
Langue: en

Version: 2005-07-02 (fedora - 06/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Sprog::GearMetaData - Information about installed Sprog::Gear classes


This class is responsible for auto-discovering installed gear classes and determining their attributes.

Querying the attributes of a class does not cause the class file to be compiled. Instead, each gear class is expected to start with a special metadata POD section, like this:

   package Sprog::Gear::Grep;
   =begin sprog-gear-metadata
     title: Pattern Match
     type_in: P
     type_out: P
     keywords: grep regex regular expression search
   =end sprog-gear-metadata

A cache of metadata is maintained so that each gear class file only needs to be parsed once.


The following attributes can be defined in the metadata section:
Mandatory - defines the text which will appear on the gear.
Mandatory - the input connector type. One of:
   _ - no connector
   P - a 'Pipe' connector
   A - a 'List' connector
   H - a 'Record' connector
Mandatory - the output connector type. (Same values as above).
An optional list of keywords that describe the gears function. Used by the palette search function.
An optional boolean which should be set to true (1) if the gear has no properties dialog. This will cause the properties option to be greyed out on the gear's right-click menu.
An optional attribute for defining a view (user interface) class for the gear. Rather than defining the whole class name, only the final component is required. For example, the Sprog::Gear::TextWindow gear sets this value to 'TextWindow' which gets translated to Sprog::GtkGearView::TextWindow.
This flag should be true for a gear created via the 'Make Command Gear' dialog and false otherwise.


gear_class_info( class_name )

Given a full class name (eg: "Sprog::Gear::ReadFile"), this method returns a metadata object describing the class. Returns undef if the class does not exist or does not define the required metadata POD section.

search( input_connector_type, output_connector_type, keywords )

Returns a list of all classes matching the supplied arguments (all of which are optional). If no arguments are supplied, a list of all known gear classes will be returned.

The input and output connector type arguments should each be a single character as follows:

   * - accept any connector type (this is the default)
   _ - no connector at all (ie: input or output gears)
   P - a 'Pipe' connector
   A - a 'List' connector
   H - a 'Record' connector

The 'keywords' argument (if supplied) should be a string which will be used for a case-insensitive match against each gear's title and keywords attributes.

The list of gears returned will be those that match all three arguments (or as many as were supplied).


This method returns a list of connector type names and the corresponding codes. It is intended to be used to build GUI widgets for selecting input and output connector types.


Each metadata object returned from "gear_class_info()" or "search()" will have the following (read-only) properties:


The class name for the gear (eg: "Sprog::Gear::ReadFile").


The pathname of the file which defines the class.


The human-readable name of the gear.


The type of the input connector ('_', 'P', 'A' or 'H').


The type of the output connector (same values as for "type_in").


A space separated string of keywords describing the gear.


The gear view subclass which implements the gear's user interface.

Copyright 2004-2005 Grant McLean <grantm@cpan.org>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.