseyellow                  #c9ae5d
         primuline yellow                        primulineyellow                 #d4af37
         prince grey                             princegrey                      #8b8589
         princeton orange                        princetonorange                 #ed872d
         priscilla                               priscilla                       #b9b8b5
         privet                                  privet                          #515744
         prout's brown                           proutsbrown                     #6f4e37
         prout's brown                           proutsbrown                     #635147
         prout's brown                           proutsbrown                     #826644
         prout's brown                           proutsbrown                     #7e6d5a
         prune                                   prune                           #5d3954
         prunella                                prunella                        #32174d
         prunella                                prunella                        #2f2140
         prune purple                            prunepurple                     #563c5c
         prussian brown                          prussianbrown                   #ae6938
         prussian red                            prussianred                     #882d17
         prussian red                            prussianred                     #79443b
         psyche                                  psyche                          #93c592
         pA~XtA~X shell                              ptshell                         #fad6a5
         pA~XtA~X shell                              ptshell                         #c19a6b
         puce                                    puce                            #722f37
         pueblo                                  pueblo                          #6f4e37
         puke                                    puke                            #722f37
         pumpkin                                 pumpkin                         #ed872d
         punjab                                  punjab                          #be6516
         punjab                                  punjab                          #ae6938
         puritan grey                            puritangrey                     #81878b
         puritan grey                            puritangrey                     #848482
         purple aster                            purpleaster                     #86608e
         purple brown                            purplebrown                     #79443b
         purple heather                          purpleheather                   #86608e
         purple lake                             purplelake                      #841b2d
         purple lake                             purplelake                      #ab4e52
         purple madder                           purplemadder                    #ab4e52
         purple madder                           purplemadder                    #722f37
         purple navy                             purplenavy                      #00304e
         purple navy                             purplenavy                      #4e5180
         purple navy                             purplenavy                      #252440
         purple ochre                            purpleochre                     #882d17
         purple oxide                            purpleoxide                     #79443b
         purple rubiate                          purplerubiate                   #ab4e52
         purple rubiate                          purplerubiate                   #722f37
         purrea arabica                          purreaarabica                   #eaa221
         purrea arabica                          purreaarabica                   #e3a857
         purree                                  purree                          #eaa221
         purree                                  purree                          #e3a857
         putty                                   putty                           #f3e5ab
         putty                                   putty                           #c2b280
         pygmalion                               pygmalion                       #996515
         pygmalion                               pygmalion                       #c19a6b
         pygmalion                               pygmalion                       #826644
         pyrethrum yellow                        pyrethrumyellow                 #fada5e
         pyrethrum yellow                        pyrethrumyellow                 #d4af37
         pyrethrum yellow                        pyrethrumyellow                 #f8de7e
         pyrethrum yellow                        pyrethrumyellow                 #c9ae5d
         pyrite yellow                           pyriteyellow                    #ab9144
         quail                                   quail                           #5b504f
         quail                                   quail                           #555555
         quaker                                  quaker                          #8b8589
         quaker                                  quaker                          #848482
         quaker blue                             quakerblue                      #222222
         quaker drab                             quakerdrab                      #848482
         quaker green                            quakergreen                     #4a5d23
         quaker grey                             quakergrey                      #8c8767
         queen anne green                        queenannegreen                  #8f9779
         queen blue                              queenblue                       #436b95
         queen's blue                            queensblue                      #436b95
         queen's yellow                          queensyellow                    #f8de7e
         quercitron                              quercitron                      #f8de7e
         quercitron lake                         quercitronlake                  #e3a857
         quimper                                 quimper                         #536878
         quince yellow                           quinceyellow                    #c9ae5d
         rabbit                                  rabbit                          #5b504f
         racquet                                 racquet                         #635147
         racquet                                 racquet                         #7e6d5a
         raddle                                  raddle                          #79443b
         radiance                                radiance                        #e4717a
         radiant yellow                          radiantyellow                   #ed872d
         radiant yellow                          radiantyellow                   #d99058
         radiant yellow                          radiantyellow                   #eaa221
         radiant yellow                          radiantyellow                   #e3a857
         radio                                   radio                           #00304e
         radio                                   radio                           #536878
         radio blue                              radioblue                       #36454f
         raffia                                  raffia                          #c19a6b
         raffia                                  raffia                          #c2b280
         ragged sailor                           raggedsailor                    #4e5180
         rail                                    rail                            #555555
         rainette green                          rainettegreen                   #8a9a5b
         raisin                                  raisin                          #673147
         raisin black                            raisinblack                     #242124
         raisin purple                           raisinpurple                    #702963
         rambler rose                            ramblerrose                     #e4717a
         rambler rose                            ramblerrose                     #a8516e
         rameau                                  rameau                          #222222
         rameses                                 rameses                         #00416a
         ramier blue                             ramierblue                      #796878
         rangoon                                 rangoon                         #6f4e37
         raphael                                 raphael                         #436b95
         raphael                                 raphael                         #00304e
         rapids                                  rapids                          #436b95
         raspberry                               raspberry                       #722f37
         raspberry glacA~X                         raspberryglac                   #ab4e52
         raspberry glacA~X                         raspberryglac                   #905d5d
         raspberry glacA~X                         raspberryglac                   #a8516e
         raspberry glacA~X                         raspberryglac                   #915f6d
         raspberry red                           raspberryred                    #ab4e52
         rat                                     rat                             #57554c
         rattan                                  rattan                          #c9ae5d
         raw italian earth                       rawitalianearth                 #ae6938
         raw italian earth                       rawitalianearth                 #a67b5b
         raw sienna                              rawsienna                       #ae6938
         raw sienna                              rawsienna                       #a67b5b
         raw umber                               rawumber                        #826644
         raw umber                               rawumber                        #4b3621
         raw umber                               rawumber                        #6f4e37
         rA~Xcamier                                rcamier                         #dea5a4
         rA~Xcamier                                rcamier                         #f88379
         realgar                                 realgar                         #eaa221
         realgar                                 realgar                         #e3a857
         red banana                              redbanana                       #841b2d
         red banana                              redbanana                       #ab4e52
         red bole                                redbole                         #79443b
         red chalk                               redchalk                        #79443b
         red cross                               redcross                        #be0032
         red cross                               redcross                        #bc3f4a
         redding                                 redding                         #79443b
         reddle                                  reddle                          #79443b
         red earth                               redearth                        #79443b
         redfeather                              redfeather                      #bc3f4a
         redfeather                              redfeather                      #ab4e52
         red in plates                           redinplates                     #be0032
         red lead                                redlead                         #e25822
         red ochre                               redochre                        #79443b
         red oxide                               redoxide                        #882d17
         red oxide                               redoxide                        #80461b
         red robin                               redrobin                        #56070c
         redwood                                 redwood                         #722f37
         redwood                                 redwood                         #882d17
         redwood                                 redwood                         #79443b
         redwood redwood -)                      redwoodredwood                  #ab4e52
         redwood redwood -)                      redwoodredwood                  #ab4e52
         redwood redwood -)                      redwoodredwood                  #905d5d
         reed green                              reedgreen                       #c9dc89
         reed yellow                             reedyellow                      #eae679
         reed yellow                             reedyellow                      #ebe8a4
         regal                                   regal                           #272458
         regal purple                            regalpurple                     #604e97
         regatta                                 regatta                         #0067a5
         regatta                                 regatta                         #545aa7
         regimental                              regimental                      #4c516d
         rejane green                            rejanegreen                     #679267
         rembrandt                               rembrandt                       #3e322c
         rembrandt's madder                      rembrandtsmadder                #cb6d51
         rembrandt's madder                      rembrandtsmadder                #9e4732
         rembrandt's madder                      rembrandtsmadder                #b4745e
         rembrandt's madder                      rembrandtsmadder                #79443b
         renaissance                             renaissance                     #ce4676
         reseda [green]                          resedagreen                     #867e36
         resolute                                resolute                        #436b95
         reveree                                 reveree                         #ecd5c5
         reveree                                 reveree                         #c7ada3
         rhododendron                            rhododendron                    #673147
         rhodonite pink                          rhodonitepink                   #c17e91
         rhone                                   rhone                           #c9dc89
         rhone                                   rhone                           #dadfb7
         rhubarb                                 rhubarb                         #867e36
         rifle [green]                           riflegreen                      #31362b
         rifle [green]                           riflegreen                      #222222
         riga                                    riga                            #317873
         riga blue                               rigablue                        #3a4b47
         riga blue                               rigablue                        #536878
         rinnemann's green                       rinnemannsgreen                 #679267
         ripple green                            ripplegreen                     #5e716a
         ripple green                            ripplegreen                     #317873
         risigal                                 risigal                         #eaa221
         risigal                                 risigal                         #e3a857
         rivage green                            rivagegreen                     #8a9a5b
         rivage green                            rivagegreen                     #93c592
         riviera                                 riviera                         #0067a5
         roan                                    roan                            #79443b
         robinhood green                         robinhoodgreen                  #1b4d3e
         robin's egg blue                        robinseggblue                   #8da399
         robin's egg blue                        robinseggblue                   #66ada4
         rocou                                   rocou                           #d9a6a9
         rodent                                  rodent                          #555555
         roe                                     roe                             #c19a6b
         roe                                     roe                             #a18f60
         roma blue                               romablue                        #4c516d
         roma blue                               romablue                        #554c69
         roman earth                             romanearth                      #d99058
         romanesque                              romanesque                      #5d3954
         roman green                             romangreen                      #665d1e
         roman lake                              romanlake                       #be0032
         roman lake                              romanlake                       #bc3f4a
         roman ochre                             romanochre                      #d99058
         roman purple                            romanpurple                     #604e81
         roman sepia                             romansepia                      #6f4e37
         romantic green                          romanticgreen                   #867e36
         roman umber                             romanumber                      #826644
         roman umber                             romanumber                      #4b3621
         roman violet                            romanviolet                     #5d3954
         romany                                  romany                          #36454f
         romany                                  romany                          #202830
         romany                                  romany                          #252440
         romany                                  romany                          #4c516d
         romarin                                 romarin                         #3a4b47
         rosalgar                                rosalgar                        #eaa221
         rosalgar                                rosalgar                        #e3a857
         rosario                                 rosario                         #a67b5b
         rose amber                              roseamber                       #ae6938
         rose amber                              roseamber                       #a67b5b
         rose ash                                roseash                         #905d5d
         rose beige                              rosebeige                       #7e6d5a
         rose beige 2                            rosebeige2                      #a67b5b
         rosebisque                              rosebisque                      #a87c6d
         rosebloom                               rosebloom                       #ad8884
         rosebloom                               rosebloom                       #c48379
         rosebloom                               rosebloom                       #b4745e
         rosebloom                               rosebloom                       #a87c6d
         rose blush                              roseblush                       #a87c6d
         rose blush 2                            roseblush2                      #a67b5b
         rose breath                             rosebreath                      #f9ccca
         rose breath                             rosebreath                      #ead8d7
         rosebud                                 rosebud                         #de6fa1
         rosebud                                 rosebud                         #c17e91
         rose caroline                           rosecaroline                    #d9a6a9
         rose carthame                           rosecarthame                    #be0032
         rose castor                             rosecastor                      #8f817f
         rose cendre                             rosecendre                      #d9a6a9
         rose d'alma                             rosedalma                       #915f6d
         rose d'althoea                          rosedalthoea                    #ea9399
         rose dawn                               rosedawn                        #d9a6a9
         rose dawn                               rosedawn                        #a87c6d
         rose de nymphe                          rosedenymphe                    #f3e5ab
         rose de provence                        rosedeprovence                  #b3446c
         rose dorA~Xe                              rosedore                        #e4717a
         rose dorA~Xe                              rosedore                        #ab4e52
         rosedust                                rosedust                        #905d5d
         rosedust                                rosedust                        #674c47
         rose ebony                              roseebony                       #43302e
         rose france                             rosefrance                      #d9a6a9
         roseglow                                roseglow                        #a87c6d
         rose grey                               rosegrey                        #5b504f
         rose hermosa                            rosehermosa                     #dea5a4
         rose hortensia                          rosehortensia                   #a87c6d
         rose lake                               roselake                        #9e4732
         roseleaf                                roseleaf                        #dea5a4
         roselustre                              roselustre                      #722f37
         rose madder                             rosemadder                      #b3446c
         rose marie                              rosemarie                       #e4717a
         rosemary                                rosemary                        #836479
         rose morn                               rosemorn                        #d9a6a9
         rose neyron                             roseneyron                      #bc3f4a
         rose neyron                             roseneyron                      #b3446c
         rose nilsson                            rosenilsson                     #e4717a
         rose nude                               rosenude                        #d9a6a9
         rose nude                               rosenude                        #c7ada3
         rose nude                               rosenude                        #c2ac99
         rose oak                                roseoak                         #79443b
         rose of picardy                         roseofpicardy                   #ab4e52
         rose of sharon                          roseofsharon                    #ab4e52
         rose petal                              rosepetal                       #905d5d
         rose pink                               rosepink                        #9e4732
         rose-purple                             rosepurple                      #b695c0
         rose-purple                             rosepurple                      #b784a7
         rose quartz                             rosequartz                      #aa98a9
         rose soirA~Xe                             rosesoire                       #e4717a
         rosestone                               rosestone                       #977f73
         roset                                   roset                           #9e4732
         rosetan                                 rosetan                         #c2ac99
         rosetan                                 rosetan                         #958070
         rose taupe                              rosetaupe                       #555555
         rosetta                                 rosetta                         #5c504f
         rosevale                                rosevale                        #ab4e52
         rosevale                                rosevale                        #905d5d
         rosewood                                rosewood                        #79443b
         roslyn blue                             roslynblue                      #272458
         roucou                                  roucou                          #d9a6a9
         rouge de fer                            rougedefer                      #79443b
         rouge vegetal                           rougevegetal                    #be0032
         royal blue                              royalblue                       #00416a
         royal blue                              royalblue                       #436b95
         royal blue                              royalblue                       #00416a
         royal pink                              royalpink                       #e4717a
         royal purple                            royalpurple                     #604e97
         royal yellow                            royalyellow                     #fada5e
         royal yellow                            royalyellow                     #d4af37
         royal yellow                            royalyellow                     #f8de7e
         royal yellow                            royalyellow                     #c9ae5d
         rubaiyat                                rubaiyat                        #722f37
         rubber                                  rubber                          #6c541e
         rubelite                                rubelite                        #ce4676
         ruben's madder                          rubensmadder                    #9e4732
         rubient                                 rubient                         #722f37
         rubrica                                 rubrica                         #79443b
         ruby                                    ruby                            #722f37
         ruby of arsenic                         rubyofarsenic                   #eaa221
         ruby of arsenic                         rubyofarsenic                   #e3a857
         ruddle                                  ruddle                          #79443b
         rufous                                  rufous                          #f88379
         rufous                                  rufous                          #d99058
         rugby tan                               rugbytan                        #80461b
         runnymede                               runnymede                       #3b7861
         ru ochre                                ruochre                         #ae6938
         ru ochre                                ruochre                         #996515
         russet brown                            russetbrown                     #80461b
         russet brown                            russetbrown                     #6f4e37
         russet green                            russetgreen                     #b9b459
         russet green                            russetgreen                     #98943e
         russet green                            russetgreen                     #b9b57d
         russet green                            russetgreen                     #867e36
         russet orange                           russetorange                    #d9603b
         russian blue                            russianblue                     #91a3b0
         russian blue                            russianblue                     #81878b
         russian calf                            russiancalf                     #6f4e37
         russian green                           russiangreen                    #679267
         russian green                           russiangreen                    #355e3b
         russian green                           russiangreen                    #5e716a
         russian grey                            russiangrey                     #8a8776
         russian grey                            russiangrey                     #848482
         russian violet                          russianviolet                   #32174d
         rust                                    rust                            #80461b
         rustic brown                            rusticbrown                     #79443b
         rustic drab                             rusticdrab                      #967117
         rut ochre                               rutochre                        #ae6938
         rut ochre                               rutochre                        #996515
         sable                                   sable                           #7e6d5a
         saddle                                  saddle                          #635147
         saddle                                  saddle                          #7e6d5a
         safaran                                 safaran                         #d99058
         safaran                                 safaran                         #e3a857
         safflor                                 safflor                         #be0032
         safflower red                           safflowerred                    #be0032
         saffor                                  saffor                          #be0032
         saffron yellow                          saffronyellow                   #d99058
         saffron yellow                          saffronyellow                   #e3a857
         safrano pink                            safranopink                     #d9a6a9
         sagebrush green                         sagebrushgreen                  #4e5755
         sage drab                               sagedrab                        #515744
         sage [green]                            sagegreen                       #8a9a5b
         sage grey                               sagegrey                        #8c8767
         sahara                                  sahara                          #6f4e37
         sailor                                  sailor                          #291e29
         sailor                                  sailor                          #242124
         sailor blue                             sailorblue                      #4e5180
         sakkara                                 sakkara                         #5b504f
         sallow                                  sallow                          #b9b57d
         salmon [pink]                           salmonpink                      #d9a6a9
         salvia                                  salvia                          #be0032
         salvia blue                             salviablue                      #0067a5
         samara                                  samara                          #317873
         samovar                                 samovar                         #c19a6b
         samurai                                 samurai                         #b4745e
         sand                                    sand                            #8c8767
         sand                                    sand                            #8a8776
         sandalwood                              sandalwood                      #ab4e52
         sandalwood                              sandalwood                      #977f73
         sandalwood                              sandalwood                      #6f4e37
         sandalwood                              sandalwood                      #958070
         sandalwood                              sandalwood                      #635147
         sandarach                               sandarach                       #e25822
         sandarach                               sandarach                       #eaa221
         sandarach                               sandarach                       #e3a857
         sandaracha                              sandaracha                      #e25822
         sandaracha                              sandaracha                      #eaa221
         sandaracha                              sandaracha                      #e3a857
         sand dune                               sanddune                        #967117
         sander's blue                           sandersblue                     #436b95
         sanderswood                             sanderswood                     #ab4e52
         sandix                                  sandix                          #e25822
         sandrift                                sandrift                        #8e8279
         sandstone                               sandstone                       #a87c6d
         sandstone                               sandstone                       #a67b5b
         sandstone                               sandstone                       #958070
         sandust                                 sandust                         #d9a6a9
         sandy-beige                             sandybeige                      #8e8279
         sandyx                                  sandyx                          #e25822
         sang de boeuf                           sangdeboeuf                     #79443b
         sanguine                                sanguine                        #bc3f4a
         sanguine                                sanguine                        #ab4e52
         sanguineus                              sanguineus                      #841b2d
         sanguineus                              sanguineus                      #722f37
         sanguineus                              sanguineus                      #3f1728
         sanguineus                              sanguineus                      #3e1d1e
         sanguineus                              sanguineus                      #5d3954
         sanguineus                              sanguineus                      #673147
         santalwood                              santalwood                      #ab4e52
         santos                                  santos                          #6f4e37
         santos                                  santos                          #635147
         saona                                   saona                           #79443b
         sappanwood                              sappanwood                      #ab4e52
         sappanwood                              sappanwood                      #905d5d
         sapphire [blue]                         sapphireblue                    #00304e
         sappho                                  sappho                          #ad8884
         saraband                                saraband                        #905d5d
         saratoga                                saratoga                        #d99058
         saravan                                 saravan                         #80461b
         saravan                                 saravan                         #6f4e37
         sarouk                                  sarouk                          #635147
         satinwood                               satinwood                       #a67b5b
         satsuma                                 satsuma                         #cb6d51
         saturnine red                           saturninered                    #e25822
         saturn red                              saturnred                       #e25822
         saul                                    saul                            #4e5755
         saunder's blue                          saundersblue                    #436b95
         sauterne                                sauterne                        #c9ae5d
         sauterne                                sauterne                        #a67b5b
         saxe blue                               saxeblue                        #536878
         saxon blue                              saxonblue                       #007791
         saxon blue                              saxonblue                       #004958
         saxon green                             saxongreen                      #317873
         saxony blue                             saxonyblue                      #007791
         saxony blue                             saxonyblue                      #004958
         saxony blue                             saxonyblue                      #00416a
         saxony blue                             saxonyblue                      #436b95
         saxony green                            saxonygreen                     #008856
         sayal brown                             sayalbrown                      #ae6938
         sayal brown                             sayalbrown                      #a67b5b
         sayal brown                             sayalbrown                      #996515
         scabiosa                                scabiosa                        #796878
         scarab                                  scarab                          #3b7861
         scarlet                                 scarlet                         #be0032
         scarlet in grain                        scarletingrain                  #be0032
         scarlet lake                            scarletlake                     #bc3f4a
         scarlet lake                            scarletlake                     #ab4e52
         scarlet madder                          scarletmadder                   #f88379
         scarlet ochre                           scarletochre                    #882d17
         scarlet red                             scarletred                      #be0032
         scarlet vermilion                       scarletvermilion                #e25822
         scheele's green                         scheelesgreen                   #7e9f2e
         scheele's green                         scheelesgreen                   #44944a
         schoenfeld's purple                     schoenfeldspurple               #78184a
         schoenfeld's purple                     schoenfeldspurple               #a8516e
         schweinfurt green                       schweinfurtgreen                #3eb489
         scotch blue                             scotchblue                      #252440
         scotch grey                             scotchgrey                      #8f9779
         scotch grey                             scotchgrey                      #7d8984
         seabird                                 seabird                         #555555
         sea blue                                seablue                         #004b49
         seacrest                                seacrest                        #93c592
         seafoam                                 seafoam                         #3eb489
         seafoam                                 seafoam                         #6aab8e
         seafoam green                           seafoamgreen                    #dadfb7
         seafoam yellow                          seafoamyellow                   #dadfb7
         sea green                               seagreen                        #8a9a5b
         sea hawk                                seahawk                         #57554c
         seal [brown]                            sealbrown                       #483c32
         seaman blue                             seamanblue                      #4c516d
         sea mist                                seamist                         #8b8589
         sea mist                                seamist                         #848482
         sea moss                                seamoss                         #867e36
         sea moss                                seamoss                         #3a4b47
         sea pink                                seapink                         #ea9399
         sea pink                                seapink                         #dea5a4
         seasan not seasand                      seasannotseasand                #c2ac99
         seasan not seasand                      seasannotseasand                #fad6a5
         seasan not seasand                      seasannotseasand                #c19a6b
         seasan not seasand                      seasannotseasand                #ae9b82
         sea shell                               seashell                        #d9a6a9
         sea shell                               seashell                        #d99058
         sea shell                               seashell                        #a67b5b
         seashell pink                           seashellpink                    #f4c2c2
         seashell pink                           seashellpink                    #d9a6a9
         seaside                                 seaside                         #967117
         seaside                                 seaside                         #977f73
         seaside                                 seaside                         #958070
         seaside                                 seaside                         #8e8279
         seaspray                                seaspray                        #8f9779
         seaspray                                seaspray                        #679267
         seaspray                                seaspray                        #8da399
         sea-water green                         seawatergreen                   #8a9a5b
         seaweed green                           seaweedgreen                    #8f9779
         sedge                                   sedge                           #635147
         seed pearl                              seedpearl                       #f3e5ab
         seed pearl                              seedpearl                       #c2b280
         seered green                            seeredgreen                     #8a9a5b
         seladon green                           seladongreen                    #8f9779
         seminole                                seminole                        #6f4e37
         sepia                                   sepia                           #3b3121
         serapi                                  serapi                          #536878
         serpent                                 serpent                         #8da399
         serpentine                              serpentine                      #6aab8e
         serpentine green                        serpentinegreen                 #867e36
         service corps                           servicecorps                    #00543d
         seville                                 seville                         #32174d
         seville orange                          sevilleorange                   #d99058
         sevres [blue]                           sevresblue                      #0067a5
         shadow                                  shadow                          #8f817f
         shadow green                            shadowgreen                     #8a9a5b
         shagbark                                shagbark                        #826644
         shagbark                                shagbark                        #7e6d5a
         shale green                             shalegreen                      #679267
         shamrock                                shamrock                        #44944a
         shamrock [green]                        shamrockgreen                   #44944a
         shark                                   shark                           #796878
         shark                                   shark                           #5d555b
         sheepskin                               sheepskin                       #c2b280
         sheik                                   sheik                           #ab4e52
         sheik                                   sheik                           #9e4732
         shell grey                              shellgrey                       #bfb8a5
         shirvan                                 shirvan                         #3a4b47
         shrimp [pink]                           shrimppink                      #f88379
         shrimp [red]                            shrimpred                       #f88379
         siam                                    siam                            #6f4e37
         siam                                    siam                            #635147
         siam                                    siam                            #826644
         siam                                    siam                            #7e6d5a
         siberian brown                          siberianbrown                   #6c541e
         siberien                                siberien                        #3a4b47
         sicilian umber                          sicilianumber                   #826644
         sicilian umber                          sicilianumber                   #4b3621
         siderin yellow                          siderinyellow                   #ed872d
         siderin yellow                          siderinyellow                   #d99058
         siena                                   siena                           #882d17
         sienna brown                            siennabrown                     #6f4e37
         sienna yellow                           siennayellow                    #fad6a5
         sienna yellow                           siennayellow                    #c9ae5d
         siennese drab                           siennesedrab                    #977f73
         siennese drab                           siennesedrab                    #958070
         sierra                                  sierra                          #882d17
         signal red                              signalred                       #be0032
         sil                                     sil                             #e3a857
         silurian gray                           siluriangray                    #dadfb7
         silver fern                             silverfern                      #867e36
         silver fern                             silverfern                      #8c8767
         silver green                            silvergreen                     #8f9779
         silverpine                              silverpine                      #5e716a
         silver-wing                             silverwing                      #8b8589
         sinbad                                  sinbad                          #36454f
         sinbad                                  sinbad                          #202428
         sinbad                                  sinbad                          #50404d
         sinbad                                  sinbad                          #242124
         sirocco                                 sirocco                         #8c8767
         siskin green                            siskingreen                     #b9b57d
         sistine                                 sistine                         #66aabc
         sistine                                 sistine                         #367588
         sistine                                 sistine                         #91a3b0
         sistine                                 sistine                         #536878
         skating                                 skating                         #004958
         ski                                     ski                             #355e3b
         ski                                     ski                             #3b7861
         skimmed-milk white                      skimmedmilkwhite                #dadfb7
         skobeloff green                         skobeloffgreen                  #007a74
         sky                                     sky                             #70a3cc
         sky                                     sky                             #8791bf
         sky blue                                skyblue                         #70a3cc
         sky blue                                skyblue                         #8791bf
         sky colour                              skycolour                       #70a3cc
         sky colour                              skycolour                       #8791bf
         sky green                               skygreen                        #c9dc89
         slag                                    slag                            #555555
         slate                                   slate                           #51585e
         slate-black                             slateblack                      #222222
         slate blue                              slateblue                       #536878
         slate-blue                              slateblue                       #536878
         slate [color]                           slatecolor                      #5d555b
         slate-green                             slategreen                      #5e716a
         slate-green                             slategreen                      #4e5755
         slate-grey                              slategrey                       #8a8776
         slate-grey                              slategrey                       #848482
         slate-olive                             slateolive                      #4e5755
         slate-purple                            slatepurple                     #50404d
         slate-purple                            slatepurple                     #5d3954
         slate-violet                            slateviolet                     #905d5d
         smalt                                   smalt                           #00416a
         smalt                                   smalt                           #436b95
         smalt green                             smaltgreen                      #679267
         smaltino                                smaltino                        #00416a
         smaltino                                smaltino                        #436b95
         smoke blue                              smokeblue                       #51585e
         smoke brown                             smokebrown                      #555555
         smoked pearl                            smokedpearl                     #555555
         smoke grey                              smokegrey                       #dadfb7
         smoke yellow                            smokeyellow                     #8c8767
         smoke yellow                            smokeyellow                     #8a8776
         snapdragon                              snapdragon                      #f8de7e
         snapdragon                              snapdragon                      #c9ae5d
         snowshoe                                snowshoe                        #eaa221
         snowshoe                                snowshoe                        #e3a857
         soapstone                               soapstone                       #635147
         solferino                               solferino                       #a8516e
         solitaire                               solitaire                       #43302e
         solitaire                               solitaire                       #3e322c
         somalis                                 somalis                         #9e4732
         somalis                                 somalis                         #79443b
         sombrero                                sombrero                        #c2b280
         sonora                                  sonora                          #ae6938
         sonora                                  sonora                          #a67b5b
         soot brown                              sootbrown                       #635147
         soot brown                              sootbrown                       #7e6d5a
         sooty black                             sootyblack                      #222222
         sorbier                                 sorbier                         #915f6d
         sorghum brown                           sorghumbrown                    #977f73
         sorghum brown                           sorghumbrown                    #958070
         sorolla brown                           sorollabrown                    #80461b
         sorrel                                  sorrel                          #ae6938
         sorrel                                  sorrel                          #a67b5b
         sorrento green                          sorrentogreen                   #317873
         souci                                   souci                           #ed872d
         source                                  source                          #679267
         source                                  source                          #6aab8e
         source                                  source                          #8da399
         spalte                                  spalte                          #483c32
         spaltum                                 spaltum                         #483c32
         spanish brown                           spanishbrown                    #882d17
         spanish cedar                           spanishcedar                    #905d5d
         spanish cedar                           spanishcedar                    #79443b
         spanish flesh                           spanishflesh                    #f3e5ab
         spanish flesh                           spanishflesh                    #c2b280
         spanish green                           spanishgreen                    #679267
         spanish ochre                           spanishochre                    #ed872d
         spanish raisin                          spanishraisin                   #43302e
         spanish red                             spanishred                      #be0032
         spanish red                             spanishred                      #882d17
         spanish red                             spanishred                      #80461b
         spanish wine                            spanishwine                     #722f37
         spanish yellow                          spanishyellow                   #eaa221
         spanish yellow                          spanishyellow                   #e3a857
         spark                                   spark                           #be0032
         sparrow                                 sparrow                         #5b504f
         spa-tan                                 spatan                          #ae6938
         spearmint                               spearmint                       #008856
         sphinx                                  sphinx                          #7e6d5a
         spice                                   spice                           #ae6938
         spinach green                           spinachgreen                    #8a9a5b
         spinach green                           spinachgreen                    #4a5d23
         spinel pink                             spinelpink                      #a8516e
         spinel red                              spinelred                       #bc3f4a
         spinel red                              spinelred                       #b3446c
         sponge                                  sponge                          #967117
         spray                                   spray                           #96ded1
         spring beauty                           springbeauty                    #ce4676
         spring beauty                           springbeauty                    #b3446c
         spring green                            springgreen                     #8a9a5b
         spring green                            springgreen                     #93c592
         springtime                              springtime                      #e4717a
         sprite                                  sprite                          #00a693
         sprite                                  sprite                          #66ada4
         spruce                                  spruce                          #3a4b47
         spruce                                  spruce                          #1e2321
         spruce ochre                            spruceochre                     #ae6938
         spruce ochre                            spruceochre                     #996515
         spruce yellow                           spruceyellow                    #be8a3d
         spruce yellow                           spruceyellow                    #c19a6b
         squill blue                             squillblue                      #70a3cc
         squirrel                                squirrel                        #5d555b
         squirrel                                squirrel                        #555555
         stag                                    stag                            #826644
         starch blue                             starchblue                      #00416a
         starch blue                             starchblue                      #436b95
         stardew                                 stardew                         #536878
         starflower                              starflower                      #c17e91
         starlight                               starlight                       #91a3b0
         starling                                starling                        #5b504f
         st. benoit or saint benoit              stbenoitorsaintbenoit           #483c32
         st. benoit or saint benoit              stbenoitorsaintbenoit           #222222
         steel                                   steel                           #555555
         steel grey                              steelgrey                       #555555
         steeplechase                            steeplechase                    #545aa7
         stil de grain brown                     stildegrainbrown                #be8a3d
         stil de grain brown                     stildegrainbrown                #996515
         stil de grain yellow                    stildegrainyellow               #fada5e
         stil de grain yellow                    stildegrainyellow               #d4af37
         stil de grain yellow                    stildegrainyellow               #f8de7e
         stil de grain yellow                    stildegrainyellow               #c9ae5d
         stone blue                              stoneblue                       #436b95
         stone grey                              stonegrey                       #57554c
         storm grey                              stormgrey                       #7d8984
         strawberry                              strawberry                      #905d5d
         strawberry pink                         strawberrypink                  #e4717a
         strawberry pink                         strawberrypink                  #f88379
         strawberry pink                         strawberrypink                  #e66761
         straw [yellow]                          strawyellow                     #f3e5ab
         striegau earth                          striegauearth                   #79443b
         stroller tan                            strollertan                     #6f4e37
         strontian yellow                        strontianyellow                 #e9e450
         stucco                                  stucco                          #977f73
         stucco                                  stucco                          #958070
         succory blue                            succoryblue                     #dadfb7
         sudan                                   sudan                           #a18f60
         sudan                                   sudan                           #967117
         sudan                                   sudan                           #8c8767
         sudan brown                             sudanbrown                      #80461b
         sudan brown                             sudanbrown                      #6f4e37
         suede                                   suede                           #a67b5b
         suede                                   suede                           #6f4e37
         suede                                   suede                           #826644
         sugar cane                              sugarcane                       #fad6a5
         sugar cane                              sugarcane                       #c19a6b
         sulphate green                          sulphategreen                   #66ada4
         sulphate green                          sulphategreen                   #317873
         sulphine yellow                         sulphineyellow                  #ab9144
         sulphur                                 sulphur                         #eae679
         sulphur [yellow]                        sulphuryellow                   #eae679
         sultan                                  sultan                          #ab4e52
         sultana                                 sultana                         #722f37
         sultana                                 sultana                         #673147
         sumac                                   sumac                           #be8a3d
         sumac                                   sumac                           #996515
         sumac                                   sumac                           #c19a6b
         sumac                                   sumac                           #826644
         sumac                                   sumac                           #ab9144
         sumac                                   sumac                           #a18f60
         sumac                                   sumac                           #967117
         sunbeam                                 sunbeam                         #c2b280
         sunburn                                 sunburn                         #a67b5b
         sunburst                                sunburst                        #ed872d
         sunburst                                sunburst                        #d99058
         sundown                                 sundown                         #c19a6b
         sunflower [yellow]                      sunfloweryellow                 #fada5e
         sunglow                                 sunglow                         #e4717a
         sunglow                                 sunglow                         #ab4e52
         sungod                                  sungod                          #e25822
         sunkiss                                 sunkiss                         #d99058
         sunlight                                sunlight                        #c9ae5d
         sunni                                   sunni                           #f8de7e
         sunni                                   sunni                           #c9ae5d
         sunray                                  sunray                          #e3a857
         sunrise yellow                          sunriseyellow                   #d9a6a9
         sunrise yellow                          sunriseyellow                   #d99058
         sunset                                  sunset                          #fad6a5
         sunstone                                sunstone                        #ae6938
         suntan                                  suntan                          #a67b5b
         suntan                                  suntan                          #c19a6b
         suntan                                  suntan                          #826644
         superior                                superior                        #004b49
         surf green                              surfgreen                       #679267
         surrey green                            surreygreen                     #8f9779
         surrey green                            surreygreen                     #8da399
         swamp                                   swamp                           #3a4b47
         swedish green                           swedishgreen                    #7e9f2e
         swedish green                           swedishgreen                    #44944a
         sweet briar                             sweetbriar                      #de6fa1
         sweetmeat                               sweetmeat                       #c19a6b
         sweet pea                               sweetpea                        #c7ada3
         sweet william                           sweetwilliam                    #e4717a
         swiss blue                              swissblue                       #536878
         swiss rose                              swissrose                       #ab4e52
         syrup                                   syrup                           #967117
         syrup                                   syrup                           #6c541e
         taffy                                   taffy                           #c19a6b
         talavera                                talavera                        #ae6938
         tamarach                                tamarach                        #635147
         tamarach                                tamarach                        #7e6d5a
         ta-ming                                 taming                          #eaa221
         ta-ming                                 taming                          #e3a857
         tan                                     tan                             #ae6938
         tanagra                                 tanagra                         #79443b
         tanaura                                 tanaura                         #c2b280
         tanbark                                 tanbark                         #6f4e37
         tangerine                               tangerine                       #cb6d51
         tangier                                 tangier                         #ed872d
         tango pink                              tangopink                       #905d5d
         tansan                                  tansan                          #a67b5b
         tansan                                  tansan                          #c19a6b
         tapestry                                tapestry                        #00304e
         tapestry                                tapestry                        #252440
         tapestry                                tapestry                        #4c516d
         tapestry                                tapestry                        #8b8589
         tapestry red                            tapestryred                     #722f37
         tapis vert                              tapisvert                       #8a9a5b
         tarragon                                tarragon                        #8a9a5b
         tarragon                                tarragon                        #8f9779
         tarragon                                tarragon                        #679267
         tarragona                               tarragona                       #882d17
         tarragona                               tarragona                       #80461b
         tartan green                            tartangreen                     #3a4b47
         taupe                                   taupe                           #483c32
         tawny                                   tawny                           #ae6938
         tawny                                   tawny                           #a67b5b
         tawny birch                             tawnybirch                      #a87c6d
         tawny birch                             tawnybirch                      #a67b5b
         tawny birch                             tawnybirch                      #958070
         tea                                     tea                             #8f9779
         tea                                     tea                             #8da399
         tea green                               teagreen                        #8f9779
         teak [brown]                            teakbrown                       #6f4e37
         teakwood                                teakwood                        #635147
         teakwood                                teakwood                        #7e6d5a
         teal blue                               tealblue                        #004958
         teal blue                               tealblue                        #36454f
         teal duck                               tealduck                        #004958
         tea time                                teatime                         #967117
         telegraph blue                          telegraphblue                   #796878
         tennis                                  tennis                          #ab9144
         tennis                                  tennis                          #a18f60
         terra cotta                             terracotta                      #be6516
         terra cotta                             terracotta                      #ae6938
         terra japonica                          terrajaponica                   #6f4e37
         terra lemnia                            terralemnia                     #79443b
         terra merita                            terramerita                     #f8de7e
         terra orellana                          terraorellana                   #d9a6a9
         terra orellano                          terraorellano                   #d9a6a9
         terrapin                                terrapin                        #6f4e37
         terra pozzuoli                          terrapozzuoli                   #79443b
         terra rosa                              terrarosa                       #79443b
         terra siena                             terrasiena                      #ae6938
         terra siena                             terrasiena                      #a67b5b
         terra sigillata                         terrasigillata                  #79443b
         terrasse                                terrasse                        #8a9a5b
         terra umber                             terraumber                      #826644
         terra umber                             terraumber                      #4b3621
         testaceous                              testaceous                      #d99058
         testaceous                              testaceous                      #a67b5b
         thenard's blue                          thenardsblue                    #007791
         thistle                                 thistle                         #86608e
         thistle bloom                           thistlebloom                    #9e4f88
         thistletuft                             thistletuft                     #702963
         thrush                                  thrush                          #826644
         thrush                                  thrush                          #7e6d5a
         thulite pink                            thulitepink                     #de6fa1
         thyme                                   thyme                           #3a4b47
         tiber                                   tiber                           #1b4d3e
         tiber green                             tibergreen                      #93c592
         tiffin                                  tiffin                          #826644
         tigerlily                               tigerlily                       #d9603b
         tigerlily                               tigerlily                       #cb6d51
         tile blue                               tileblue                        #367588
         tile red                                tilered                         #cb6d51
         tilleul buff                            tilleulbuff                     #ecd5c5
         tilleul buff                            tilleulbuff                     #bfb8a5
         tilleul [green]                         tilleulgreen                    #ebe8a4
         tinsel                                  tinsel                          #ab9144
         tinsel                                  tinsel                          #a18f60
         tinsel                                  tinsel                          #967117
         titania                                 titania                         #5d3954
         titania                                 titania                         #673147
         titian                                  titian                          #ae6938
         titian gold                             titiangold                      #ae6938
         titmouse blue                           titmouseblue                    #8da399
         toast                                   toast                           #a67b5b
         toasted almond                          toastedalmond                   #a67b5b
         toboggan                                toboggan                        #e25822
         toboggan                                toboggan                        #f38400
         toga                                    toga                            #2f2140
         tokay                                   tokay                           #79443b
         tokyo                                   tokyo                           #ffb7a5
         tokyo                                   tokyo                           #f88379
         tokyo                                   tokyo                           #ed872d
         toltec                                  toltec                          #e3a857
         tomato [red]                            tomatored                       #9e4732
         tommy red                               tommyred                        #bc3f4a
         topaz                                   topaz                           #a67b5b
         topaz                                   topaz                           #be8a3d
         topaz                                   topaz                           #c19a6b
         toquet                                  toquet                          #c7ada3
         toreador                                toreador                        #e25822
         torino blue                             torinoblue                      #536878
         tortoise                                tortoise                        #80461b
         tortoise shell                          tortoiseshell                   #6f4e37
         totem                                   totem                           #9e4732
         tourmaline                              tourmaline                      #66ada4
         tourmaline pink                         tourmalinepink                  #915f6d
         tourterelle                             tourterelle                     #967117
         transparent chromium oxide              transparentchromiumoxide        #007959
         transparent chromium oxide              transparentchromiumoxide        #3b7861
         transparent gold ochre                  transparentgoldochre            #ae6938
         transparent gold ochre                  transparentgoldochre            #996515
         traprock                                traprock                        #555555
         travertine                              travertine                      #967117
         trentanel                               trentanel                       #eae679
         trentanel                               trentanel                       #b9b459
         trianon                                 trianon                         #d9a6a9
         trianon                                 trianon                         #d99058
         triton                                  triton                          #1b4d3e
         triumph blue                            triumphblue                     #436b95
         triumph blue                            triumphblue                     #00304e
         trooper                                 trooper                         #00304e
         trooper                                 trooper                         #36454f
         trooper                                 trooper                         #202830
         trotteur tan                            trotteurtan                     #6f4e37
         troubador red                           troubadorred                    #bc3f4a
         trublu                                  trublu                          #536878
         tuileries                               tuileries                       #436b95
         tulipwood                               tulipwood                       #6f4e37
         tunis                                   tunis                           #36454f
         tunis                                   tunis                           #202830
         turbith mineral                         turbithmineral                  #f8de7e
         turkey blue                             turkeyblue                      #4c516d
         turkey red                              turkeyred                       #ab4e52
         turkey umber                            turkeyumber                     #826644
         turkey umber                            turkeyumber                     #4b3621
         turkish blue                            turkishblue                     #4c516d
         turkish crescent red                    turkishcrescentred              #841b2d
         turkish crescent red                    turkishcrescentred              #722f37
         turkish red                             turkishred                      #ab4e52
         turmeric                                turmeric                        #f8de7e
         turner's yellow                         turnersyellow                   #fada5e
         turner's yellow                         turnersyellow                   #d4af37
         turner's yellow                         turnersyellow                   #f8de7e
         turner's yellow                         turnersyellow                   #c9ae5d
         turquoise [blue]                        turquoiseblue                   #66ada4
         turquoise green                         turquoisegreen                  #66ada4
         turtle                                  turtle                          #6f4e37
         turtledove                              turtledove                      #5c504f
         turtledove                              turtledove                      #555555
         turtle green                            turtlegreen                     #8a9a5b
         tuscan                                  tuscan                          #fad6a5
         tuscan brown                            tuscanbrown                     #79443b
         tuscan brown                            tuscanbrown                     #6f4e37
         tuscan red                              tuscanred                       #79443b
         tuscan tan                              tuscantan                       #a67b5b
         tuscany                                 tuscany                         #79443b
         tussore                                 tussore                         #f4c2c2
         tussore                                 tussore                         #d9a6a9
         twilight [blue]                         twilightblue                    #536878
         twine                                   twine                           #8c8767
         twinkle blue                            twinkleblue                     #66aabc
         tyrian blue                             tyrianblue                      #536878
         tyrian blue                             tyrianblue                      #4c516d
         tyrian pink                             tyrianpink                      #ce4676
         tyrian violet                           tyrianviolet                    #a8516e
         tyrol                                   tyrol                           #826644
         tyrolese green                          tyrolesegreen                   #679267
         tyrolian                                tyrolian                        #1a2421
         tyrolite green                          tyrolitegreen                   #66ada4
         tzarine                                 tzarine                         #1e2321
         ultramarine green                       ultramarinegreen                #1e2321
         ultramarine yellow                      ultramarineyellow               #d4af37
         urania blue                             uraniablue                      #2f2140
         vagabond green                          vagabondgreen                   #004b49
         valencia                                valencia                        #de6fa1
         vanda                                   vanda                           #796878
         vanda                                   vanda                           #836479
         vandyke brown                           vandykebrown                    #6f4e37
         vandyke madder                          vandykemadder                   #a8516e
         vandyke red                             vandykered                      #905d5d
         vanilla                                 vanilla                         #f3e5ab
         vanilla                                 vanilla                         #c2b280
         vanity                                  vanity                          #d9a6a9
         variscite green                         variscitegreen                  #6aab8e
         varley's grey                           varleysgrey                     #796878
         vassar rose                             vassarrose                      #c08081
         vassar rose                             vassarrose                      #905d5d
         vassar tan                              vassartan                       #80461b
         vassar tan                              vassartan                       #6f4e37
         vatican                                 vatican                         #563c5c
         vatican                                 vatican                         #301934
         veau d'or                               veaudor                         #fad6a5
         veau d'or                               veaudor                         #c19a6b
         vegetable red                           vegetablered                    #be0032
         vegetable rouge                         vegetablerouge                  #be0032
         velasquez                               velasquez                       #673147
         velvet brown                            velvetbrown                     #826644
         velvet brown                            velvetbrown                     #4b3621
         velvet green                            velvetgreen                     #4a5d23
         venet                                   venet                           #66ada4
         venetian blue                           venetianblue                    #007791
         venetian fuchsia                        venetianfuchsia                 #ce4676
         venetian lake                           venetianlake                    #be0032
         venetian lake                           venetianlake                    #bc3f4a
         venetian pink                           venetianpink                    #dea5a4
         venetian red                            venetianred                     #882d17
         venetian rose                           venetianrose                    #841b2d
         venetian rose                           venetianrose                    #ab4e52
         venetian scarlet                        venetianscarlet                 #be0032
         venetian yellow                         venetianyellow                  #f8de7e
         venetian yellow                         venetianyellow                  #c9ae5d
         venezia                                 venezia                         #317873
         venice berries                          veniceberries                   #eaa221
         venice berries                          veniceberries                   #e3a857
         venice [blue]                           veniceblue                      #66ada4
         venice green                            venicegreen                     #66ada4
         venice red                              venicered                       #79443b
         venus                                   venus                           #ab9144
         venus                                   venus                           #a18f60
         verbena                                 verbena                         #915c83
         verbena [violet]                        verbenaviolet                   #9690ab
         verbena [violet]                        verbenaviolet                   #aa98a9
         verdant green                           verdantgreen                    #8a9a5b
         verdet                                  verdet                          #679267
         verde vessie                            verdevessie                     #867e36
         verd gay                                verdgay                         #8a9a5b
         verdigris [green]                       verdigrisgreen                  #679267
         verditer green                          verditergreen                   #679267
         verdure                                 verdure                         #355e3b
         veridine green                          veridinegreen                   #6aab8e
         vernonia purple                         vernoniapurple                  #915f6d
         verona brown                            veronabrown                     #6f4e37
         verona yellow                           veronayellow                    #fada5e
         verona yellow                           veronayellow                    #d4af37
         verona yellow                           veronayellow                    #f8de7e
         verona yellow                           veronayellow                    #c9ae5d
         veronese yellow                         veroneseyellow                  #fada5e
         veronese yellow                         veroneseyellow                  #d4af37
         veronese yellow                         veroneseyellow                  #f8de7e
         veronese yellow                         veroneseyellow                  #c9ae5d
         veronica                                veronica                        #604e81
         versailles                              versailles                      #66aabc
         vert russe                              vertrusse                       #679267
         vert russe                              vertrusse                       #355e3b
         vert russe                              vertrusse                       #5e716a
         vervain                                 vervain                         #9690ab
         vervain                                 vervain                         #aa98a9
         vestal                                  vestal                          #796878
         vestal                                  vestal                          #836479
         veteran                                 veteran                         #36454f
         vetiver green                           vetivergreen                    #8c8767
         victoria                                victoria                        #563c5c
         victoria blue                           victoriablue                    #0067a5
         victoria green                          victoriagreen                   #6aab8e
         victoria green                          victoriagreen                   #8da399
         victoria green                          victoriagreen                   #66ada4
         victoria lake                           victorialake                    #722f37
         vienna blue                             viennablue                      #007791
         vienna brown                            viennabrown                     #635147
         vienna brown                            viennabrown                     #7e6d5a
         vienna green                            viennagreen                     #3eb489
         vienna lake                             viennalake                      #be0032
         vienna lake                             viennalake                      #bc3f4a
         vienna smoke                            viennasmoke                     #555555
         vineyard                                vineyard                        #722f37
         vineyard                                vineyard                        #3f1728
         viola                                   viola                           #86608e
         violet-carmine                          violetcarmine                   #5d3954
         violine                                 violine                         #604e97
         violine                                 violine                         #604e81
         virgin                                  virgin                          #436b95
         viridian                                viridian                        #007959
         viridian                                viridian                        #3b7861
         viridine green                          viridinegreen                   #c9dc89
         viridine yellow                         viridineyellow                  #7e9f2e
         vitelline yellow                        vitellineyellow                 #d4af37
         vitellinous                             vitellinous                     #d4af37
         vitreous                                vitreous                        #c9dc89
         wad                                     wad                             #536878
         wald                                    wald                            #eae679
         wald                                    wald                            #b9b459
         wallflower [brown]                      wallflowerbrown                 #722f37
         wallflower [brown]                      wallflowerbrown                 #79443b
         wall green                              wallgreen                       #007a74
         walnut [brown]                          walnutbrown                     #c19a6b
         warbler green                           warblergreen                    #867e36
         warm sepia                              warmsepia                       #635147
         water blue                              waterblue                       #317873
         water-color                             watercolor                      #66ada4
         water cress                             watercress                      #8a9a5b
         waterfall                               waterfall                       #317873
         water green                             watergreen                      #b9b57d
         water green                             watergreen                      #c9dc89
         water green                             watergreen                      #dadfb7
         water grey                              watergrey                       #8a8776
         waterloo                                waterloo                        #4c516d
         watermelon                              watermelon                      #e4717a
         watermelon                              watermelon                      #ab4e52
         water sprite                            watersprite                     #93c592
         watteau                                 watteau                         #70a3cc
         wau                                     wau                             #eae679
         wau                                     wau                             #b9b459
         wax brown                               waxbrown                        #826644
         wax color                               waxcolor                        #ebe8a4
         wax color                               waxcolor                        #b9b57d
         waxen                                   waxen                           #ebe8a4
         waxen                                   waxen                           #b9b57d
         wax red                                 waxred                          #b4745e
         wax white                               waxwhite                        #ebe8a4
         wax white                               waxwhite                        #b9b57d
         wax yellow                              waxyellow                       #c9ae5d
         weathered oak                           weatheredoak                    #422518
         weigelia                                weigelia                        #ab4e52
         weld                                    weld                            #eae679
         weld                                    weld                            #b9b459
         westminster                             westminster                     #30267a
         westminster                             westminster                     #9065ca
         west point                              westpoint                       #51585e
         wheat                                   wheat                           #e3a857
         wheat                                   wheat                           #fad6a5
         whippet                                 whippet                         #6c541e
         whirlpool                               whirlpool                       #004958
         white blue                              whiteblue                       #b4bcc0
         white jade                              whitejade                       #ecd5c5
         white jade                              whitejade                       #bfb8a5
         wield                                   wield                           #eae679
         wield                                   wield                           #b9b459
         wigwam                                  wigwam                          #6f4e37
         wild aster                              wildaster                       #602f6b
         wild aster                              wildaster                       #702963
         wild cherry                             wildcherry                      #722f37
         wild cherry                             wildcherry                      #673147
         wild dove grey                          wilddovegrey                    #5b504f
         wild honey                              wildhoney                       #ae6938
         wild honey                              wildhoney                       #a67b5b
         wild iris                               wildiris                        #8b8589
         wild orchid                             wildorchid                      #836479
         wild pigeon                             wildpigeon                      #5b504f
         wild raspberry                          wildraspberry                   #722f37
         wild raspberry                          wildraspberry                   #673147
         wild rose                               wildrose                        #c08081
         wild strawberry                         wildstrawberry                  #841b2d
         wild strawberry                         wildstrawberry                  #722f37
         willow                                  willow                          #665d1e
         willow green                            willowgreen                     #867e36
         windflower                              windflower                      #915f6d
         windsor                                 windsor                         #563c5c
         windsor blue                            windsorblue                     #4c516d
         windsor green                           windsorgreen                    #355e3b
         windsor tan                             windsortan                      #ae6938
         wineberry                               wineberry                       #673147
         wine dregs                              winedregs                       #722f37
         wine dregs                              winedregs                       #56070c
         wine dregs                              winedregs                       #3e1d1e
         wine lees                               winelees                        #722f37
         wine lees                               winelees                        #56070c
         wine lees                               winelees                        #3e1d1e
         wine yellow                             wineyellow                      #f3e5ab
         wine yellow                             wineyellow                      #c2b280
         winter green                            wintergreen                     #679267
         wintergreen                             wintergreen                     #355e3b
         winter leaf                             winterleaf                      #635147
         wireless                                wireless                        #436b95
         wistaria [blue]                         wistariablue                    #8c82b6
         wistaria blue                           wistariablue                    #8791bf
         wistaria [violet]                       wistariaviolet                  #8c82b6
         witchwood                               witchwood                       #6f4e37
         withered leaf                           witheredleaf                    #be6516
         withered leaf                           witheredleaf                    #ae6938
         withered leaf                           witheredleaf                    #80461b
         withered rose                           witheredrose                    #905d5d
         withered rose                           witheredrose                    #79443b
         woad                                    woad                            #536878
         woald                                   woald                           #eae679
         woald                                   woald                           #b9b459
         wod                                     wod                             #eae679
         wod                                     wod                             #b9b459
         wode                                    wode                            #536878
         wold                                    wold                            #eae679
         wold                                    wold                            #b9b459
         woodash                                 woodash                         #bfb8a5
         woodbark                                woodbark                        #7e6d5a
         woodbine green                          woodbinegreen                   #8a9a5b
         woodbine green                          woodbinegreen                   #8f9779
         woodbine green                          woodbinegreen                   #4a5d23
         woodbine green                          woodbinegreen                   #515744
         woodland brown                          woodlandbrown                   #483c32
         woodland brown                          woodlandbrown                   #222222
         woodland green                          woodlandgreen                   #4a5d23
         woodland rose                           woodlandrose                    #a67b5b
         wood rose                               woodrose                        #977f73
         wood rose                               woodrose                        #958070
         wood violet                             woodviolet                      #602f6b
         wren                                    wren                            #363527
         wren                                    wren                            #57554c
         wrought iron                            wroughtiron                     #555555
         yacht                                   yacht                           #0067a5
         yale blue                               yaleblue                        #00416a
         yama                                    yama                            #66ada4
         yellow beige                            yellowbeige                     #c19a6b
         yellow beige                            yellowbeige                     #826644
         yellow berries                          yellowberries                   #eaa221
         yellow berries                          yellowberries                   #e3a857
         yellow brazil wood                      yellowbrazilwood                #c9ae5d
         yellow brazil wood                      yellowbrazilwood                #c2b280
         yellow carmine                          yellowcarmine                   #eaa221
         yellow carmine                          yellowcarmine                   #e3a857
         yellow daisy                            yellowdaisy                     #fada5e
         yellow daisy                            yellowdaisy                     #d4af37
         yellow daisy                            yellowdaisy                     #f8de7e
         yellow daisy                            yellowdaisy                     #c9ae5d
         yellow earth                            yellowearth                     #e3a857
         yellow madder                           yellowmadder                    #fada5e
         yellow madder                           yellowmadder                    #d4af37
         yellow madder                           yellowmadder                    #f8de7e
         yellow madder                           yellowmadder                    #c9ae5d
         yellow ochre                            yellowochre                     #e3a857
         yellow realgar                          yellowrealgar                   #fada5e
         yellow realgar                          yellowrealgar                   #d4af37
         yellow realgar                          yellowrealgar                   #f8de7e
         yellow realgar                          yellowrealgar                   #c9ae5d
         yellow sienna                           yellowsienna                    #e3a857
         yellow stone                            yellowstone                     #b9b57d
         yellowstone                             yellowstone                     #a18f60
         yellow wash                             yellowwash                      #e3a857
         yellow wood                             yellowwood                      #c9ae5d
         yellow wood                             yellowwood                      #c2b280
         yew green                               yewgreen                        #4a5d23
         yolk yellow                             yolkyellow                      #d4af37
         yosemite                                yosemite                        #c19a6b
         yucatan                                 yucatan                         #ae6938
         yucatan                                 yucatan                         #996515
         yucca                                   yucca                           #5e716a
         yu chi                                  yuchi                           #1b4d3e
         yvette violet                           yvetteviolet                    #796878
         zaffre blue                             zaffreblue                      #00416a
         zaffre blue                             zaffreblue                      #436b95
         zanzibar                                zanzibar                        #43302e
         zedoary wash                            zedoarywash                     #e3a857
         zenith [blue]                           zenithblue                      #8791bf
         zenith [blue]                           zenithblue                      #8c92ac
         zephyr                                  zephyr                          #ead8d7
         zephyr                                  zephyr                          #c4aead
         zinc                                    zinc                            #8b8589
         zinc                                    zinc                            #848482
         zinc green                              zincgreen                       #679267
         zinc orange                             zincorange                      #ed872d
         zinc orange                             zincorange                      #d99058
         zinc yellow                             zincyellow                      #d4af37
         zinnia                                  zinnia                          #ab4e52
         zulu                                    zulu                            #43302e
         zuni brown                              zunibrown                       #6f4e37