
Langue: en

Version: version 0.3.1, March 2007 (CentOS - 06/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


nfs4_setfacl, nfs4_editfacl - manipulate NFSv4 file/directory access control lists


nfs4_setfacl [OPTIONS] COMMAND file...
nfs4_editfacl [OPTIONS] file...


nfs4_setfacl manipulates the NFSv4 Access Control List (ACL) of one or more files (or directories), provided they are on a mounted NFSv4 filesystem which supports ACLs.

nfs4_editfacl is equivalent to nfs4_setfacl -e.

Information about NFSv4 ACL terminology and syntax can be found in the nfs4_acl(5) manpage.


-a acl_spec [index]
add the ACEs from acl_spec to file's ACL. ACEs are inserted starting at the indexth position (DEFAULT: 1) of file's ACL.
-A acl_file [index]
add the ACEs from the acl_spec in acl_file to file's ACL. ACEs are inserted starting at the indexth position (DEFAULT: 1) of file's ACL.
-x acl_spec | index
delete ACEs matched from acl_spec - or delete the indexth ACE - from file's ACL.
-X acl_file
delete ACEs matched from the acl_spec in acl_file from file's ACL.
-s acl_spec
set file's ACL to acl_spec.
-S acl_file
set file's ACL to the acl_spec in acl_file.
-e, --edit
edit file's ACL in the editor defined in the EDITOR environment variable (DEFAULT: vi(1)) and set the resulting ACL upon a clean exit, assuming changes made in the editor were saved. Note that if multiple files are specified, the editor will be serially invoked once per file.
-m from_ace to_ace
modify file's ACL in-place by replacing from_ace with to_ace.
-?, -h, --help
display help text and exit.
display extra help text and exit. DEPRECATED: going away since there's a manpage.
display this program's version and exit.

NOTE: if '-' is given as the acl_file with the -A/-X/-S flags, the acl_spec will be read from stdin.


display results of COMMAND, but do not save changes.
-R (unimplemented)
recursively apply to a directory's files and subdirectories.


Assume that the file `foo' has the following NFSv4 ACL for each of the following examples:
add ACE granting `' generic "read" and "execute" access (defaults to prepending ACE to ACL):
       $ nfs4_setfacl -a foo
delete the first ACE, but only print the resulting ACL (does not save changes):
       $ nfs4_setfacl --test -x 1 foo
edit existing ACL in a text editor and set modified ACL on clean save/exit:
       $ nfs4_setfacl -e foo
set ACL (overwrites original) to contents of a spec_file named `newacl.spec':
       $ nfs4_setfacl -S newacl.spec foo
delete the fifth and sixth ACEs above:
       $ nfs4_setfacl -x "A::EVERYONE@rtncy, D::EVERYONE@:waxTC" foo
modify (in-place) the second ACE above:
       $ nfs4_setfacl -m D::OWNER@:x D::OWNER@:xo foo
set ACLs of `bar' and `frobaz' to ACL of `foo':
       $ nfs4_getfacl foo | nfs4_setfacl -S - bar frobaz


nfs4_setfacl was written by people at CITI, the Center for Information Technology Integration ( This manpage was written by David Richter.


Please send bug reports, feature requests, and comments to <>.


nfs4_getfacl(1), nfs4_acl(5), RFC3530 (NFSv4.0), NFSv4.1 Minor Version Draft.