
Autres langues

Langue: en

Version: November 26, 2008 (debian - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


isoquery - Search and display various ISO codes (country, language, ...)


isoquery [options] [file] [ISO codes]


This manual page documents briefly the isoquery command. It can be used to generate a tabular output of the ISO standard codes provided by the package iso-codes. It parses the XML files and shows all included ISO codes or just matching entries, if specified on the command line. Moreover, it's possible to get all available translations for the ISO standard.


This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). isoquery supports the following options:
-i, --iso=NUMBER
The ISO standard to use. Possible values: 639, 3166, 4217, 15924 (default: 3166)
-n, --name
Name for the supplied codes (default)
-o, --official_name
Official name for the supplied codes. This may be the same as --name.
-c, --common_name
Common name for the supplied codes. This may be the same as --name.
-l, --locale=LOCALE
Use this locale for output.
-x, --xmlfile=FILE
Use another XML file with ISO data. (default: /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_3166.xml)
-0, --null
Separate entries with a NULL character instead of newline.
-h, --help
Show summary of options.
-v, --version
Show program version and copyright.


If called without any command line options, isoquery will put out a table of all ISO 3166 codes. The first three columns contain the alpha-2 code, the alpha-3 code, and the numerical code assigned to the country listed in the fourth column.

 $ isoquery
 AF      AFG     004     Afghanistan
 ZW      ZWE     716     Zimbabwe
If you need only some countries, you can specify any of the codes in the first three columns to cut down the output.

 $ isoquery so nor 484
 SO      SOM     706     Somalia
 NO      NOR     578     Norway
 MX      MEX     484     Mexico
Should you need the translations of the countries' names, just specify in which locale you'd like to see the output. Please note that the original English name will be shown if there is no translation available for the specified locale.

 $ isoquery --locale=nl fr de es
 FR      FRA     250     Frankrijk
 DE      DEU     276     Duitsland
 ES      ESP     724     Spanje
All of the above works for different ISO standards as well, so you can switch to language names by using the --iso command line option. For ISO 639, the first three columns are the ISO 639 2B code, the ISO 639 2T code and the ISO 639-1 code. The third column may be empty.

 $ isoquery --iso=639
 aar     aar     aa      Afar
 abk     abk     ab      Abkhazian
 ace     ace             Achinese
 zun     zun             Zuni
 zxx     zxx             No linguistic content
 zza     zza             Zaza; Dimili; Dimli; Kirdki
You can trim down the results by specifying only some codes. Moreover, the option to get translated names is also available.

 $ isoquery --iso=639 --locale=pt vi bo kl
 vie     vie     vi      Vietnamita
 tib     bod     bo      tibetano
 kal     kal     kl      Kalaallisut; Greenlandic
You can get selected translations of currency names from the ISO 4217 standard by using the following command. The first two columns are the alpha-3 code and the numerical code assigned to the currency.

 $ isoquery --iso=4217 --locale=da cad 392
 CAD     124     Canadisk dollar
 JPY     392     Japansk yen
If you need to get script names, you can use the ISO 15924 table. The first two columns are the alpha-4 code and the numerical code assigned to the script.

 $ isoquery --iso=15924 jpan latn 280
 Jpan    413     Japanese (alias for Han + Hiragana + Katakana)
 Latn    215     Latin
 Visp    280     Visible Speech


By default, the XML files provided by the iso-codes package will be used.


Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Tobias Quathamer <>

Isoquery is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Isoquery is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


Tobias Quathamer <>