
Langue: en

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Version: 2005-07-03 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)

Welcome to Sprog

Sprog is a tool for working with data. It allows you to do all the things those clever Unix geeks can do with their cryptic command lines but you can now do it all with point-n-click and drag-n-drop.

A Sprog machine has many similarities to a shell script. It is built from small reusable parts (called gears) that are connected together to filter and massage your data. Once you have built a machine, you can save it and run it again and again to automatically perform repetitive tasks.

Here are some more help topics to get you started:

Building a machine
Understanding connectors
Using the palette
Making Command Gears
Command-line options

Help for Developers

Here's some information which may be useful to people wanting to create their own gear classes or to extend Sprog in other ways:
Sprog internals
Sprog gear internals
Properties dialogs
The Sprog scheduler