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Version: 385125 (fedora - 01/12/10)
Section: 7 (Divers)
KerneloopsScanner plugin for abrt(8)DESCRIPTION
abrt is a daemon that watches for application crashes. When a crash occurs, it collects the crash data and takes action according to its configuration. This manual page describes the KerneloopsScanner plugin for abrt. This plugin reads the system log file (default /var/log/messages) and stores the kernel oops crashes, which were not already reported, to abrt's debug dump directory. To distinguish between new crashes and crashes that were already reported, the plugin makes its own entry in the log file, which acts as a separator.INVOCATION
The plugin is invoked in the abrt.conf configuration file. No parameters are necessary.CONFIGURATION
The KerneloopsScanner.conf configuration file contains one entry:SysLogFile
The file to scan. The default isSysLogFile = /var/log/messages
This is a snippet from the abrt.conf configuration file. Every 10 seconds look if there were any kernel crashes: [common]ActionsAndReporters = Kerneloops, KerneloopsScanner
10 = KerneloopsScanner
abrt(8), abrt.conf(5), abrt-plugins(7)AUTHOR
Written by Anton Arapov <>. Manual page by Daniel Novotny <>.Contenus ©2006-2024 Benjamin Poulain
Design ©2006-2024 Maxime Vantorre