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Version: 2005-07-24 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Sprog - Scripting for the GUI Guys


The "sprog" script (included in the distribution) is a simple wrapper which instantiates an object of class "Sprog" and calls its "run" method:
   use Sprog::ClassFactory;


Sprog is a GUI tool for building pipelines to process data. It allows you to select a data source; hook up some filter components and an output component; then feed your data through.

In Sprog jargon, the components are called 'gears' and the assembled result is called a 'machine'. Sprog ships with a number of pre-written gears - most of which are configurable. It's relatively straightforward to write your own gears using the supplied framework. This allows you to make reusable components for the data transformations you use most often.


The Sprog code is in 'alpha' state. This means that bugs are not only possible, they're expected. It also means that the API is still stablising - if you write a component today you might need to tweak it to make it work with the next version of Sprog.

Please don't let the alpha status discourage you - the more people that try it out and report their experiences, the sooner the bugs will get shaken out.


The GUI and event-driven scheduler is built on Gtk2 and the Gnome2::Canvas (although the GNOME desktop environment is not required).

The properties auto-dialog (PAD) framework uses Gtk2::GladeXML.

File save and restore uses YAML.

The help viewer uses Pod::Simple.

If you don't already have gtk2-perl installed then you may find that is a major hurdle. Of course if you're running Debian GNU/Linux then you'll just need to run:

   apt-get install libgtk2-perl libgnome2-canvas-perl libgtk2-gladexml-perl \
           libyaml-perl libpod-simple-perl


When you run Sprog, you will find information both for users and for developers in the help viewer - accessed via the F1 key (or the help menu).

The Sprog web site is hosted by SourceForge at: <http://sprog.sourceforge.net/>

Copyright 2004-2005 Grant McLean <grantm@cpan.org>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.