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Version: 2009-05-25 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


em_autogrip - create and maintain an Emdebian Grip repository


  Syntax: em_autogrip -b PATH [OPTIONS] [COMMAND [PACKAGES ...]]
          em_autogrip -?|-h|--help|--version
  -b|--base-path PATH:           path to the top level grip directory [required]
  -p|--package PACKAGES ... :    add binary package(s) to the repository
  -s|--source  PACKAGES ... :    add source package(s) to the repository
  -t|--testing:                  only work on testing instead of unstable
    --noskipold:                 reprepro option for newly added packages
    --missing:                   print a list of missing source packages
    --build-depends:             print a list of missing build dependencies
    --britney:                   print the status of testing migrations
  -?|-h|--help|--version:        print this help message and exit

 -n|--dry-run:                  check which packages would be processed
 -m|--mirror MIRROR:            use a different Debian mirror for updates
                                [default: http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian]
   --filter-name STRING:        alternative name for the filter repository
   --grip-name STRING:          alternative name for the grip repository
   --add-new:                   if a source package is found to be missing,
                                 or outdated in unstable, add it to the list.


The default is to update all the packages so far existing in the filter repository, in all architectures.

After adding binary packages, ensure that em_autogrip is run without any options so that any missing source packages and any other Emdebian TDebs can be updated.

Although em_autogrip will setup the initial configuration files for the repository, it will not modify any existing files *except* the pkglist filter that prevents the mirror adding unwanted packages.

In particular, em_autogrip will only handle unstable by default. Migrations to testing and stable, even the creation of testing and stable, are not handled by em_autogrip. em_autogrip defaults to including packages into unstable and will only include packages directly into testing in "--testing" mode when updating to versions of packages uploaded into Debian via testing-proposed-updates or when catching up with a new (or stalled) repository. "--testing" mode requires a pre-configured testing configuration in "reprepro".

Public repositories should also use Secure-Apt by adding a value for SignWith: to each distribution in the Grip repository (there is no point signing the filter repository as it should not be public).

em_autogrip also updates the locale repository, shared by Emdebian Grip and Emdebian Crush.

Note that em_autogrip will only update the *binary* package(s) specified, even when it includes the full source package. This is down to how reprepro runs the filtered update - all binary packages expected to be listed in 'dpkg --get-selections' are included and even if a source package includes another binary, it will not be downloaded in the reprepro update. As em_autogrip does not actually build any packages from source, unless reprepro downloads the pre-built binary into the filter repository, that binary package will not be available to em_autogrip. This means that the same source package in Debian may be listed as generating a *smaller* number of binary packages in Emdebian Grip.


Problems with the automatic gripping of packages:
  1. Source packages need to complement binary packages.
  2. Binary packages with the same name as the source package cause both
     to be included
  3. Some such binary packages cause unwanted dependencies to be added.
  4. Some Architecture:all packages are dependencies of packages that only
     exist on some architectures, which breaks the edos-debcheck.

An example of 3. is lsb. An example of 4. is acpi-support-base.

The source package lsb is needed to complement lsb-desktop but the lsb binary package is a meta-package for the entire lsb suite which brings in all of Qt.

acpi-support-base is Architecture: all but depends on acpid which is Architecture: any [i386 amd64] - i.e. acpi-support-base should only exist on i386 and amd64 but as it is Architecture: all, it gets added to arm, armel, mips, mipsel and powerpc as well - at which point it has to be removed. There are ongoing discussions about such packages.


Signal:Noise ratio in output

One important point here - reprepro outputs a lot of messages and may include lots of statements about errors and checksum mismatches, 'skipping foo' and 'downgrading bar' from and to the same version. The problem is that the useful information is hidden within all the noise, so not all reprepro STDERR (or STDOUT) output can be simply ignored. For now, just go by effects. If something is broken, look for errors that relate specifically to that package but ignore ``errors'' where everything is fine. Something like that. More work in the Emdebian::Grip module should isolate duplicate operations and unnecessary work, which in turn, should cut out most of the noise.

Using add-new

In --testing mode, em_autogrip checks for packages that have missing or outdated source packages in unstable and outputs a sample command that can be run to fill the gap. If --add-new is used, that sample command will be run - it does mean that --add-new requires --testing and that a second run of --testing without --add-new will be needed. This support is part of grip_cron.sh

Architecture list

The list of architectures supported by a particular Grip setup cannot be easily changed - a lot of repository updates are needed before new architectures can be added to the array. Existing architectures can be dropped relatively easily. Sequence is unimportant.
  @archlist = qw/i386 amd64 arm armel powerpc mips mipsel/;

recursive edos considered risky

Recursion is still risky so edos is left as a manual step. The problem appears to be that once the repository gets out of step with Debian, an update must happen before edos can be resolved. Once the repository is up to date, edos can be run, apparently, without problems. Testing continues to see if simply moving the function lower in the flow resolves the problems.
  Copyright (C) 2007-2009  Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org>
  This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.