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Version: 2005-07-24 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)

The Sprog Scheduler

The Sprog::Machine::Scheduler class implements a simple scheduler based around the Gtk event loop.

The scheduler is used to handle the messy details of running a machine. These details start with the initialisation, proceed to the passing and processing of messages (which is the real work) and finish with the cleanup.


Before a machine can be run, the scheduler builds a data structure called a 'gear train'. Each of the gears is 'engaged' into the train. When the machine is running, a gear that has no more work to do will disengage from the train. When there are no gears left in the train the scheduler is done and the machine will stop.

Gears are added to the train in reverse order. This is so that a gear can start sending messages as soon as it is engaged. Any downstream gears will already exist and will be ready to receive messages.

As the gear train is assembled, the scheduler also builds a list of which gears are data providers. These are the gears that can get data from some place other than their incoming message queue. The scheduler identifies data providers by checking which gears implement the "send_data" method.


The main work of the scheduler is passing messages between the gears. The message passing is done inside an 'idle' handler called by the GTK event loop. This ensures that the application's GUI remains responsive while the machine is running, so that important functions like the 'Stop' button continue to work.

Message passing is a two step process:

when a gear calls its "msg_out" method, the scheduler places the message in the incoming message queue of the next gear in the train
at some later time, the scheduler will arrange for queued messages to be 'delivered'

A message is really synonymous with a method call. The scheduler 'delivers' a message by calling the named method and passing it the supplied arguments.

Gears should avoid doing time-consuming operations (particularly blocking IO) directly in a message handler. If message handlers take too long to process messages, responsiveness will suffer. If an IO operation is allowed to block, the scheduler may become deadlocked. IO event handlers and idle handlers should be used to avoid blocking.

A gear can temporarily block the delivery of incoming messages by declaring that it is sleeping. One example might be a gear that is waiting for an output file handle to become writable.

A gear can also defer processing a message until the next message arrives. This is useful for example, while reassembling data from fragments (eg: partial lines). The gear would use its "requeue_message_delayed" to 'put back' a message and ask the scheduler to deliver it again when the next message arrives. The ordering of messages is not affected by this process.

If there are no deliverable messages, the scheduler will unregister its idle handler from the GTK event loop and then call each data provider's "send_data" method. The next time a gear (presumably one of the data providers) asks the scheduler to deliver a message, the scheduler will re-register the idle handler message delivery will begin again.

Priority is given to delivering messages at the 'bottom end' of the machine. This is so that data is pulled out of the machine at least as fast as it is being provided and should ensure that no gear's input queue grows unduly large.

If a data provider is exhausted (for example, a file reader which reaches the end of file), then it calls its "disengage" method. This method signals to the scheduler that the gear should be removed from the gear train. The scheduler will also queue a "no_more_data" message to the next gear. The default handler for the "no_more_data" message simply calls "disengage", so each gear removes itself from the gear train as it gets to the end of the incoming data.

If a gear finds itself at the head of the gear train and is not sleeping, (waiting on an IO event etc), then it has no hope of ever receiving messages, so the scheduler will disengage it. This typically only happens to gears that have scheduled some action in the "no_more_data" handler, but then failed to disengage themselves when that action is complete.

It is also possible for a gear at any point in the gear train to disengage at any time. If this happens, the scheduler will arrange for the immediate upstream gear to be disengaged as well, since there is nowhere for the data to go. This will ripple through until all gears back to the start of the train have been disengaged.


As you can see from the description above, gears disengage themselves from the gear train when they run out of data. So, by definition, the scheduler won't reach the clean-up phase until all gears have disengaged and cleaned themselves up. The scheduler will then tidy itself up and signal to the Sprog::Machine that execution is complete.