
Langue: en

Version: 2005-07-24 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


sprog - options for invoking Sprog from the command line


   sprog [options] [<filename.sprog>] [<filenames>]


   -?               detailed help about options
   --run     (-r)   start the machine running
   --nogui   (-n)   run in text mode without graphical user interface
   --quit    (-q)   quit when machine stops
   --debug   (-d)   enable debugging modes (for developers)
   --version (-v)   print version number and exit

Usually you would simply invoke "sprog" with no arguments or possibly just the filename of a <.sprog> file.


Most options can be used in the long form shown below (with two leading dashes) or the short form shown in the synopsis above (one leading dash).
Display this detailed documentation about command-line options. For more detailed help about Sprog, see: Sprog::help::index
If the name of a Sprog machine file is provided, this option tells Sprog to run the machine after loading it from the file. If no filename was provided, this option has no effect.
If this option is specified, Sprog will run without a graphical user interface (possibly useful for 'cron' jobs etc).

If you select 'nogui' mode, you must also specify the name of a ".sprog" file to load. Enabling this mode will implicitly enable both "--run" and "--quit", so the machine will start running as soon as it is loaded and Sprog will exit as soon as the machine is finished.

Causes Sprog to exit when the machine stops running. It probably only makes sense to use this option with "--run" but you can specify it on it's own. If no filename was provided, this option has no effect.
Enables Sprog's debug logging. This is a tool for Sprog developers. When this option is enabled, various debug messages will be written to the file sprog.dbg in the current directory.
If this option is specified, Sprog will print its version number to STDOUT and then exit.
Copyright 2004-2005 Grant McLean <grantm@cpan.org>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.