
Langue: en

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Version: 2004-02-02 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


MP3::Icecast - Generate Icecast streams, as well as M3U and PLSv2 playlists.


   use MP3::Icecast;
   use MP3::Info;
   use IO::Socket;
   my $listen_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
     LocalPort => 8000, #standard Icecast port
     Listen    => 20,
     Proto     => 'tcp',
     Reuse     => 1,
     Timeout   => 3600);
   #create an instance to find all files below /usr/local/mp3
   my $finder = MP3::Icecast->new();
   my @files = $finder->files;
   #accept TCP 8000 connections
     next unless my $connection = $listen_socket->accept;
     defined(my $child = fork()) or die "Can't fork: $!";
     if($child == 0){
       my $icy = MP3::Icecast->new;
       #stream files that have an ID3 genre tag of "jazz"
         my $file = shift @files;
         my $info = new MP3::Info $file;
         next unless $info;
         next unless $info->genre =~ /jazz/i;
       exit 0;
     #a contrived example to demonstrate that MP3::Icecast
     #can generate M3U and PLSv2 media playlists.
     print STDERR $icy->m3u, "\n";
     print STDERR $icy->pls, "\n";


MP3::Icecast supports streaming Icecast protocol over socket or other filehandle (including STDIN). This is useful for writing a streaming media server.

MP3::Icecast also includes support for generating M3U and PLSv2 playlist files. These are common formats supported by most modern media players, including XMMS, Windows Media Player 9, and Winamp.


   The Icecast project
   Namp! (Apache::MP3)
   Unofficial M3U and PLS specifications


  Allen Day, E<lt>allenday@ucla.eduE<gt>
Copyright 2003, Allen Day

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


  Title   : new
  Usage   : $icy = MP3::Icecast->new(%arg);
  Function: create a new MP3::Icecast instance
  Returns : an MP3::Icecast object
  Args    : none


  Title   : add_directory
  Usage   : $icy->add_directory('/usr/local/mp3');
  Function: add a directory of files to be added to the playlist
  Returns : true on success, false on failure
  Args    : a system path


  Title   : _process_directory
  Usage   : $icy->_process_directory('/usr/local/mp3');
  Function: searches a directory for files to add to the playlist
  Returns : true on success
  Args    : a system path to search for files


  Title   : add_file
  Usage   : $icy->add_file('/usr/local/mp3/meow.mp3')
  Function: add a file to be added to the playlist
  Returns : true on success, false on failure
  Args    : a system path


  Title   : files
  Usage   : @files = $icy->files
  Function: returns a list of all files that have been added
            from calls to add_file() and add_directory()
  Returns : a list of files
  Args    : none


  Title   : clear_files
  Usage   :
  Example :
  Returns : 
  Args    :


  Title   : m3u
  Usage   : $m3u_text = $icy->m3u
  Function: generates an Extended M3U string from the
            contents of the list returned by files().
            files not recognized by MP3::Info are
            silently ignored
  Returns : a Extended M3U string
  Args    : none


  Title   : pls
  Usage   : $pls_text = $icy->pls
  Function: generates a PLSv2 string from the
            contents of the list returned by files().
            files not recognized by MP3::Info are
            silently ignored.
  Returns : a PLSv2 string
  Args    : none


  Title   : streamll: 1 at /raid5a/allenday/projects/MP3/ line 459.
  Usage   : $icy->stream('/usr/local/mp3/meow.mp3',0);
  Function: stream an audio file.  prints to STDOUT unless a
            third argument is given, in which case ->print() is
            called on the second argument.  An IO::Handle or
            Apache instance will work here.
  Returns : true on success, false on failure
  Args    : 1) system path to the file to stream
            2) offset in file to start streaming
            3) (optional) object to call ->print() on, rather
               than printing to STDOUT


  Title   : _open_file
  Usage   : $fh = $icy->open_file('/usr/local/mp3/meow.mp3');
  Example :
  Returns :
  Args    :


  Title   : _mangle_path
  Usage   : $path = $icy->_mangle_path('/usr/local/mp3/meow.mp3');
  Function: applies alias substitutions and prefixes to a system path.
            this is intended to be used to create resolvable URLs.
  Returns : a string
  Args    : a system path


  Title   : _path_escape
  Usage   :
  Example :
  Returns : 
  Args    :


  Title   : _get_info
  Usage   : $mp3_info = $icy->_get_info($file)
  Function: constucts and returns an MP3::Info object.  the intended
            use here is to access MP3 metadata (from ID3 tags,
            filesize, etc).
  Returns : a new MP3::Info object on success, false on failure
  Args    : a system path to a file


  Title   : alias
  Usage   : #returns 1
            $icy->alias('/home/allenday/mp3' => '/mp3');
            #returns '/mp3'
            #returns 1
            $icy->alias('/usr/local/share/mp3' => '/share/mp3'); #returns 1
            #returns qw(/mp3 /share/mp3)
  Function: this method provides similar behavior to Apache's Alias directive.
            it allows mapping of system paths to virtual paths for usage by,
            for instance, a webserver.  the mapping is simple: when examining
            a file, MP3::Icecast tries to match the beginning of the file's
            full path to a sorted list of aliases.  the first alias to match
            is accepted.  this may cause unexpected behavior in the event that
            a file's path matches multiple alias entries.  patches welcome.
  Returns : see Usage
  Args    : see Usage


  Title   : prefix
  Usage   : $icy->prefix('http://');
  Function: prefix all entries in the playlist with this value.
            this string is *not* uri or system path escaped.
  Returns : value of prefix (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


  Title   : postfix
  Usage   : $obj->postfix($newval)
  Function: postfix all entries in the playlist with this value.
            this string is *not* uri or system path escaped.
            uri escaped.
  Returns : value of postfix (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


  Title   : recursive
  Usage   : $obj->recursive($newval)
  Function: flag determining whether a directory is recursively
            searched for files when passed to ::add_directory().
            default is false (no recursion).
  Example : 
  Returns : value of recursive (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


  Title   : shuffle
  Usage   : $obj->shuffle($newval)
  Example : 
  Returns : value of shuffle (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)


  Title   : description
  Usage   : $description = $icy->description('/usr/local/mp3/meow.mp3');
  Function: returns a description string of an MP3.  this is extracted
            from the ID3 tags by MP3::Info.  the description format can
            be customized, see the description_format() method.
  Returns : a description string
  Args    : a valid system path


  Title   : description_format
  Usage   : $icy->description_format($format_string)
  Returns : value of description_format (a scalar)
  Args    : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)