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Section: 3 (Bibliothèques de fonctions)


XmDataField - The DataField widget class


#include <Xm/DataF.h>


The DataField widget is a Data Presentation widget that handles display and entry of data as text. The DataField widget is a subclass of the Motif XmTextField widget intended for data entry applications. In addition to all of the normal XmTextField functionality, it supports regular expression-based parsing and acceptance/rejection of its input through the XmNpicture resource, and right justification through the XmNalignment resource.

Keyboard navigation

Typical business applications demand better keyboard traversal than provided by Motif. The DataField widget provides added capability by supporting several types of validation: a DataField widget containing an invalid value will not give-up focus; the user must enter a correct value before proceeding to another field.

Classes and Inherited Resources

DataField inherits behavior and resources from Core, XmPrimitive, and XmTextField. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the OSF/Motif Programmer’s Reference.
XmNalignment When set to XmALIGNMENT_END, the widget aligns all its text with the right hand side of the input area.
XmNautoFill When set to True, the widget "auto-fills" its contents when it can determine that the next character in the string must be a particular literal. For instance, the picture "###-####" automatically inserts a '-' character after receiving three numeric digits as input.
XmNpicture Specifies a picture for data entry in the widget. A picture acts as a template that formats the value you enter in a field. An example would be the US Phone Number picture: (###)###-####. The picture is used to convert characters entered into the field to a formatted value.

The following lists and defines the characters you can use in a picture, and how the DataField widget interprets them.
Other characters are interpreted literally.
Set XmNpicture to NULL to disable regular expression processing. The DataField widget is cleared whenever the XmNpicture resource is changed.
XmNpictureErrorCallback Specifies a list of callbacks to be called when the XmDataField widget determines that data is being entered that does not match the format specified by the XmNpicture resource.
XmNvalidateCallback Specifies a list of callbacks to be called when data has been entered in the XmDataField widget and the user has moved out of the XmDataField widget (usually by pressing the Tab key). The callbacks can reject the movement of focus.

Callback Routines

 typedef struct _XmDataFieldCallbackStruct {
         Widget   w;       /* The XmDataField */   
         String   text;    /* Proposed string */   
         Boolean  accept;  /* Accept return value, for validation */
 } XmDataFieldCallbackStruct;




This manual page documents the XmColumn widget shipped in Motif version 2.2


(c) 2002 by Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc.

Edited by Kevin Cook.