
Langue: en

Version: 377105 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)



SoCallback -

The SoCallback class is a node type which provides a means of setting callback hooks in the scene graph.

By inserting SoCallback nodes in a scene graph, the application programmer can set up functions to be executed at certain points in the traversal.


#include <Inventor/nodes/SoCallback.h>

Inherits SoNode.

Public Member Functions

SoCallback (void)

void setCallback (SoCallbackCB *function, void *userdata=NULL)

virtual void doAction (SoAction *action)

virtual void callback (SoCallbackAction *action)

virtual void GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action)

virtual void getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action)

virtual void getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction *action)

virtual void handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction *action)

virtual void pick (SoPickAction *action)

virtual void search (SoSearchAction *action)

virtual void write (SoWriteAction *action)

virtual void getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction *action)

Static Public Member Functions

static void initClass (void)

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~SoCallback ()

virtual void copyContents (const SoFieldContainer *from, SbBool copyconnections)

Detailed Description

The SoCallback class is a node type which provides a means of setting callback hooks in the scene graph.

By inserting SoCallback nodes in a scene graph, the application programmer can set up functions to be executed at certain points in the traversal.

The callback function will be executed during traversal of any action, so check the type of the action argument of the callback function if you only want to run your code at specific actions.


     Callback {


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoCallback::SoCallback (void)Constructor.

SoCallback::~SoCallback () [protected, virtual]Destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void SoCallback::initClass (void) [static]Sets up initialization for data common to all instances of this class, like submitting necessary information to the Coin type system.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

void SoCallback::setCallback (SoCallbackCB * function, void * userdata = NULL)Set up the function to call at traversal of this node. userdata will be passed back as the first argument of the callback function.

If you want a callback only for a specific action, you must (in your callback function) remember to check which action invoked the callback, for instance like this:

   void mycallback(void * userdata, SoAction * action)
     if (action->isOfType(SoGLRenderAction::getClassTypeId())) {
       // do stuff specific for GL rendering here.

Please note that SoCallback nodes under a Separator might be included in a cache. Cached nodes are not traversed, and you'll not receive any callbacks. If you want to make sure that your callback is called every time the scene graph is rendered, you must invalidate the render cache in your callback:

   void mycallback(void * userdata, SoAction * action)
     if (action->isOfType(SoGLRenderAction::getClassTypeId())) {

If you want to invalidate all caches (for instance also the bounding box cache), you can do this in your callback:

   void mycallback(void * userdata, SoAction * action)
     SoState * state = action->getState();
     if (state->isElementEnabled(SoCacheElement::getClassStackIndex())) {


void SoCallback::doAction (SoAction * action) [virtual]This function performs the typical operation of a node for any action.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

Referenced by callback(), getBoundingBox(), getMatrix(), getPrimitiveCount(), GLRender(), handleEvent(), pick(), search(), and write().

void SoCallback::callback (SoCallbackAction * action) [virtual]Action method for SoCallbackAction.

Simply updates the state according to how the node behaves for the render action, so the application programmer can use the SoCallbackAction for extracting information about the scene graph.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().

void SoCallback::GLRender (SoGLRenderAction * action) [virtual]Action method for the SoGLRenderAction.

This is called during rendering traversals. Nodes influencing the rendering state in any way or who wants to throw geometry primitives at OpenGL overrides this method.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().

void SoCallback::getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction * action) [virtual]Action method for the SoGetBoundingBoxAction.

Calculates bounding box and center coordinates for node and modifies the values of the action to encompass the bounding box for this node and to shift the center point for the scene more towards the one for this node.

Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculates their bounding box also overrides this method to change the relevant state variables.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().

void SoCallback::getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction * action) [virtual]Action method for SoGetMatrixAction.

Updates action by accumulating with the transformation matrix of this node (if any).

Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().

void SoCallback::handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction * action) [virtual]Action method for SoHandleEventAction.

Inspects the event data from action, and processes it if it is something which this node should react to.

Nodes influencing relevant state variables for how event handling is done also overrides this method.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().

void SoCallback::pick (SoPickAction * action) [virtual]Action method for SoPickAction.

Does common processing for SoPickAction action instances.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().

void SoCallback::search (SoSearchAction * action) [virtual]Action method for SoSearchAction.

Compares the search criteria from the action to see if this node is a match. Searching is done by matching up all criteria set up in the SoSearchAction -- if any of the requested criteria is a miss, the search is not deemed successful for the node.

See also:


Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().

void SoCallback::write (SoWriteAction * action) [virtual]Action method for SoWriteAction.

Writes out a node object, and any connected nodes, engines etc, if necessary.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().

void SoCallback::getPrimitiveCount (SoGetPrimitiveCountAction * action) [virtual]Action method for the SoGetPrimitiveCountAction.

Calculates the number of triangle, line segment and point primitives for the node and adds these to the counters of the action.

Nodes influencing how geometry nodes calculates their primitive count also overrides this method to change the relevant state variables.

Reimplemented from SoNode.

References doAction().


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