
Langue: en

Version: 2009-09-02 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Sets the subroutine that Prophet should use instead of "Prophet::CLI::Command::edit_text" (as this routine invokes an interactive editor) to $code.

set_editor_script SCRIPT

Sets the editor that Proc::InvokeEditor uses.

This should be a non-interactive script found in t/scripts.

import_extra($class, $args)


Run the given code using Devel::Gladiator.


Returns a path on disk for where $username's replica is stored.


Returns a file:// URI for $USERNAME'S replica (with the correct replica type prefix).


Returns the UUID of the test replica.


Returns the UUID of the test database.


Returns the sequence number of the last change in the test replica.

as_user($username, $coderef)

Run this code block as $username. This routine sets up the %ENV hash so that when we go looking for a repository, we get the user's repo.


Returns the UUID of the given user's test replica.


Returns the UUID of the given user's test database.

ok_added_revisions( { CODE }, $numbers_of_new_revisions, $msg)

Checks that the given code block adds the given number of changes to the test replica. $msg is optional and will be printed with the test if given.


Returns a simple, serialized version of a Prophet::Conflict object suitable for comparison in tests.

The serialized version is a hash reference containing the following keys:
    meta => { original_source_uuid => 'source_replica_uuid' }
    records => { 'record_uuid' =>
                   { change_type => 'type',
                     props => { propchange_name => { source_old => 'old_val',
                                                     source_new => 'new_val',
                                                     target_old => 'target_val',
                 'another_record_uuid' =>
                   { change_type => 'type',
                     props => { propchange_name => { source_old => 'old_val',
                                                     source_new => 'new_val',
                                                     target_old => 'target_val',


Returns a simple, serialized version of a Prophet::ChangeSet object suitable for comparison in tests (a hash).

run_command($command, @args)

Run the given command with (optionally) the given args using a new Prophet::CLI object. Returns the standard output of that command in scalar form or, in array context, the STDOUT in scalar form *and* the STDERR in scalar form.


     run_command('create', '--type=Foo');

load_record($type, $uuid)

Loads and returns a record object for the record with the given type and uuid.

as_alice CODE, as_bob CODE, as_charlie CODE, as_david CODE

Runs CODE as alice, bob, charlie or david.