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Version: 333438 (ubuntu - 24/10/10)
Section: 1 (Commandes utilisateur)
citmail - Citadel /usr/sbin/sendmail replacementSYNOPSIS
citmail [-d] [-t] <recipientlist>DESCRIPTION
Citmail is the /usr/sbin/sendmail replacement of the citadel-suite to inject mails into the Citadel system from the commandline and the mailbody from STDIN. It uses the LMTP socket for that. Its rather simple to enable cron etc. tell you whats going on. If you need a more versatile solution, you should look at for example msmtp.OPTIONS
- SwitchResult
- -t
- to: Recipient list to send mail to
- -d
- debug; print whats going on
Unix Domain Sockets connected by citmail:- Socket namePurpose
- lmtp.socket
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