
Langue: en

Version: 2009-08-08 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


HCT::File - Set of functions for work files and directories.


This package containts various subroutines to provide work with files and directories.


scan_path (PATH)
The PATH is a list of pathes that should be processed:
         scan_path ($path);

As the result will be returned a hash-array, where keys - directories, and values - list of files from this directories.

         $res = scan_path ($path);
is_tmp (PATH)
Portable method to test if path is a temporary file or directory. Returns true or false.
is_sys (PATH)
Portable method to test if path is a system file or directory. Returns true or false.
is_file (PATH)
Portable method to test if path is a file. The reason: "-f" doesn't work in ActiveState Perl on Windows. Returns true or false.
is_dir (PATH)
Portable method to test if path is a directory. The reason: "-d" doesn't work in ActiveState Perl on Windows. Returns true or false.
get_basename (PATH)
Returns the file name portion of a path by using "File::Basename" subroutines.
get_dirname (PATH)
Returns the dir name portion of a path by using "File::Basename" subroutines.
get_extension (PATH)
Returns the file extension portion of a path by using "File::Basename" subroutines.