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Version: 251339 (debian - 07/07/09)
Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)
ppmflash - brighten a picture up to complete white-outSYNOPSIS
ppmflash flashfactor [ppmfile]DESCRIPTION
Reads a portable pixmap as input. Increases its brightness by the specified flashfactor up to a total white-out image. The flashfactor may be in the range from 0.0 (original picture's brightness) to 1.0 (full white-out, The Second After).As pnmgamma does not do the brightness correction in the way I wanted it, this small program was written.
This program is similar to ppmbrighten , but not exactly the same.
ppm(5), ppmdim(1), pnmgamma(1), ppmbrighten(1)AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 1993 by Frank NeumannContenus ©2006-2024 Benjamin Poulain
Design ©2006-2024 Maxime Vantorre