
Langue: en

Version: 2008-07-27 (fedora - 04/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


json_xs - JSON::XS commandline utility


    json_xs [-v] [-f inputformat] [-t outputformat]


json_xs converts between some input and output formats (one of them is JSON).

The default input format is "json" and the default output format is "json-pretty".


Be slightly more verbose.
-f fromformat
Read a file in the given format from STDIN.

"fromformat" can be one of:

json - a json text encoded, either utf-8, utf16-be/le, utf32-be/le
storable - a Storable frozen value
storable-file - a Storable file (Storable has two incompatible formats)
clzf - Compress::LZF format (requires that module to be installed)
yaml - YAML (avoid at all costs, requires the YAML module :)
-t toformat
Write the file in the given format to STDOUT.

"fromformat" can be one of:

json, json-utf-8 - json, utf-8 encoded
json-pretty - as above, but pretty-printed
json-utf-16le, json-utf-16be - little endian/big endian utf-16
json-utf-32le, json-utf-32be - little endian/big endian utf-32
storable - a Storable frozen value in network format
storable-file - a Storable file in network format (Storable has two incompatible formats)
clzf - Compress::LZF format
yaml - YAML


    json_xs -t null <isitreally.json

``JSON Lint'' - tries to parse the file isitreally.json as JSON - if it is valid JSON, the command outputs nothing, otherwise it will print an error message and exit with non-zero exit status.

    <src.json json_xs >pretty.json

Prettify the JSON file src.json to dst.json.

    json_xs -f storable-file <file

Read the serialised Storable file file and print a human-readable JSON version of it to STDOUT.

    json_xs -f storable-file -t yaml <file

Same as above, but write YAML instead (not using JSON at all :)

    lwp-request http://cpantesters.perl.org/show/JSON-XS.json | json_xs

Fetch the cpan-testers result summary "JSON::XS" and pretty-print it.


Copyright (C) 2008 Marc Lehmann <json@schmorp.de>