
Langue: en

Version: 15.07.2002 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 8 (Commandes administrateur)


ser - very fast and configurable sip proxy


ser [ -hcrRvdDEVT ] [ -f config-file ] [ -l address ] [ -n processes-no ] [ -N tcp processes-no ] [ -b max_rcv_buf_size ] [ -m shared_mem_size ] [ -w working-dir ] [ -t chroot-dir ] [ -u uid ] [ -g gid ] [ -P pid-file ] [ -i fifo-path ] [ -x socket-path ]


ser or Sip Express Router is a very fast and configurable SIP proxy.


Displays a short usage description, including all available options.
Checks the config file and displays the aliases and listen interface list.
Uses dns to check if it is necessary to add a "received=" field to a via.
Same as -r but uses reverse dns.
Turns on via host checking when forwarding replies.
Turns on debugging, multiple -d increase the debug level.
Runs ser in the foreground (it doesn't fork into daemon mode).
Sends all the log messages to stderr.
Disables TCP support.
Displays the version number.
-f config-file
Reads the configuration from config-file (default /etc/ser/ser.cfg ).
-l address
Listens on the specified address/interface. Multiple -l mean listening on multiple addresses. The address format is [proto:]address[:port], where proto = udp|tcp and address = host|ip_address|interface_name. Example: -l localhost, -l udp:, -l eth0:5062. The default behaviour is to listen on all the ipv4 interfaces.
-n processes-no
Specifies the number of children processes forked per interface (default 8).
-N tcp processes-no
Specifies the number of children processes forked to handle tcp incoming connections (by default is equal to -n ).
-b max_rcv_buf_size
Maximum receive buffer size which will not be exceeded by the auto-probing procedure even if the OS allows.
-m shared_mem_size
Size of the shared memory which will be allocated (in Megabytes).
-w working-dir
Specifies the working directory. In the very improbable event that ser will crash, the core file will be generated here.
-t chroot-dir
Forces ser to chroot after reading the config file.
-u uid
Changes the user id under which ser runs.
-g gid
Changes the group id under which ser runs.
-P pid-file
Creates a file containing the pid of the main ser process.
-i fifo-path
Creates a fifo, usefull for monitoring ser status.
-x socket-path
Creates a unix socket, usefull for monitoring ser status ( same as -i fifo-path but using instead unix sockets).




see /usr/share/doc/ser/AUTHORS



Full documentation on ser, including configuration guidelines, FAQs and licensing conditions, is available at

For reporting bugs see

Mailing lists: - ser user community - ser development, new features and unstable version