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Version: 2008-09-23 (fedora - 04/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


match-n-shift - wrapper to run autopano-sift on stereographic versions of photos


match-n-shift [options] --output project.pto image1 image2 [...]
   -o | --output name    Filename of created panorama project
   -s | --size number    Downsize images until width and height is
                           smaller than number, default 800
   -p | --points number  Number of generated control points between,
                           each pair, default: 10
   -n | --noransac       No ransac detection, useful for fisheye images
   -m | --matchpoint     Use matchpoint from the hugin project, default
                           is generatekeys from autopano-sift-C
   -r | --refine         Refine the found control points using the
                           original images, delete unrefinable.
   -b | --stacks         Use align_image_stack with bracketed stacks
   -f | --projection     Panotools style input projection number. Use
                           0 for rectilinear, 2 for circular fisheye and
                           3 for full-frame fisheye images.
   -v | --fov            Horizontal field of view in degrees
   -k | --selection      Crop selection boundary, eg -459,2459,-57,2861
   -a | --align          Attempt to align images.
   -c | --clean          Delete all temporary files afterwards.
   -h | --help           Outputs help documentation.


match-n-shift takes a list of image files and creates a hugin compatible project file containing control points linking the images together.

It does this by creating scaled stereographic versions of the original photos and identifying control points, then takes the generated .oto file and rewrites the control point coordinates assuming that they are based on stereographic versions of the input photos, the resulting .oto file should be applicable to the original photos.

Additionally if the --stacks option is used then align_image_stack is used to assemble bracketed sequences within the set, usually with less error. For this to work photos need to be taken with the camera's auto-bracketing feature, e.g. take three different exposures, move camera, take the same three exposures, move camera etc...


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


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Bruno Postle - February 2008.