
Langue: en

Version: 2008-04-02 (fedora - 05/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


MooseX::MultiInitArg - Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments.


   package Thinger;
   use Moose;
         use MooseX::MultiInitArg;
   has 'data' => (
                         metaclass => 'MultiInitArg',
                         # For composability, you could use the following:
                         # traits => ['MooseX::MultiInitArg::Trait'],
       is        => 'ro',
       isa       => 'Str',
       init_args => [qw(munge frobnicate)],
   package main;
   # All these are equivalent
   my $foo = Thinger->new(data => 'foo');
   my $foo = Thinger->new(munge => 'foo');
   my $foo = Thinger->new(frobnicate => 'foo');


If you've ever wanted to be able to call an attribute any number of things while you're passing arguments to your object constructor, Now You Can.

The primary motivator is that I have some attributes that were named inconsistently, and I wanted to rename them without breaking backwards compatibility with my existing API.


Paul Driver, "<frodwith at>" Copyright 2007-2008 by Paul Driver.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.