
Langue: en

Version: 311694 (ubuntu - 07/07/09)

Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)




r.out.gdal outputs GRASS raster maps into various GIS formats as supported by GDAL. This script is based on 'gdal_translate', it's parameters are similar to those of 'gdal_translate'. It requires the installation of either GDAL with GRASS support or of the GDAL-OGR-GRASS plugin which is available from the GDAL web site.

For possible metaopt parameters see the 'supported formats' pages of GDAL. The createopt may be used to create TFW or World files ("TFW=YES", "WORLDFILE=ON").


The set of supported formats written by r.out.gdal depend on the local GDAL installation. Available may be (incomplete list):

  AAIGrid: Arc/Info ASCII Grid

  BMP: MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap

  BSB: Maptech BSB Nautical Charts

  DTED: DTED Elevation Raster


  ENVI: ENVI .hdr Labelled

  FIT: FIT Image

  GIF: Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)

  GTiff: GeoTIFF

  HDF4Image: HDF4 Dataset

  HFA: Erdas Imagine Images (.img)

  JPEG2000: JPEG-2000 part 1 (ISO/IEC 15444-1)


  MEM: In Memory Raster

  MFF2: Atlantis MFF2 (HKV) Raster

  MFF: Atlantis MFF Raster

  NITF: National Imagery Transmission Format

  PAux: PCI .aux Labelled

  PCIDSK: PCIDSK Database File

  PNG: Portable Network Graphics

  PNM: Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)

  VRT: Virtual Raster

  XPM: X11 PixMap Format


When writing out GeoTIFF format for users of ESRI software or ImageMagick, the band interleaving should be switched to pixel interleaving using createopt="INTERLEAVE=PIXEL". Multiple options have to be specified as comma separated list (createopt=TFW=YES,COMPRESS=DEFLATE).

Out of the GDAL data types, the closest match for GRASS CELL, FCELL and DCELL rasters are respectively Int32, Float32 and Float64. These are not exact equivalents, but they will preserve the max possible data range and number of decimal places for each respective GRASS data type. Please keep in mind, that not all CELL rasters will require Int32 - e.g., 0-255 CELL raster are covered by the Byte type as well. Moreover, some GDAL-supported formats do not support all the data types possible in GDAL and GRASS. Use r.info to check the data type and range for your GRASS raster, refer to specific format documentation (GDAL website, format vendor's docs) and e.g. the Wikipedia article Typical boundaries of primitive integral types for details.


Export of the map 'elevation.dem' from the Spearfish data set:
r.out.gdal elevation.dem format=GTiff type=Int16 output=elev_dem.tif


GDAL library

Compile and install GRASS and QGIS with GDAL/OGR Plugin


r.out.arc, r.out.ascii, r.out.tiff


Markus Neteler, ITC-irst, Italy

Last changed: $Date: 2006/08/14 15:32:17 $

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