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Version: 43025 (openSuse - 09/10/07)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)


pfstmo_mantiuk06 - Tone mapping in the contrast domain


pfstmo_mantiuk06 [--equalize-contrast] [--factor <val>] [--saturation <val>] [--verbose] [--help]


This command implements two tone mapping operators: contrast mapping and contrast equalization. More information on them can be found in:

Rafal Mantiuk, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel. A Perceptual Framework for Contrast Processing of High Dynamic Range Images In: ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 3 (3), pp. 286-308, 2006.

If you find this TMO useful in your research project, please cite the paper above.

This TMO is quite slow on large images. It is recommended to use '-v' option to see a progress indicator.

The result of this TMO requires gamma correction.


--equalize-contrast, -e

Use the contrast equalization algorithm. If this option is not specified, the contrast mapping algorithm will be used.

contrast equalization results in very sharp, but also less natural images. contrast equalization may also enhance noise in low-quality images.

--factor <val>, -f <val>

Contrast scaling factor (values 0-1) from that determines how much large contrast magnitudes should be reduced. This option can be used only with the contrast mapping algorithm. The lower value results in a sharper image. Default value: 0.3

--saturation <val>, -s <val>

Saturation correction (values 0-1). The lower value results in stronger desaturation. Default value: 0.8


Print additional information during program execution.


Print list of commandline options.


pfsin memorial.hdr | pfstmo_mantiuk06 -f 0.5 -v | pfsgamma -g 2.2 | pfsout memorial.png

Tone map an image using contrast mapping and save it in the PNG format.

pfsin memorial.hdr | pfstmo_mantiuk06 -e -v | pfsgamma -g 2.2 | pfsout memorial.png

The same as above, but use the contrast equalization algorithm.

pfsin memorial.hdr | pfstmo_mantiuk06 -f 0.5 -s 1 -v | pfsview

For optimal results you can output the result to pfsview and manually adjust the dynamic range window. Then save the image in pfsview by selecting 'Save image...' from the 'Frame' menu or pressing 's'.

pfsin bridge.jpg --linear | pfsclamp --min 0.007 | pfstmo_mantiuk06 -v | pfsview

Enhance the low-dynamic range image 'bridge' and view the result. pfsclamp command reduces noise for low code values.


pfsgamma(1) pfsclamp(1) pfsin(1) pfsout(1) pfsview(1)


Please report bugs and comments to Grzegorz Krawczyk <>.