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Langue: en

Version: 385930 (fedora - 01/12/10)

Section: 8 (Commandes administrateur)


semanage - SELinux Policy Management tool


Output local customizations
semanage [ -S store ] -o [ output_file | - ]

Input local customizations
semanage [ -S store ] -i [ input_file | - ]

Manage booleans. Booleans allow the administrator to modify the confinement of processes based on his configuration.
semanage boolean [-S store] -{d|m|l|n|D} -[-on|-off|1|0] -F boolean | boolean_file

Manage SELinux confined users (Roles and levels for an SELinux user)
semanage user [-S store] -{a|d|m|l|n|D} [-LrRP] selinux_name

Manage login mappings between linux users and SELinux confined users.
semanage login [-S store] -{a|d|m|l|n|D} [-sr] login_name | %groupname

Manage network port type definitions
semanage port [-S store] -{a|d|m|l|n|D} [-tr] [-p proto] port | port_range

Manage network interface type definitions
semanage interface [-S store] -{a|d|m|l|n|D} [-tr] interface_spec

Manage network node type definitions
semanage node [-S store] -{a|d|m|l|n|D} [-tr] [ -p protocol ] [-M netmask] address

Manage file context mapping definitions
semanage fcontext [-S store] -{a|d|m|l|n|D} [-frst] file_spec
semanage fcontext [-S store] -{a|d|m|l|n|D} -e replacement target

Manage processes type enforcement mode
semanage permissive [-S store] -{a|d|l|n|D} type

Disable/Enable dontaudit rules in policy
semanage dontaudit [-S store] [ on | off ]

Execute multiple commands within a single transaction.
semanage [-S store] -i command-file


semanage is used to configure certain elements of SELinux policy without requiring modification to or recompilation from policy sources. This includes the mapping from Linux usernames to SELinux user identities (which controls the initial security context assigned to Linux users when they login and bounds their authorized role set) as well as security context mappings for various kinds of objects, such as network ports, interfaces, and nodes (hosts) as well as the file context mapping. See the EXAMPLES section below for some examples of common usage. Note that the semanage login command deals with the mapping from Linux usernames (logins) to SELinux user identities, while the semanage user command deals with the mapping from SELinux user identities to authorized role sets. In most cases, only the former mapping needs to be adjusted by the administrator; the latter is principally defined by the base policy and usually does not require modification.


-a, --add
Add a OBJECT record NAME
-d, --delete
Delete a OBJECT record NAME
-D, --deleteall
Remove all OBJECTS local customizations
-e, --equal
Substitute target path with sourcepath when generating default label. This is used with fcontext. Requires source and target path arguments. The context labeling for the target subtree is made equivalent to that defined for the source.
-f, --ftype
File Type. This is used with fcontext. Requires a file type as shown in the mode field by ls, e.g. use -d to match only directories or -- to match only regular files.
-F, --file
Set multiple records from the input file. When used with the -l --list, it will output the current settings to stdout in the proper format.

Currently booleans only.

-h, --help
display this message
-l, --list
List the OBJECTS
-C, --locallist
List only locally defined settings, not base policy settings.
-L, --level
Default SELinux Level for SELinux use, s0 Default. (MLS/MCS Systems only)
-m, --modify
Modify a OBJECT record NAME
-n, --noheading
Do not print heading when listing OBJECTS.
-p, --proto
Protocol for the specified port (tcp|udp) or internet protocol version for the specified node (ipv4|ipv6).
-r, --range
MLS/MCS Security Range (MLS/MCS Systems only)
-R, --role
SELinux Roles. You must enclose multiple roles within quotes, separate by spaces. Or specify -R multiple times.
-P, --prefix
SELinux Prefix. Prefix added to home_dir_t and home_t for labeling users home directories.
-s, --seuser
SELinux user name
-S, --store
Select and alternate SELinux store to manage
-t, --type
SELinux Type for the object
Take a set of commands from a specified file and load them in a single transaction.


 SELinux user 
 List SELinux users
 # semanage user -l
 SELinux login
 Change joe to login as staff_u
 # semanage login -a -s staff_u joe
 Change the group clerks to login as user_u
 # semanage login -a -s user_u %clerks
 File contexts
 Add file-context for everything under /web 
 # semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/web(/.*)?"
 # restorecon -R -v /web
 Substitute /home1 with /home when setting file context
 # semanage fcontext -a -e /home /home1
 # restorecon -R -v /home1
 For home directories under top level directory, for example /disk6/home, 
 execute the following commands.  
 # semanage fcontext -a -t home_root_t "/disk6" 
 # semanage fcontext -a -e /home /disk6/home 
 # restorecon -R -v /disk6
 Port contexts
 Allow Apache to listen on tcp port 81
 # semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 81
 Change apache to a permissive domain
 # semanage permissive -a httpd_t
 Turn off dontaudit rules
 # semanage dontaudit off
 Managing multiple machines
 Multiple machines that need the same customizations.  
 Extract customizations off first machine, copy them 
 to second and import them.
 # semanage -o /tmp/local.selinux
 # scp /tmp/local.selinux secondmachine:/tmp
 # ssh secondmachine
 # semanage -i /tmp/local.selinux
 If these customizations include file context, you need to apply the 
 context using restorecon.


This man page was written by Daniel Walsh <>
and Russell Coker <>.
Examples by Thomas Bleher <>.