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Version: 332999 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


DVDISASTER - data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media


dvdisaster [-r|-c|-f|-s|-t|-u] [-d device] [-p prefix] [-i image] [-e eccfile] [--list] [-j n] [-n n%] [-m n] [-v] [--adaptive-read] [--auto-suffix] [--cache-size n] [--dao] [--eject] [--fill-unreadable n] [--ignore-fatal-sense] [--internal-rereads n] [--query-size n] [--raw-mode n] [--read-attempts n-m] [--read-medium n] [--read-raw] [--speed-warning n] [--spinup-delay n] [--split-files]


DVDISASTER provides a margin of safety against data loss on CD and DVD media caused by scratches or aging media. It creates error correction data which is used to recover unreadable sectors if the disc becomes damaged at a later time.


dvdisaster -d /dev/hdc -s
Scans the medium in drive /dev/hdc for errors.
dvdisaster -d /dev/hdc -i medium.iso -r
Reads an image from drive /dev/hdc into the file medium.iso.
dvdisaster -d /dev/hdc -i medium.iso --read-raw -r
Creates an image as described above. Each sector's integrity is verified by using its EDC and L-EC raw data. Only possible for CD media; otherwise the --read-raw option is silently ignored.
dvdisaster -d /dev/hdc -i medium.iso --read-attempts n-m -r
Creates an image as described above. Defective sectors are retried at least n times and at most m times. Recovery of defective CD media may improve when combined with --read-raw.
dvdisaster -d /dev/hdc -i medium.iso -e corr.ecc -r --adaptive-read
Uses the adaptive reading strategy to read an image from drive /dev/hdc into the file medium.iso. Reading will stop when enough data has been gathered to repair the image using the error correction file corr.ecc.
dvdisaster -i medium.iso -e corr.ecc -c
Creates an error correction file corr.ecc for the image medium.iso.
dvdisaster -i medium.iso -mRS02 -n 350000 -c
Augments the image medium.iso with error correction information, expanding the image to no more than 350000 sectors. If -n is omitted the image will be expanded to the smallest possible medium size (CD, DVD, DVD9). Note the missing blank between -m and RS02.
dvdisaster -i medium.iso -e corr.ecc -f
Repairs the image file medium.iso using the error correction file corr.ecc.
dvdisaster -i medium.iso -e corr.ecc -t
Verifies the image medium.iso with information from the error correction file corr.ecc.
Omit the -e corr.ecc options when working with augmented images in the examples above.


Action selection (at least one action must be specified):
-r, --read
Read the medium image to hard disc. Use -rn-m to read a certain sector range, e.g. -r100-200.
-c, --create
Create .ecc information for the medium image.
-f, --fix
Try to fix medium image using .ecc information.
-s, --scan
Scan the medium for read errors.
-t, --test
Test integrity of the .iso and .ecc files.
-u, --unlink
Delete .iso files (when other actions complete).

Drive and file specification:

-d, --device device
read from given device (default: /dev/cdrom).
-p, --prefix prefix
prefix of .iso/.ecc file (default: medium.* ).
-i, --image imagefile
name of image file (default: medium.iso).
-e, --ecc eccfile
name of parity file (default: medium.ecc).
lists available drives for the ASPI driver (Windows only).

Tweaking options (see manual before using!):

-j, --jump n
jump n sectors forward after a read error (default: 16).
-n, --redundancy n%
sets redundancy for error correction (default: 14.3%).
-m, --method n
lists/selects error correction methods (default: RS01).
Possible values are RS01 and RS02.
-v, --verbose n%
more diagnostic messages
use optimized strategy for reading damaged media.
automatically add .iso and .ecc file suffixes.
--cache-size n
image cache size in MB during -c mode (default: 32MB).
assume DAO disc; do not trim image end.
eject medium after successful read.
--fill-unreadable n
fill unreadable sectors with byte n
continue reading after potentially fatal error condition.
--internal-rereads n
internal read attempts for defective CD media sectors (default: -1)
The drive firmware usually retries unreadable sectors a few times before giving up and returning a read error. It is more efficient to set this to 0 or 1 and manage read attempts through the --read-attempts parameter. Most drives ignore this setting anyways. Use -1 to leave the drive at its default setting.
--query-size n
queries drive or filesystem on medium for image size (default: ecc)
Possible values are: drive udf ecc
--raw-mode n
selects raw reading mode for CD media (default: 20)
The recommended mode is 20, which makes the drive apply its built-in error correction to the best possible extent before transfering a defective sector. However some drives can only read defective sectors using mode 21, skipping the last stage of the internal error correction and returning the uncorrected sector instead.
--read-attempts n-m
attempts n upto m reads of a defective sector.
--read-medium n
read the whole medium up to n times.
performs read in raw mode if possible.
--speed-warning n
print warning if speed changes by more than n percent.
--spinup-delay n
wait n seconds for drive to spin up.
split image into files <= 2GB.


Documentation DVDISASTER is documented by its own manual, installed in /usr/share/doc/dvdisaster-doc/html


DVDISASTER was written by Carsten Gnoerlich <carsten@dvdisaster.com>.

This manual page was written by Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). It was enhanced for V0.70/0.72 by Carsten Gnoerlich.