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Version: 321034 (ubuntu - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


GTree - Tree and list widgets


Module GTree


Module GTree
 :  sig end

Tree and list widgets

=== Tree and list widgets ===

=== New GtkTreeView/Model framework ===

type 'a column = {
 index :  int ;
 conv :  'a Gobject.data_conv ;
 creator :  int ;

class column_list : object end

class row_reference : Gtk.row_reference -> model:[> `treemodel ] Gtk.obj -> object end

=== Models ===

class model_signals : [> `treemodel ] Gtk.obj -> object end

val model_ids : (int, int) Hashtbl.t

class model : [> `treemodel ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class tree_sortable_signals : [> `treemodel | `treesortable ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class tree_sortable : [> `treemodel | `treesortable ] Gtk.obj -> object end

=== Special value for the #set_sort_column_id method of GTree.tree_sortable. ===

val default_sort_column_id : int

val unsorted_sort_column_id : int

class tree_store : Gtk.tree_store -> object end

val tree_store : column_list -> tree_store

class list_store : Gtk.list_store -> object end

val list_store : column_list -> list_store

val store_of_list : 'a Gobject.data_conv -> 'a list -> list_store * 'a column

Convenience function to map a caml list into a GTree.list_store with a single column

class model_sort : Gtk.tree_model_sort -> object end

val model_sort : #model -> model_sort

class model_filter : Gtk.tree_model_filter -> object end

Since GTK 2.4

val model_filter : ?virtual_root:Gtk.tree_path -> #model -> model_filter

Since GTK 2.4

module Path : sig end

=== Selection ===

class selection_signals : Gtk.tree_selection -> object end

class selection : Gtk.tree_selection -> object end

The selection object for GTree.view

=== Views ===

class type cell_renderer = object end

class cell_layout : [> Gtk.cell_layout ] Gtk.obj -> object end

Since GTK 2.4

class view_column_signals : [> `gtk | `treeviewcolumn ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class view_column : Gtk.tree_view_column Gtk.obj -> object end

A visible column in a GTree.view widget

val view_column : ?title:string -> ?renderer:#cell_renderer * (string * 'a column) list -> unit -> view_column

class view_signals : [> Gtk.tree_view ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class view : Gtk.tree_view Gtk.obj -> object end

A widget for displaying both trees and lists

val view : ?model:#model -> ?hadjustment:GData.adjustment -> ?vadjustment:GData.adjustment -> ?enable_search:bool -> ?fixed_height_mode:bool -> ?headers_clickable:bool -> ?headers_visible:bool -> ?reorderable:bool -> ?rules_hint:bool -> ?search_column:int -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> view

=== Cell Renderers ===

type cell_properties = [ `CELL_BACKGROUND of string | `CELL_BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `CELL_BACKGROUND_SET of bool | `HEIGHT of int | `IS_EXPANDED of bool | `IS_EXPANDER of bool | `MODE of Gtk.Tags.cell_renderer_mode | `VISIBLE of bool | `WIDTH of int | `XALIGN of float | `XPAD of int | `YALIGN of float | `YPAD of int ]

type cell_properties_pixbuf = [ `CELL_BACKGROUND of string | `CELL_BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `CELL_BACKGROUND_SET of bool | `HEIGHT of int | `IS_EXPANDED of bool | `IS_EXPANDER of bool | `MODE of Gtk.Tags.cell_renderer_mode | `PIXBUF of GdkPixbuf.pixbuf | `PIXBUF_EXPANDER_CLOSED of GdkPixbuf.pixbuf | `PIXBUF_EXPANDER_OPEN of GdkPixbuf.pixbuf | `STOCK_DETAIL of string | `STOCK_ID of string | `STOCK_SIZE of Gtk.Tags.icon_size | `VISIBLE of bool | `WIDTH of int | `XALIGN of float | `XPAD of int | `YALIGN of float | `YPAD of int ]

type cell_properties_text = [ `BACKGROUND of string | `BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `BACKGROUND_SET of bool | `CELL_BACKGROUND of string | `CELL_BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `CELL_BACKGROUND_SET of bool | `EDITABLE of bool | `FAMILY of string | `FONT of string | `FONT_DESC of Pango.font_description | `FOREGROUND of string | `FOREGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `FOREGROUND_SET of bool | `HEIGHT of int | `IS_EXPANDED of bool | `IS_EXPANDER of bool | `MARKUP of string | `MODE of Gtk.Tags.cell_renderer_mode | `RISE of int | `SCALE of Pango.Tags.scale | `SINGLE_PARAGRAPH_MODE of bool | `SIZE of int | `SIZE_POINTS of float | `STRETCH of Pango.Tags.stretch | `STRIKETHROUGH of bool | `STYLE of | `TEXT of string | `UNDERLINE of Pango.Tags.underline | `VARIANT of Pango.Tags.variant | `VISIBLE of bool | `WEIGHT of Pango.Tags.weight | `WIDTH of int | `XALIGN of float | `XPAD of int | `YALIGN of float | `YPAD of int ]

type cell_properties_toggle = [ `ACTIVATABLE of bool | `ACTIVE of bool | `CELL_BACKGROUND of string | `CELL_BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `CELL_BACKGROUND_SET of bool | `HEIGHT of int | `INCONSISTENT of bool | `IS_EXPANDED of bool | `IS_EXPANDER of bool | `MODE of Gtk.Tags.cell_renderer_mode | `RADIO of bool | `VISIBLE of bool | `WIDTH of int | `XALIGN of float | `XPAD of int | `YALIGN of float | `YPAD of int ]

type cell_properties_progress = [ `CELL_BACKGROUND of string | `CELL_BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `CELL_BACKGROUND_SET of bool | `HEIGHT of int | `IS_EXPANDED of bool | `IS_EXPANDER of bool | `MODE of Gtk.Tags.cell_renderer_mode | `TEXT of string option | `VALUE of int | `VISIBLE of bool | `WIDTH of int | `XALIGN of float | `XPAD of int | `YALIGN of float | `YPAD of int ]

type cell_properties_combo = [ `BACKGROUND of string | `BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `BACKGROUND_SET of bool | `CELL_BACKGROUND of string | `CELL_BACKGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `CELL_BACKGROUND_SET of bool | `EDITABLE of bool | `FAMILY of string | `FONT of string | `FONT_DESC of Pango.font_description | `FOREGROUND of string | `FOREGROUND_GDK of Gdk.color | `FOREGROUND_SET of bool | `HAS_ENTRY of bool | `HEIGHT of int | `IS_EXPANDED of bool | `IS_EXPANDER of bool | `MARKUP of string | `MODE of Gtk.Tags.cell_renderer_mode | `MODEL of model option | `RISE of int | `SCALE of Pango.Tags.scale | `SINGLE_PARAGRAPH_MODE of bool | `SIZE of int | `SIZE_POINTS of float | `STRETCH of Pango.Tags.stretch | `STRIKETHROUGH of bool | `STYLE of | `TEXT of string | `TEXT_COLUMN of string column | `UNDERLINE of Pango.Tags.underline | `VARIANT of Pango.Tags.variant | `VISIBLE of bool | `WEIGHT of Pango.Tags.weight | `WIDTH of int | `XALIGN of float | `XPAD of int | `YALIGN of float | `YPAD of int ]

class type ['a, 'b] cell_renderer_skel = object end

class virtual [[> Gtk.cell_renderer ], 'a] cell_renderer_impl : [> Gtk.cell_renderer ] Gtk.obj -> object end

class cell_renderer_pixbuf : Gtk.cell_renderer_pixbuf Gtk.obj -> object end

class cell_renderer_text_signals : Gtk.cell_renderer_text Gtk.obj -> object end

class cell_renderer_text : Gtk.cell_renderer_text Gtk.obj -> object end

class cell_renderer_toggle_signals : Gtk.cell_renderer_toggle Gtk.obj -> object end

class cell_renderer_toggle : Gtk.cell_renderer_toggle Gtk.obj -> object end

class cell_renderer_progress : Gtk.cell_renderer_progress Gtk.obj -> object end

Since GTK 2.6

class cell_renderer_combo : Gtk.cell_renderer_combo Gtk.obj -> object end

Since GTK 2.6

val cell_renderer_pixbuf : cell_properties_pixbuf list -> cell_renderer_pixbuf

val cell_renderer_text : cell_properties_text list -> cell_renderer_text

val cell_renderer_toggle : cell_properties_toggle list -> cell_renderer_toggle

val cell_renderer_progress : cell_properties_progress list -> cell_renderer_progress

Since GTK 2.6

val cell_renderer_combo : cell_properties_combo list -> cell_renderer_combo

Since GTK 2.6

=== GtkIconView ===

class icon_view_signals : [> Gtk.icon_view ] Gtk.obj -> object end

Since GTK 2.6

class icon_view : [> Gtk.icon_view ] Gtk.obj -> object end

A widget which displays a list of icons in a grid

Since GTK 2.6

val icon_view : ?model:#model -> ?orientation:GtkEnums.orientation -> ?selection_mode:GtkEnums.selection_mode -> ?border_width:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> icon_view

A widget which displays a list of icons in a grid

Since GTK 2.6