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Version: 2009-02-13 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


JavaScript::Context - An object in which we can execute JavaScript


   use JavaScript;
   # Create a runtime and a context
   my $rt = JavaScript::Runtime->new();
   my $cx = $rt->create_context();
   # Add a function which we can call from JavaScript
   $cx->bind_function(print => sub { print @_; });
   my $result = $cx->eval($source);



bind_class ( %args )
Defines a new class that can be used from JavaScript in the contet.

It expects the following arguments

The name of the class in JavaScript.
   name => "MyPackage",
A reference to a subroutine that returns the Perl object that represents the JavaScript object. If omitted a default constructor will be supplied that calls the method "new" on the defined package (or name if no package is defined).
   constructor => sub { MyPackage->new(@_); },
The name of the Perl package that represents this class. It will be passed as first argument to any class methods and also used in the default constructor.
   package => "My::Package",
methods (fs)
A hash reference of methods that we define for instances of the class. In JavaScript this would be "o = new MyClass(); o.method()".

The key is used as the name of the function and the value should be either a reference to a subroutine or the name of the Perl subroutine to call.

   methods => { to_string => \&My::Package::to_string,
                random    => "randomize"
static_methods (static_ps)
Like fs but these are called on the class itself. In JavaScript this would be "MyClass.method()".
properties (ps)
A hash reference of properties that we define for instances of the class. In JavaScript this would be "o = new MyClass(); f =;"

The key is used as the name of the property and the value is used to specify what method to call as a get-operation and as a set-operation. These can either be specified using references to subroutines or name of subroutines. If the getter is undefined the property will be write-only and if the setter is undefined the property will be read-only. You can specify the getter/setter using either an array reference, "[\&MyClass::get_property, \&MyClass::set_property]", a string, "MyClass::set_property MyClass::get_property" or a hash reference, "{ getter =" ``MyClass::get_property'', setter => ``MyClass::set_property'' }>.

   ps => { length => [qw(get_length)],
           parent => { getter => \&MyClass::get_parent, setter => \&MyClass::set_parent },
static_properties (static_ps)
Like ps but these are defined on the class itself. In JavaScript this would be "f =".
A bitmask of attributes for the class. Valid attributes are:
Makes the class throw an exception if JavaScript tries to instansiate the class.
bind_function ( name => $name, func => $subroutine )
bind_function ( $name => $subroutine )
Defines a Perl subroutine ($subroutine_ref) as a native function with the given $name. The argument $subroutine can either be the name of a subroutine or a reference to one.
bind_object ( $name => $object )
Binds a Perl object to the context under a given name.
bind_value ( $name => $value )
Defines a value with a given name and value. Trying to redefine an already existing property throws an exception.
unbind_value ( $name )
Removed a property from the context or a specified object.
call ( $name, @arguments )
call ( $function, @arguments )
Calls a function with the given name $name or the JavaScript::Function-object $function and passes the rest of the arguments to the JavaScript function.
can ( $name )
Returns true if there is a function with a given $name, otherwise it returns false.
compile ( $source )
Pre-compiles the JavaScript given in $source and returns a "JavaScript::Script"-object that can be executed over and over again. If an error occures because of a compilation error it returns undef and $@ is set.
eval ( $source )
Evaluates the JavaScript code given in $source and returns the result from the last statement.

If there is a compilation error (such as a syntax error) or an uncaught exception is thrown in JavaScript this method returns undef and $@ is set.

eval_file ( $path )
Evaluates the JavaScript code in the file specified by $path and returns the result from the last statement.

If there is a compilation error (such as a syntax error) or an uncaught exception is thrown in JavaScript this method returns undef and $@ is set.

find ( $native_context )
Returns the "JavaScript::Context"-object associated with a given native context.
set_branch_handler ( $handler )
Attaches an branch callback handler (a function that is called when a branch is performed) to the context. The argument $handler may be a code-reference or the name of a subroutine.

To remove the handler call this method with an undefined argument.

The handler is called when a script branches backwards during execution, when a function returns and the end of the script. To continue execution the handler must return a true value. To abort execution either throw an exception or return a false value.

get_version ( )
Returns the runtime version of the context as a string, for exmaple 1.7 or or "ECMAv3".
set_version ( $version )
Sets the runtime version of the context to that specified in the string $version. Some features such as "let" and "yield" might not be enabled by default and thus must be turned on by specifying what JS version we're using.

A list of these can be found at <> but may vary depending on the version of your runtime.

get_options ( )
Returns a list of the options currently enabled on the context.
has_options ( OPTION, ... )
Tests if the options are eneabled on the context.
toggle_options ( OPTION, ... )
Toggles the options on the context.


A number of options can be set on contexts. The following are understood (case-insensitive):
Warn on dubious practice.
ECMAScript for XML (E4X) support: parse <!-- --> as a token, not backward compatible with the comment-hiding hack used in HTML script tags.
Enable JIT compilation. Requires a SpiderMonkey with TraceMonkey.

(Descriptions copied from jsapi.h and thus copyrighted under its license)