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Version: (ubuntu - 08/07/09)
Section: 7 (Divers)
::clig::Flag - declare a flag (boolean, classic) optionSYNOPSIS
package require clig namespace import ::clig::* setSpec db Flag -opt varname usage
The Flag command declares an option without any parameters. The command line parser merely checks for the existence of opt on the command line.
If parseCmdline finds opt on the command line, variable varname in the caller's context is set to 1. If opt is not on the command line, the variable is not set.C
If opt is found on the command line the slot variableP in the structure returned by the parser will be set to a non-zero value, otherwise it will be 0.
Example use of Flag:
Flag -v verbose {verbose operation}
clig(1), clig_Commandline(7), clig_Description(7), clig_Double(7), clig_Float(7), clig_Int(7), clig_Long(7), clig_Name(7), clig_Rest(7), clig_String(7), clig_Usage(7), clig_Version(7), clig_parseCmdline(7)Contenus ©2006-2024 Benjamin Poulain
Design ©2006-2024 Maxime Vantorre