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Version: 2009-05-01 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Gravatar::URL - Make URLs for Gravatars from an email address


     use Gravatar::URL;
     my $gravatar_id  = gravatar_id($email);
     my $gravatar_url = gravatar_url(email => $email);


A Gravatar is a Globally Recognized Avatar for a given email address. This allows you to have a global picture associated with your email address. You can look up the Gravatar for any email address by constructing a URL to get the image from This module does that.

Examples of use include the author faces on <>.

See <> for more info.


     # By email
     my $url = gravatar_url( email => $email, %options );
     # By gravatar ID
     my $url = gravatar_url( id => $id, %options );

Constructs a URL to fetch the gravatar for a given $email or $id.

$id is a gravatar ID. See ``gravatar_id'' for more information.

%options are optional and are...


A user can rate how offensive the content of their gravatar is, like a movie. The ratings are g, pg, r and x. If you specify a rating it is the highest rating that will be given.

     rating => "r"   # includes g, pg and r


Specifies the desired width and height of the gravatar (gravatars are square).

Valid values are from 1 to 512 inclusive. Any size other than 80 may cause the original gravatar image to be downsampled using bicubic resampling before output.

     size    => 40,  # 40 x 40 image


The url to use if the user has no gravatar or has none that fits your rating requirements.

     default => ""

Relative URLs will be relative to the base (ie., not your web site.

Gravatar defines special values that you may use as a default to produce dynamic default images. These are ``identicon'', ``monsterid'' and ``wavatar''. See <> for more info.

If omitted, Gravatar will serve up their default image, the blue G.


DEPRECATED! This key has been removed from the Gravatar protocol. It will be removed from future versions of Gravatar::URL.

Gravatars can be requested to have a 1 pixel colored border. If you'd like that, pass in the color to border as a 3 or 6 digit hex string.

     border => "000000",  # a black border, like my soul
     border => "000",     # black, but in 3 digits


This is the URL of the location of the Gravatar server you wish to grab Gravatars from. Defaults to <">.


If true, use short key names when constructing the URL. ``s'' instead of ``size'', ``r'' instead of ``ratings'' and so on.

short_keys defaults to false, but may default to true in the future.


     my $id = gravatar_id($email);

Converts an $email address into its Gravatar $id.


Thanks to for coming up with the whole idea and Ashley Pond V from whose Template::Plugin::Gravatar I took most of the original code.


Copyright 2007 - 2009, Michael G Schwern <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Template::Plugin::Gravatar - a Gravatar plugin for Template Toolkit

<> - The Gravatar web site

<> - The Gravatar URL implementor's guide