
Langue: en

Version: 2008-01-14 (mandriva - 01/05/08)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Template::Constants - Defines constants for the Template Toolkit


     use Template::Constants qw( :status :error :all );


The Template::Constants modules defines, and optionally exports into the caller's namespace, a number of constants used by the Template package.

Constants may be used by specifying the Template::Constants package explicitly:

     use Template::Constants;
     print Template::Constants::STATUS_DECLINED;

Constants may be imported into the caller's namespace by naming them as options to the "use Template::Constants" statement:

     use Template::Constants qw( STATUS_DECLINED );

Alternatively, one of the following tagset identifiers may be specified to import sets of constants; :status, :error, :all.

     use Template::Constants qw( :status );

See Exporter for more information on exporting variables.


The following tag sets and associated constants are defined:
     STATUS_OK                 # no problem, continue
     STATUS_RETURN             # ended current block then continue (ok)
     STATUS_STOP               # controlled stop (ok) 
     STATUS_DONE               # iterator is all done (ok)
     STATUS_DECLINED           # provider declined to service request (ok)
     STATUS_ERROR              # general error condition (not ok)
     ERROR_RETURN              # return a status code (e.g. 'stop')
     ERROR_FILE                # file error: I/O, parse, recursion
     ERROR_UNDEF               # undefined variable value used
     ERROR_PERL                # error in [% PERL %] block
     ERROR_FILTER              # filter error
     ERROR_PLUGIN              # plugin error
   :chomp                      # for PRE_CHOMP and POST_CHOMP
     CHOMP_NONE                # do not remove whitespace
     CHOMP_ONE                 # remove whitespace to newline
     CHOMP_ALL                 # old name for CHOMP_ONE (deprecated)
     CHOMP_COLLAPSE            # collapse whitespace to a single space
     CHOMP_GREEDY              # remove all whitespace including newlines
     DEBUG_OFF                 # do nothing
     DEBUG_ON                  # basic debugging flag
     DEBUG_UNDEF               # throw undef on undefined variables
     DEBUG_VARS                # general variable debugging
     DEBUG_DIRS                # directive debugging
     DEBUG_STASH               # general stash debugging
     DEBUG_CONTEXT             # context debugging
     DEBUG_PARSER              # parser debugging
     DEBUG_PROVIDER            # provider debugging
     DEBUG_PLUGINS             # plugins debugging
     DEBUG_FILTERS             # filters debugging
     DEBUG_SERVICE             # context debugging
     DEBUG_ALL                 # everything
     DEBUG_CALLER              # add caller file/line info
     DEBUG_FLAGS               # bitmap used internally
   :all         All the above constants.


Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org>



2.74, distributed as part of the Template Toolkit version 2.19, released on 27 April 2007.
   Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Template, Exporter