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Version: 258530 (debian - 07/07/09)
Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)
ppmdim - dim a portable pixmap down to total blacknessSYNOPSIS
ppmdim dimfactor [ppmfile]DESCRIPTION
Reads a portable pixmap as input. Diminishes its brightness by the specified dimfactor down to total blackness. The dimfactor may be in the range from 0.0 (total blackness, deep night, nada, null, nothing) to 1.0 (original picture's brightness).As pnmgamma does not do the brightness correction in the way I wanted it, this small program was written.
ppmdim is similar to ppmbrighten , but not exactly the same.
ppm(5), ppmflash(1), pnmgamma(1), ppmbrighten(1)AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 1993 by Frank NeumannContenus ©2006-2024 Benjamin Poulain
Design ©2006-2024 Maxime Vantorre