
Langue: en

Version: 290951 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


GSourceView - GtkSourceView interface


Module GSourceView


Module GSourceView
 :  sig end

GtkSourceView interface

=== GtkSourceTag ===

type source_tag_property = [ `BACKGROUND of Gdk.color | `BOLD of bool | `FOREGROUND of Gdk.color | `ITALIC of bool | `STRIKETHROUGH of bool | `UNDERLINE of bool ]

class source_tag_style : GtkSourceView_types.source_tag_style Gtk.obj -> object end

val source_tag_style : ?background:Gdk.color -> ?background_by_name:string -> ?bold:bool -> ?foreground:Gdk.color -> ?foreground_by_name:string -> ?italic:bool -> ?strikethrough:bool -> ?underline:bool -> unit -> source_tag_style

type source_tag_id = string

class source_tag : GtkSourceView_types.source_tag Gtk.obj -> object end

val syntax_tag : id:string -> name:string -> pat_start:string -> pat_end:string -> source_tag

val pattern_tag : id:string -> name:string -> pat:string -> source_tag

val keyword_list_tag : id:string -> name:string -> keywords:string list -> ?case_sensitive:bool -> ?match_empty_string_at_beginning:bool -> ?match_empty_string_at_end:bool -> ?beginning_regex:string -> ?end_regex:string -> unit -> source_tag

val block_comment_tag : id:string -> name:string -> pat_start:string -> pat_end:string -> source_tag

val line_comment_tag : id:string -> name:string -> pat_start:string -> source_tag

val string_tag : id:string -> name:string -> pat_start:string -> pat_end:string -> end_at_line_end:bool -> source_tag

=== GtkSourceTagTable ===

class source_tag_table_signals : [> GtkSourceView_types.source_tag_table ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class source_tag_table : GtkSourceView_types.source_tag_table Gtk.obj -> object end

val source_tag_table : unit -> source_tag_table

=== GtkSourceStyleScheme ===

class source_style_scheme : GtkSourceView_types.source_style_scheme Gtk.obj -> object end

val default_style_scheme : unit -> source_style_scheme

=== GtkSourceLanguage ===

class source_language_signals : [> GtkSourceView_types.source_language ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class source_language : GtkSourceView_types.source_language Gtk.obj -> object end

=== GtkSourceLanguagesManager ===

class source_languages_manager : GtkSourceView_types.source_languages_manager Gtk.obj -> object end

val source_languages_manager : unit -> source_languages_manager

val source_language_from_file : ?languages_manager:source_languages_manager -> string -> source_language option

=== GtkSourceMarker ===

class source_marker : GtkSourceView_types.source_marker Gtk.obj -> object end

=== GtkSourceBuffer ===

class source_buffer_signals : GtkSourceView_types.source_buffer Gtk.obj -> object end

class source_buffer : GtkSourceView_types.source_buffer Gtk.obj -> object end

val source_buffer : ?language:source_language -> ?tag_table:source_tag_table -> ?text:string -> ?check_brackets:bool -> ?escape_char:int -> ?highlight:bool -> ?max_undo_levels:int -> unit -> source_buffer

=== GtkSourceView ===

class source_view_signals : [> GtkSourceView_types.source_view ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class source_view : GtkSourceView_types.source_view Gtk.obj -> object end

val source_view : ?source_buffer:source_buffer -> ?auto_indent:bool -> ?highlight_current_line:bool -> ?insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs:bool -> ?margin:int -> ?show_line_markers:bool -> ?show_line_numbers:bool -> ?show_margin:bool -> ?smart_home_end:bool -> ?tabs_width:int -> ?editable:bool -> ?cursor_visible:bool -> ?justification:GtkEnums.justification -> ?wrap_mode:GtkEnums.wrap_mode -> ?accepts_tab:bool -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> source_view

=== Misc ===

val find_matching_bracket : GText.iter -> GText.iter option

val iter_forward_search : GText.iter -> SourceViewEnums.source_search_flag list -> start:< as_iter : Gtk.text_iter; .. > -> stop:< as_iter : Gtk.text_iter; .. > -> ?limit:< as_iter : Gtk.text_iter; .. > -> string -> (GText.iter * GText.iter) option

val iter_backward_search : GText.iter -> SourceViewEnums.source_search_flag list -> start:< as_iter : Gtk.text_iter; .. > -> stop:< as_iter : Gtk.text_iter; .. > -> ?limit:< as_iter : Gtk.text_iter; .. > -> string -> (GText.iter * GText.iter) option