
Langue: en

Version: 2008-05-14 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


PPI::Statement::Variable - Variable declaration statements


   # All of the following are variable declarations
   my $foo = 1;
   my ($foo, $bar) = (1, 2);
   our $foo = 1;
   local $foo;
   local $foo = 1;
   LABEL: my $foo = 1;


   isa PPI::Statement::Expression
       isa PPI::Statement
           isa PPI::Node
               isa PPI::Element


The main intent of the "PPI::Statement::Variable" class is to describe simple statements that explicitly declare new local or global variables.

Note that this does not make it exclusively the only place where variables are defined, and later on you should expect that the "variables" method will migrate deeper down the tree to either PPI::Statement or PPI::Node to recognise this fact, but for now it stays here.



The "type" method checks and returns the declaration type of the statement, which will be one of either 'my', 'local' or 'our'.

Returns a string of the type, or "undef" if the type cannot be detected (which is probably a bug).


As for several other PDOM Element types that can declare variables, the "variables" method returns a list of the canonical forms of the variables defined by the statement.

Returns a list of the canonical string forms of variables, or the null list if it is unable to find any variables.

# Test the things we assert to work in the synopsis my $Document = PPI::Document->new(\<<'END_PERL'); package Bar; my $foo = 1; my ( $foo, $bar) = (1, 2); our $foo = 1; local $foo; local $foo = 1; LABEL: my $foo = 1;

# As well as those basics, lets also try some harder ones local($foo = $bar->$bar(), $bar); END_PERL isa_ok( $Document, 'PPI::Document' );

# There should be 6 statement objects my $ST = $Document->find('Statement::Variable'); is( ref($ST), 'ARRAY', 'Found statements' ); is( scalar(@$ST), 7, 'Found 7 ::Variable objects' ); foreach my $Var ( @$ST ) {         isa_ok( $Var, 'PPI::Statement::Variable' );
} is_deeply( [ $ST->[0]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '1: Found $foo' ); is_deeply( [ $ST->[1]->variables ], [ '$foo', '$bar' ], '2: Found $foo and $bar' ); is_deeply( [ $ST->[2]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '3: Found $foo' ); is_deeply( [ $ST->[3]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '4: Found $foo' ); is_deeply( [ $ST->[4]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '5: Found $foo' ); is_deeply( [ $ST->[5]->variables ], [ '$foo' ], '6: Found $foo' ); is_deeply( [ $ST->[6]->variables ], [ '$foo', '$bar' ], '7: Found $foo and $bar' );


- Write unit tests for this


See the support section in the main module.


Adam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org> Copyright 2001 - 2008 Adam Kennedy.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
Around line 88:
'=begin' only takes one parameter, not several as in '=begin testing variables'
Around line 120:
=end testing without matching =begin. (Stack: [empty])