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Version: 2009-02-26 (fedora - 05/07/09)

Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


Test::File::Contents - Test routines for examining the contents of files


Version 0.05


     use Test::File::Contents;
     file_contents_is       ($file,  $string,  $test_description);
     file_contents_like     ($file,  qr/foo/,  $test_description);
     file_md5sum            ($file,  $md5sum,  $test_description);
     file_contents_identical($file1, $file2,   $test_description);



Checks for an exact match on the file's contents. Pass in a Unix-style file name and it will be converted for the local file system.

Note: performs a dumb ``eq'' comparison, sucking the whole file into memory.

Also note: I am aware of the grammatical confusion in the function name - got a better suggestion?


Checks that the file's contents do not match a string. Pass in a Unix-style file name and it will be converted for the local file system.

Note: performs a dumb ``ne'' comparison, sucking the whole file into memory.

Also note: I am aware of the grammatical confusion in the function name - got a better suggestion?


Checks for a regexp match against the file's contents. You must provide it with a qr// style regexp. Pass in a Unix-style file name and it will be converted for the local file system.


Checks for a regexp failed match against the file's contents. You must provide it with a qr// style regexp. Pass in a Unix-style file name and it will be converted for the local file system.


Checks whether a file matches a given md5sum. The md5sum should be provided as a hex string, eg. ``6df23dc03f9b54cc38a0fc1483df6e21''. Pass in a Unix-style file name and it will be converted for the local file system.


Tests that the contents of two files are identical. Pass in a Unix-style file name and it will be converted for the local file system.


Kirrily Robert, "<skud@cpan.org>"


David Wheeler, "<dwheeler@cpan.org>"


Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-test-file-contents@rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. Copyright 2004-2005 Kirrily Robert.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.