
Langue: en

Version: 02 June 2010 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 8 (Commandes administrateur)


rpmconf - This tool seach for .rpmnew, .rpmsave and .rpmorigfiles and ask you what to do with them: Keep current version, place back old version or watch the diff. -a, --all check configuration files of all packages -opackage, --owner=package check only configuration files of given package -ftype, --frontend=type define which frontend should be used for merging -d, --debug Dry run. Just show which file will be deleted. -V, --version Display rpmconf version.


 rpmconf [ options ... ] 
  [ -a, --all ] 
  [ -opackage, --owner=package ] 
  [ -ftype --frontend=type ] 
  [ -d, --debug ] 


Rpmconf will search for all config file of given package (or all installed packages) and will check if coresponding .rpmsave, .rpmnew or .rpmorig file exist. In such case you will be asked if you want to keep current version, put back old version or see diff of those two files. Then it delete that unwanted file.


-a, --all
Check configuration files of all packages.
-opackage, --owner=package
Check only configuration files of given package.
-ftype, --frontend=type
Define which frontend should be used for merging. Valid options are: vimdiff, gvimdiff, diffuse, kdiff3, meld.
-d, --debug
Dry run. Instead of executing an action (move/remove of file) it will be echoed to standard output. However executable for merging of configuration files is executed.
-V, --version
Display rpmconf version. This option expect that this script is installed as rpm package.


Rpmconf do not handle orphaned files. E.g. if you have file /etc/foo.conf.rpmsave, but /etc/foo.conf do not belong to any package (was previously removed), then rpmconf does not touch such file.




Miroslav SuchÜ <msuchy@redhat.com>